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Teen Poetry #2
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Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
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Ontario, Canada

0 posted 1999-11-23 02:11 PM

I would like to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Marilyn (as most of you already know). I am 32 years of age and am the mother of three beautiful babies. My children are 8, almost 6 and 3 years of age. I am divorced and work full time. I enjoy writing and hope to be published very soon. I work mostly with prose, for they come very naturally for me.

I adore poetry and work very hard on improving my skill. Poetry is something that I have to work on. I have to concentrate on form as well as meter. I am still learning and will continue learning until I breathe no more.

I would like to challange each of you to write a little blerb about yourself's here. This will be a way that we all have a chance to egt to know eachother a little better. You may say as little of as much about yourself as you are confortable with.

Thanks, Marilyn

© Copyright 1999 Marilyn - All Rights Reserved
since 1999-07-16
Posts 158
1 posted 1999-11-23 03:05 PM

Hi, my name is Amber, I love to write, adn find that it is my only excape from this world. Alot of the things that I write about are depressing, becuase that seems to be a constant factor in my life quite frequently. I wish to one day be published also, that many other people may be able to relate to my feelings and all teh emotions that dwell in my head. this is me signing off.

~The price of finding love is to eventually lose it. When I wish on a falling star, I wish not for material goods but to show kindness to others and be content with what the world may offer me~

~Maitay Mirabel Litton~

Junior Member
since 1999-11-21
Posts 31
Lake Lillian, MN, USA
3 posted 1999-11-23 07:57 PM

Hi everyone! My name is Kayla Peters. I live in Minnesota and have been writing since I can remeber. (I am 16) That's probably because at a young age i read published peotry and books of poems my mother had written when she was younger. (She is a talented poet and i hope she'll let me post some of my fave poems she wrote for you all to see) I just see poetry as an escape. Something I can do to express all my feelings, happy, confused, depressed, lonely, ect. in an artistic way- and i can open up so much and show deep emotions with out being too obvious. I am relatively new to this forum, but enjoy it so much i come on everyday. I have already recruited some of my poetic friends to this site. I hope it stays this way and i can continue to post my work for you all to see and reply to. Thanx!


Feel free to e-mail me. I'm always lookin for someone new to talk to. BYE!

[This message has been edited by foxy_16 (edited 11-27-1999).]

Junior Member
since 1999-11-22
Posts 12
North Dakota, USA
4 posted 1999-11-23 08:50 PM

um...i just started using this forum and i really, really like it because there is instant reply to your own poems. i can't say i've done much in poetry but it's the only way i can be myself. take right now for examply, i'm having a really bad day and then i come on here and read what everybody writes and it just makes life a lot easier!


Senior Member
since 1999-07-02
Posts 551
5 posted 1999-11-23 09:39 PM

My name is Susie. I have been writing poems for quite awhile but never let anyone read them before a few months ago. I used to write about depressing things, because I had a not so good past but now I write about more upbeat things, as I am getting a lot better everyday. I love to write and this place has been like a second home for me while a lot of stuff has been going on. I can't believe everyone here cares about everyone else so much when most of us never even met. I also wish to get published one day, but have a lot of work to do. That's about it !


Member Elite
since 1999-06-16
Posts 3850
In the space between moments
6 posted 1999-11-23 10:05 PM

I am your other moderator here in the teen forum. My name is Krista and I will be sixteen this coming Sunday. I love writing poetry and occasionally stories because they are an escape from the world and an outlet for my emotions, which I have plenty of. I am a very compassionate person, and often don't know when to say no to helping people, even when my own health and well being is at stake..(I learned that recently when I became ill). I am also pretty devoted to my friends and family, both here at passions, and in my personal life. I have an incredible boyfriend that has changed my life in so many ways also.

I too, like many of you, dream of becoming published someday...I've only been writing about a year, so I think I may have a ways to go yet. Poetry is one of my few true passions, and I love it.

*Krista Knutson*

"If my heart had wings, I would fly to you and lie beside you as you dream....." ~Faith Hill: If My Heart Had Wings~

Dusk Treader
Senior Member
since 1999-06-18
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St. Paul, MN
7 posted 1999-11-23 10:47 PM

Hello there everyone!
The name's Abrahm Simons, I live in MN, in the land of snow, and I think it's freezing my brain, and that added to the rot caused by lutefisk is pretty devastating... Seriously though, I love writing, ideas for me are hard to come by, but I find a release in writing and try to do it often (usually to no avail, but oh well!) I don't post much here, but maybe because of a certain someone's *Ahem* (Krista) encouragment, I'll write some more, I'm gonna try and hang around and reply to more work though!

By the way, I'm a huge fan of Rock, from classic, to Heavy metal, Pink Floyd to Godsmack, and I love reading of fantasy literature. I'm 16 and in high school.

"'Cause there's a hunger, a longing to escape, from the life I live when I'm awake" - Creed - "Higher"

BlOoD TiEs
Junior Member
since 1999-10-02
Posts 30
New York City
8 posted 1999-11-23 11:22 PM

Hi, I'm new here, I am 17 year old guy and live in BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. The city that never sleeps. I just started writing poetry about 4 months ago because I took a poetry class so I wouldn't have to read a novel in class. Then I got addicted and started wakin up in the middle of the night because a line comes in my head that i just have to write down because I wouldn't forgive myself for forgeting it. I am really excited about my new found hobby and look foward to reading and writing much more. I went and wrote more then a blerb, hope its ok. buh bye

Dont bet on fast horses, bet on slow rabits.

Junior Member
since 1999-11-06
Posts 21
Melbourne, Australia
9 posted 1999-11-24 12:30 PM

Hi everyone, I'm fairly new here as well, My name is Leah and I live in Australia (and NO! we don't have kangaroos in our backyards). My friends think it's funny to convince people that we have koalas and kangaroos as pets *grin*. Anyways, I'm 16 and female (if you hadn't guessed from the name)
Well, I'm a horse rider, and I'd have to say that's my true passion, I have a 3/4 Arab mare, and love sitting out in the paddocks watching her play with her mates. But I love reading poetry, and writing it too (only when it comes easily though) But I don't think I'm all that good I'll keep at it, and if anything worthy crops up, you'll be the first to see it..except maybe for my boyfriend, who has been the greatest help throughout the past year which has been hard. If i write anything disturbing, please ignore it..I'll most probably come across as down on myself.. but it was how I was brought up *grin* I'm not too happy with life, but reading some of this poetry each day help a lot. I'm most probably boring you now, so I'll just say that it was great to find this site, so I can see how other poeple my age write their feelings down.
Ta ta!

There's a pretty girl on the face of the magazine
What I see is my dirty hands turning the page

April Resi
since 1999-10-18
Posts 119
10 posted 1999-11-25 01:16 AM

Hello, my name is April, (would you ever have guessed?!?!) I am 16 years old, (17 in a week and 1/2)and I live in Alabama. (No, we are not all backwoods hicks here, I promise!) I lived in Florida since about 4th grade and just came back in time for my sophomore year. (thank goodness!)

I love writing and have always seemed to escape from my problems and my fear through it. A lot of my older poems weren't all that good, but so very depressing.... because of all of the depression and the hurt that went on during those years in FL. I can't seem to write when it doesn't just flow.... so if I am depressed, I write. And Jeez do I write!!! (filled and entire notebook in a day once--- I was very p*ssed!)But now all of my writing is much more happy! ;Þ Sometimes I just feel like I am bursting with emotion and I have to let it our somehow or explode! So I listen to music (anything from classical to alternative rock, which is my fave) and write.

My hobbies are my music, (playing and listening to it)writing, chasing around little brothers ::grins::, plotting to get my way behind my dad's back, (heheh being daddy's little girl comes in handy!! j/k!)spending time with my family and friends, and being with Tony as much as possible.
And those are my inspirations for all that I do, including my poetry. So if you can't figure out what one of them means, it's more than likely about one of them, or about me whinning about something!!! ::grins::

Well...that's a little more than I intended to write... oh well, you'll live! That's me to you later

------------------ your eyes, I see my future in an instant,
And there it goes, I think I found my best friend...

Junior Member
since 1999-11-02
Posts 36
chicago, Ill-na, u.s.a.
11 posted 1999-11-25 01:31 AM

hello all! My name is R.t. but this very talented wonderful person i met decided on calling me "Red" so i though what the heck? and stuck to it(and i am female...)...i live in a lil' subarb offa Chicago.....what fun....and i absolutely love poetry....yeah it's kinda like a passion....hmmmm...yes....people that i know...think i'm on something...i can't help it if im silly! I love music....playing the guitar and writing peotry help me get my feelings out...for i am overall depressed person...cept when im "on something" and then ....we don't wanna go there....usually my poems get confuzing cuz i get confuzed a lot...oh well...das life....and i like all sortssa muzic...mostly Rock and Alternative...KoRn, Limp Bizkit, Creed, ect... so yeah...das my lil' ditty on going now...take care all...i hope to read lottsa mucho great peoms from you all~ok fine i'll write up some of mine as well......bye bye for now

~if it's perfection you beleive in my friend...then you must beleive in something that does not exist...???~

Junior Member
since 1999-11-25
Posts 16
Aurora, NE
12 posted 1999-11-25 02:13 AM

Hi! My name is Melissa Ramsour. I am 18 years old and I live in Aurora, Nebraska. I am a senior in high school and I'm involved with almost everything at AHS! I love to write and I wish I had much more time to do it. This is my first visit here, but I love reading everyone's poetry and I am sure that I'll be back a lot!


New Member
since 1999-11-24
Posts 9
13 posted 1999-11-25 11:44 AM

Hi my name is megs and im am a 16 yaer old softmore at lake braddock high school in springfeild va. I loev to write poetr because i feel that it is the best way to exsprece your true feeling on a subject. i love poetry and have been writing it for awhile. I amd still younge so i have alot to learn so if you read any of my poetry please exsprece your feelings on the subject to me.
New Member
since 1999-11-17
Posts 6
14 posted 1999-11-25 06:23 PM

hey folks. im pretty much a newcomer to the world of poetry, but i'm just starting to get my head together again after having a bit of a burnout for the last couple of years.poetry seems to be a great way of unloading excess mental baggage, and i'm amazed at the way it seems to be expanding my mind at the same time.
i live in the UK so if there are any bits of slang you dont get feel free to bring it up and i'll try to iron things out for you. i work full time and spend my spare time playing pool or clubbing it with my mates at the weekends.
p.s - you can call me Al!


Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
Posts 2621
Ontario, Canada
15 posted 1999-11-26 10:52 AM

I would like to thank all of you for posting a bit about yourself here. I would like us to feel comfortable with eachother. I personally think of Passions as a family. I would like our teen forum to feel that way as well. Please continue to converse with eachother and myself.

Let's Play safe and have some fun!!

Blue Eyed Wanderer
since 1999-09-26
Posts 84
Rhode Island, US
16 posted 1999-11-26 02:00 PM

Hey everyone! I'm Jess. I don't post all that much, and when I do, its not always in the same forum, so you probably haven't seen that much of me. I'm tryin to post and reply more though! Well, I live in the most boring place you can imagine, Portsmouth, Rhode Island. I like reading and writing poetry, taking karate classes, being with my friends, and lovin my boyfriend Justin. Everyone thinks I'm crazy because i'm not exactly "emotionally stable" as many would say, but I have my reasons. Well, that's it for now! Buh byes everyone!


Junior Member
since 1999-11-26
Posts 26

17 posted 1999-11-26 02:40 PM

Hi! My name is Laura and I'm 13 years old. I really like to write stories and poem because it gives me a chance to be creative and express myself. I'm a new member to Passions in Poetry. So far I've posted two poems, one in the Teen Poetry#2 Forum and one in the Open Poetry#4, in case you would like to read them. I also like to read, draw, talk on the phone, and hang out with my friends. From what I've read in the Teen Poetry#2 Forum so far, everyone seems to have a lot of potential in writing, and I look forward to reading more of your work


New Member
since 1999-11-09
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Kittanning, Pa USA
18 posted 1999-11-29 08:17 PM

Hello, my name is Kaila and I am 14 years old.. I just started writing poetry this year with the lose of a best freind and when a guy hurt me very badly. all of this came at me at once and the only way I could deal with it was write. I love to write poetry now even though it isnt all that good! well I will keep writing if you all keep reading!! *bYe*ByE*
Junior Member
since 1999-11-27
Posts 22
Hershey, PA, USA
19 posted 1999-11-29 09:06 PM

hi everyone. i am 15 and my name is jeremy, and it seems i am one of the few guys on here. i have just become interested in writing poetry a week or two ago, and i write some depressing poetry, but i think there is enough of that around and i try to focus on the positive and write some uplifting, happy stuff. anyway, thanx to you all for writing your great poetry!
New Member
since 1999-11-28
Posts 7

20 posted 1999-11-29 09:27 PM

Hello, boys and ghouls. My name is Leper. I am a strange, lizard-like creature. I live in the nether-regions of Hell. My hobbies include devouring my unborn siblings and insane experiments...but I usually just lurk. I consider myself the Leper-King of Literature, and am here to observe the patterns of teenage writing in human specimens. Thank you for making the experiment quite interesting.


Junior Member
since 1999-11-26
Posts 27
Adams, Wi U.S.A
21 posted 1999-11-29 11:39 PM

Hey name is Krista my friends call me 17 and live in a small town in Wisconsin....i love to write and party doesnt matter where or when if i think of something cool i write it down..ive always loved it...but just recently ive started showing my poems and short storys to very unsure if my writing is good or bad...thats why i need ure feedback...i write to vent and get feelings out...thats why some of it is crazy but its sorda self writing everyone cause i enjoy all ure poems...

~lifes a journey not a destination...~

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
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since 1999-11-02
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Torrington, Ct, Usa
22 posted 1999-11-30 12:10 PM

Hi, im kevin, im 17 and im a alcoholic, oops sorry wrong forum =)

nah but seriously, ive been coming to passions for about a month now and love it. Some of the intellect and understanding i find here can not be matched anywhere else.
But sinceim supposed to be talking about me =)
i live in a small town in the connecticut hills, its a old mill town that brings in no money and seems to poor every penny into the local taverns, i hate this place, i cant wait to leave this place next year, untill then i loose myself in my poetry, its my safehaven of serenity =) and it has become the very essence of who i am, anyways thats me in a nutshell, no wait this is me in a nutshell, help im trapped in a nutshell (slightly borrowed line) OK BYE HEHE

Junior Member
since 1999-07-26
Posts 28
23 posted 1999-11-30 04:39 PM

hello everyone i am 17 and i live in Minnesota, by rochester if youve heard of it. i love sports, our v-ball team got pretty far this year. umm.... i just got back from Norway i was there for two weeks. it was a school program, kindda like those foreign exchange things, me and 7 friends and 1 supervisor. i had the time of my life!! i dont think that im that good at writing poetry i havent found a good way of expressing it on paper yet. i use to be REALLY depressed until about two months ago ive gotten better, i was really down for about 2 years. i always write poems when i have time but i never get the courage to actually post it i keep changing it. i love reading all of your guys poems though they are excellent!! sorry if i dont reply to many its just hard to do it to everyone that i like cause they are all good! i hope that i will start posting some pretty soon. feel free to email me if you like, im always willing to talk when i have the time

"Rely on your instincts and trust your heart."

Bright Melody
Junior Member
since 1999-11-06
Posts 37
O'Fallon Illinois
24 posted 1999-12-01 10:16 PM

Hi, my name is Eden. I'm 16 and I live in O'Fallon Illinois about 15 miles out of St. Louis. I love to read poetry and I try to reply to as many as I can. I try to write, but it's not very good so I mostly just read what you have to say.

Never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

Junior Member
since 1999-11-26
Posts 32
25 posted 1999-12-02 12:52 PM

well you and everyone else who has read and replied knows sorta' what i'm going through right now
My name is stephani and i have never written any type of poetry unitl 8 days ago when my problems were getting worse and i had no one to talk to
i'm not a good english student so my stuff isn't like anyone elses
this forum is about all i have at the moment until my best-friend audrey comes home for christmas
anyway i'm 17 and i'll be 18 on 12-22
my life has always been a mix of ups and downs
nothing has ever gone the way i have ever wanted it to
it's like god put me here to punish me and everyone else around me
the more i'm hurt the more everyone i know gets annoyed
i can't trust any of them anymore
i'm from massachusetts
i'm a frshaman in college
i'm hoping to go to boston in the fall and continue to major in physical therapy
i want to thank you and everyone else who has replied to SOME of my stuff

"A true friend will always stay a friend
No matter if you feel as though the friendship or relationship is about to end."

Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
Posts 2621
Ontario, Canada
26 posted 1999-12-02 01:54 PM

Steph....I try to reply to as many pieces I can. I can not reply to everything..I have a full time job and 3 children to take care of.

I know that you are going through a lot of stuff right now. It is difficult when in the middle of it all. Find the strength in you. Please understand that I DO understand your pain. I do not know your situation but I come from a divorce (years of abuse by someone who was supposed to love me). You need to find your strength in you, that is the only place it is.

If you need to talk to me...feel free to e-mail me at [email protected].

since 1999-09-20
Posts 316
Jasper, Alabama U.S.A.
27 posted 1999-12-02 06:27 PM

Sorry! Double post.

[This message has been edited by Lynn (edited 12-02-1999).]

since 1999-09-20
Posts 316
Jasper, Alabama U.S.A.
28 posted 1999-12-02 06:35 PM

Hello, my name is Jennifer (my friends call me Gin) and I'm a passions-aholic. I'm 15, 16 on Jan.
10. I live in Alabama. I ditto what April said about people from here. We are not, I repeat are NOT all back-wood hicks. I enjoy writing poetry as a release of my problems and thoughts. It relaxes me.
I'm a Capricorn.
I'm a sophmore at Curry High School, a somewhat above average student.
I don't post much in this forum, but I plan on starting. Mostly I post in Open Poetry. Well, I guess that's about all.

If time cannot heal your pain, you can always cry on my shoulder. ~Jenn~

[This message has been edited by Lynn (edited 12-02-1999).]

Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
Posts 2621
Ontario, Canada
29 posted 2000-01-19 10:35 PM

Just bumping this up for the newer members.
since 1999-12-02
Posts 443
30 posted 2000-01-19 10:55 PM

Wow... I remember reading this when I first came here.  I guess I'll reply to it now.  I'm a 19 year old male and I live in Massachussetts.  I work as a FireFighter and spend most of my time working and doing school work. However, I always find time to write about things in my life and others too. I'm single and I'm a Vergo.  Anyway,  I feel better now that I got that out of the way.  How about you new members that joined not to long ago and aren't on this list?
since 2000-01-19
Posts 194
Massachusetts ~USA~
31 posted 2000-01-19 11:19 PM

Hey I'm Stephani~the same Stephani from up above. For some reason I couldn't get back my old name BACK. I don't know what went wrong. Anyway...everything is just about the same for me. I'm coping with my father's death better, and I now have an X-bestfriend (if anyone wants to read anything I wrote from before, go back about 60 days (it's either 8 or 9 I think). My guy problems are FINALLY getting better, but he still doens't get me sometimes (no offense or nothing) But I guess it's because he's JUST A GUY!  

PS: thank you for the "card" Marilyn :>

"A true friend will always stay a friend
whether or not you feel as though the friendship or relationship is about to end."

Senior Member
since 2000-01-10
Posts 682
San Jose, CA, USA
32 posted 2000-01-19 11:53 PM

Well geeze, I didnt even know that this thread existed, till steph brought it to the top  
My name is Travis Welton, I am a 17 year old high school senior. I just recently became interested with poetry, and it seems to have very quickly taken over my life   I am an internet junky, and horribly single. I have recently been pining for the affection of someone at my school, with only heartache in return, which has proven to be wonderful fuel for my poetry. I am an honors student, but also a slacker who does the minimum amount of work to pass. I am manic depressive. I have had a pretty troubled life up till now, sinking as low as to carve the word "alone" into my arm with a compass(math compass, not navigational compass) Poetry is a great outlet for me, allowing me to dispose of pent up emotions that otherwise would build up and eat away at me. geeze, I guess thats about all there is for now, heh

 I am not a poet, I am merely one who speaks in emotion

since 1999-11-23
Posts 120
33 posted 2000-01-19 11:56 PM

Hey waz up everybody! My names Dean as you may already know. I enjoy writing poetry because it is one of my ways of expressing my anger, pain , love ect. I am 15 and have lived a very hard life.Thats why alot of my poems speak of pain and are very deppressing. although my soul is young. I hope that when you guys read my poety you can feel it cause then I know I Have succeded!! Alot of of my poems are about realation ships well because I love girls!!

 "Live to love or why live at all"
Deano :)

since 1999-12-02
Posts 148
Fredonia, NY USA
34 posted 2000-01-20 11:36 AM

Hey everyone! I didn't even know this existed either.  Well..hi!  I'm Sarah...I'm going to be 19 in a little over two weeks.  I'm a freshman in college in western ny, at a college no one has ever heard of.     I've been writing poems for a few years now, mostly just in my journal, when I needed some way to express myself.  I had never shared my poems with anyone until a friend sent me a link to this forum.  It's really been great getting almost automatic feedback to things I was feeling, and there's something comforting about having perfect strangers understand you and try and give you hope when things aren't going so well.  Thank you to everyone on this forum!  

Also...I'd love to get to know some of you if you want, feel free to email me!  [email protected].  

since 2000-01-03
Posts 56

35 posted 2000-01-20 06:35 PM

Hey, my name is Ruby and i'm 15 years old.  I've been writing for awhile now...but i've just started to seriously think about having a career of writing.  I write whatever's on my mind, and sometimes, when my friends tell me what's bothering them...i write about it, and send it to them. Writing helps me deal with my problems, in emptying them out of the bottle.  Instead of poems, i sometimes just write about things that i know other people have on their mind.  Besides for writing i love music, listening, playing, etc.  I play alto and bari sax and french horn...and soon to be melli. I love this forum, because i can relate to alot of the poems on here.  

 "It's my heart that pounds beneath my flesh
it's my mouth that pushes out this breath..."-FTE

since 1999-11-09
Posts 378
California! Yeah! Okay, I'm done now
36 posted 2000-01-20 10:33 PM

Hey everyone!

   Wow.  Nice to suddenly know more about the people on here more.  Guess I'll introduce myself.
   I'm 15, the name's Tiffany and my poetry probably runs along a pessimistic streak towards unrequited love.  I live in CA.  I speak some French, understand Chinese, and just your regular girl who loves to write anything.  Several bad experiences with guys in general have probably affected my writing tremendously.  But all's well; I get some closure from my writing and from the wonderful people who read and reply to those works.
    I guess that's about it.


 "Sometimes stars can only be seen in darkness."

"Sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things."

The Mike Sacks
since 1999-08-29
Posts 129
brooklyn ny
37 posted 2000-01-20 10:48 PM

Hi Im Mike,
Im an OKAY writer i guess,im 15 and from ny,and really tired right now so G'night all

since 1999-06-21
Posts 75
Florissant, Missouri, USA
38 posted 2000-01-21 01:09 AM

Hi my name is Jamie.  I am 17.   I love writing.  I find it is my only way of expressing my feelings.  I love being with people, esp. my boyfriend.  I love singing, music, and hockey.  My poems come from my heart and are about my life.  They are something that I am very proud of and hope to one day publish them.
Deputy Moderator 5 Tours
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since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697

39 posted 2000-01-21 11:55 AM

Hi everyone! I'm Erica, a 15 year old from West Virginia. I haven't been writing poetry very long, but writing, reading, and dreaming are my great escapes. My dream car in the new VW bug, and I'm a hopeless romatic (thus=LoveBug). I have had a poem published once, when I was a child. I hope to be published again, though. My dreams are to have the one I love (and write most of my poems for), to live in Paris, and to have my bug! J'espère que nous soyons des amis proches!

 "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world"

Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
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since 2000-01-17
Posts 794
In His Arms, Harpers Ferry, WV
40 posted 2000-01-21 12:07 PM

Hi every one! I am a 17 year old from west virginia, ive been writing short stories since i was 8, and ive been writing poetry since i was 12...I am a Jr. at Jefferson High, in Jefferson county west virginia, my boyfriend grauated last year, and in now in The Navy, and is stationed in Connecticut, which is why alot of my lastest poems are about distance  


Junior Member
since 2000-01-15
Posts 13

41 posted 2000-01-21 06:28 PM

Hi every one,
my names danielle Im 15 from New York.I've loved poetry and writing sense I read my first romance book.Im the worst speller, I  love horses and all animals(i want to be a vet).Im the shyest person you will probebly ever meet (why I dont post my poetry).

e-mail me if you need a friend b/c I know how to lisen (I get that from my mom)

Senior Member
since 1999-12-04
Posts 549
new orleans
42 posted 2000-01-21 08:59 PM

Me: In Free Verse

hopeless romantic
(emphasis on the hopeless)
college student lethargy
crappy poet/ lover's heart
kiss me, Leah -- I dont bite
sailor mercury in a silver dress
wyle old fox -- dont eat my socks
simple sonnets & budding beat
they might be giants
but mabye they're not
spyder -- he is our hero

sincerely (no, i'm not on drugs -- i swear):
jerome the boy with no brain

 A savage place! as holy and enchanted
As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted
By woman wailing for her demon-lover!

Junior Member
since 1999-07-28
Posts 46
New York, N.Y. USA
43 posted 2000-01-21 10:52 PM

Hi every1, my name is Shenika, I'm 16 years old, and i live in NY.I've lived here all of my life and i'll probably will never leave. I've been visiting this site 4 a while and i love it. I love the positive attitude that every1 has and how open-minded u all are. I've been writing poetry for about 6 years. I took a 3 year course on writing but recently i've been slacking off. A lot of my poems come from personal experiences, and i feel great when i express them in a creative way.Anyways, I hope to c more beautiful poetry from u all.


Junior Member
since 2000-01-22
Posts 23
44 posted 2000-01-22 02:09 AM

i've been writing poems for a while now but this is the first time i've been in passionate forums. i think poetry is a great way to express your feelings and that i hope all of the poets-profesional or non profesional-out there should keep up the good work. its nice to know so many people are so talented.

Senior Member
since 2000-01-13
Posts 528
North Carolina
45 posted 2000-01-22 07:51 PM

Hey, well my name is Meredith, and I live in Texas...but I don't live on a farm, I don't own cows, and I never use the phrase "yee-haw!" Well I've been writing since I was little, stories and poems. I feel I can express myself better through poetry than any other way, although I've never seriously considered it as a profession or anything.  I'm more interested in journalism. But I've enjoyed being part of this group and reading oher's work and such. It's very encouraging. Bye for now.
since 1999-12-04
Posts 202

46 posted 2000-01-23 10:59 AM

Hello everybody! My name is Vreni and I live in a VERY (emphasize the very) provincial town in Western New York.  I just turned 16, and am a senior in high school.  I'll hopefully be attending McGill University (tis in Montreal), majoring in Neurology.  Umm..let's see..what else? I don't post very much work, simply because poetry is a way for me to express depression and pain, and I'm a fairly happy child with a wonderful life (for which I'm quite thankful).  I adore this forum, simply because it contains brilliant work from some very talented writers. :.) In any event, my hobbies include fencing, downhill skiing, volunteering w/ Habitat for Humanity, doing other various community service activities, interning in the local ER, as well as world travel. (So many places, so little time! :.) )   Well, this short little "blurb" has become slightly more than that.... Adios.

Junior Member
since 2000-01-22
Posts 13
47 posted 2000-01-23 12:53 PM

Hey! Everyone calls me Dez, but my name is actually Desiree. Call me like ya want. I live in Arkansas. Yah, in the country, and my dad is a farmer. I have been making up poetry my whole life. I never wrote any of it down until last year when my grandpa passed away. I started writing even more and sharing it with my friends. They liked it, and encouraged me to keep writing. I just always write about what's on my mind. And I found this forum and thought it would be a great way to get to read other poetry and share mine with others. I want to know what people think about my poems. Positive or negative. Thanx.

Star Fairy 2
since 1999-09-06
Posts 260
cerritos, california, usa
48 posted 2000-01-23 01:41 PM

well hi..
i've been at the forum for quite awhile now actually.. just never got around to posting about me.. except for the forum's old moderator ryan... but that was a long time ago.. show's how long i been here huh?.. ok well i'm 17 and 5 months exactly today... and i live in LA (seems to be a first for this forum) its a wonderful city but i need to get outta of it hee hee  
umm.. i'm a senior in high school.. i'm graduatin june 16 2000 and you are all invited to see me graduate    i recently (like 6 months ago) broke up with my first boyfriend/first love... and lot of my poems are about him and the relationship and everything i learned from that experience.. and i try to reply to everyone's poems as much as i can.. if you go back a long long time (like last year if you can) you can see poems posted by star fairy (the first one) and princessdoo (that was also me) ... i guess that'z about it...

 Regret for things you did maybe tempered by time, regret for things you Didn't do, however, is inconsolable...

Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
Posts 2621
Ontario, Canada
49 posted 2000-02-02 09:53 PM

bumping this for the new members.  
Senior Member
since 1999-12-03
Posts 872
just about where I want to be
50 posted 2000-02-03 11:24 AM

Well..hi! My name is Lavada. As you can see..I've been a member since December of '99. I'm in college, and I'm 18 years old. I live in arkansas..and have since i was 1 second old   To contrast Meredith living in Texas, I live next to a farm, the farm has cows, and i think I'll start using the phrase "yee-haw" can tell I am from Arkansas on some of my poems I have been posting..the "ya'll" gives it away   . I have been in college for 7 months now, and the classes are alot harder than high school..let me tell ya!   Um...I started writing poetry when I was in the 11th grade. I wrote a poem for my classmates..and i'e been writing ever since!   my sister..(chic) has recently started writing poems..maybe she will introduce herslef too. Also, a friend of mine..Jytree, started posting his poems. Ya'll will like them...check it out   well..I've wasted enough of ya'lls time...I gotta write   ..Love ya'll!

p.s: Stephani..I'm majoring in Physical Therapy too!  


                                                   "Superiority to fate is difficult to learn. 'Tis not conferred by any, but possible to earn"--Emily Dickinson-"Superiority of Fate"

[This message has been edited by sweetcollege_girl (edited 02-03-2000).]

Junior Member
since 2000-01-26
Posts 31

51 posted 2000-02-03 11:56 AM

Hi everyone!  I'm a 17 year old female from somewhere that calls 'soda' -  POP.  *hehe*    What fun, eh?  (Yeah, I say that too!).  Anyways...  my father is a poet, my boyfriend is a poet, sadly... I can't claim that title.  I am a teenager in training... looking for all the help I can get. :>  It's been great getting to know everyone through their work.  


since 2000-01-26
Posts 245
yellville, Ar, U.S.
52 posted 2000-02-03 02:57 PM

HI! My name is Barbara and I am a ditz!  oops I wasn't supposed to tell ya'll that was I     

O.k. this is it My name is Barbara, my sis is scg and she's a goober and knows it, but denies it   anyway I turned 20 last Friday and feel the same and no older  . I go to NAC college in Harrison, Arkansas and I am majoring in being a smart*** not really actually I'm majoring in Child Psychology. I am recently engaged   and I totally adore my fiance'.  Ummmmm...

"That's all I have to say...about that."

[This message has been edited by chic (edited 02-03-2000).]

since 2000-01-26
Posts 245
yellville, Ar, U.S.
53 posted 2000-02-03 02:59 PM

HI! My name is Barbara and I am a ditz!  oops I wasn't supposed to tell ya'll that was I     

O.k. this is it My name is Barbara, my sis is scg and she's a goober and knows it, but denies it   anyway I turned 20 last Friday and feel the same and no older  . I go to NAC college in Harrison, Arkansas and I am majoring in being a smart*** not really actually I'm majoring in Child Psychology. I am recently engaged   and I totally adore my fiance'.  Ummm...

"That's all I have to say...about that."

[This message has been edited by chic (edited 02-03-2000).]

Senior Member
since 1999-12-03
Posts 872
just about where I want to be
54 posted 2000-02-03 03:05 PM

Senior Member
since 2000-01-28
Posts 781

55 posted 2000-02-03 04:44 PM

Hey....I'm Salma and I'm 14, a freshman in highschool. My name may sound like a pretty weird name cause I'm actaully Egyptian. I was born in Egypt and moved here when i was around 6 so I've been studing English for a while and writing as well. I've been writing stories and such since I was very young, but i just recently tried out poetry and find it very relaxing. I also love soccer, i'm a huge I Love Lucy fan,i love old American classic movies, and much more. Well that's about it. You can visit my webpage for more you know! Enjoy and see ya soon!

Salma K.

since 2000-01-31
Posts 228

56 posted 2000-02-03 05:05 PM

Hey, my name is Crystal. I am 17 year old and a senior in high school. I work part time and  also do alot of community activities. I love to write poetry but don't do it often. When I do, people htat are close to me are not allwoed to read it -- only anonymous people in the land of the internet  )
I've been going through alot lately, a pretty nasty break up and all but am starting to get back on my feet.
Email me sometime ([email protected]) b/c I love having new people to talk to.

-- Crysta.

 "The worst of what people do to one another is deceive.
Because when you love someone you control their version
of reality. If you lie to them that's like making them
autistic so that what they believe is reality is in fact,
not their true situation at all.

since 2000-01-14
Posts 478
57 posted 2000-02-03 06:38 PM

My name is Kristi Stanczak, I'm 17, and a Senior at Bonduel High School (WI).  I've been writing poetry off and on for 3 years, and I love being able to post it for everyone to read.  I'd very much like to have something published someday, and hope it'll happen.  I recently broke up with my boyfriend, but I'm having fun being single, though it hurts sometimes. I have the name angel 'cuz it was my nickname, but it's soon to be changed to fallen_angel, so everyone knows.  
~Kristi Lynn

 "Why does no one sees how hard I cry?" -Me

since 1999-08-25
Posts 176
58 posted 2000-02-03 09:48 PM

Hey everybody.
My name is Jeanna. I'm 16 a junior in high school. I live in Indiana. I enjoy writing poetry. I find it as a way to express my feelings. I've been writing since I was 13. I've really enjoyed this site and reading everyone elses poems. There are some really talented people on here. I am glad to see more people joining. Well I have to go.

bye bye,



since 2000-02-03
Posts 129
South Pasadena, CA
59 posted 2000-02-04 12:16 PM

How's it goin?
My name is Trevor(nickname is Watts). I live in West Covina, Ca. I'm 18 and in my second semester of college at Mt. SAC. I recently got into this whole poetry gig. It's pretty cool so far. I don't write much. In fact, I don't write that well either. Anyways, I'm really into music (guitar, bass and drums) and reading. I like to kick back and go to the occasional party. I'm as single as can be so any of you available girls out there want to send me an email, my emails below. If you want you can check out my web site at  If there's anything else that I forgot, email me at [email protected] and I'll gladly answer any of your questions.

[This message has been edited by trevorskogsbergh (edited 02-18-2000).]

since 2000-01-14
Posts 478
60 posted 2000-02-04 09:33 AM

Hi all!  My name is Kristi Lynn Stanczak (I always sign my middle name), I'm 17, and a senior at Bonduel High School (WI).  I'm horribly single as well as a good number of you who also said you are, but I don't actually care all too much, 'cuz I just got out of a relationship that's lasted for almost 2 years.  I'm having fun meeting new people and just dating.  I've been writing poetry for about 2 years, but I like my more recent stuff more than the old ones I wrote.  Poetry, for me is the easiest way to express myself, because I've been suffering from depression for the last 2-3 years.  I can't really talk about my feelings, so I put them into words.  Anyhoo, I've probably taken up enough space here now, so I'll be going.  Feel free to e-mail me, 'cuz I think it would be nice to meet some new people with some of the same interests as me.
~Kristi Lynn  

 "Why does no one sees how hard I cry?" -Me

since 2000-01-14
Posts 478
61 posted 2000-02-04 04:23 PM

Hi, it's Kristi again.  I actually read some of what people put in here this time, since I had time to read them before going home from school for the day.  Anyhoo, jerome, I don't know why you think you're not a good poet, 'cuz you are, and everytime you post something, it shows.  Or are you just trying to get attention?  If so, you sound like me, only I do that with my singing.  *Sly Grin*  

But, I thought I'd just say that I love reading everyone's poetry here, and I hope that some of you will take the time to read mine.  I don't have the time to reply to everyone's, but I try to do my best.  I've liked almost everything I've read here at Passions so far.

I'm suprised at how well everyone gets along, though, and I hope to join in the little circle of everyone joking around a little bit better than I do now.  Like someone said earlier, it's suprising that everyone cares so much for everyone else.  I want to thank everyone for all their support when I was having boyfriend problems, and now that I'm having problems with one of my close friends.  It means a lot to me.

~Kristi Lynn

 "Why does no one sees how hard I cry?" -Me

Senior Member
since 1999-12-04
Posts 549
new orleans
62 posted 2000-02-04 04:39 PM

angel: i posted that a long time ago *heh*... when i first started coming the the teen forum... i dont think i'm a bad poet... i just know i'm not a good one  

interesting note on my poem above: wyle fox is the name of my roomate...

jerome the boy with no brain

 A savage place! as holy and enchanted
As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted
By woman wailing for her demon-lover!

since 1999-12-02
Posts 443
63 posted 2000-02-15 12:45 PM

Bumping up for new members!


since 2000-02-07
Posts 317
New Orleans, Louisiana
64 posted 2000-02-15 01:35 PM

yes, my name is rich-pa and i am form an elite faction sent from the moon to settle your planet.  we are going to leave flags, cars, and footprints all over the place and we are going to start with jerome's forehead.

but seriously, i'm a wayward beat-knight of the fin on the  most perilous quest of saving 'the pink flamingo of power' from the 'lawn dwarves of destruction'.  i write poetry in my free time(being a beat and all)

Senior Member
since 1999-12-04
Posts 549
new orleans
65 posted 2000-02-16 12:17 PM

rich-pa: you son of a gun!! and all the time i thought that was just a really big pockmark!! um.. so exactly who's been deployed on my forehead? the flamingos haven't arrived yet, have they? *hides*

jerome the melancholy priest

 Disarm you with a smile
And leave you like they left me here
To wither in denial
The bitterness of one who's left alone
--[billy corgan]--

Junior Member
since 2000-02-16
Posts 23
Peoria, Arizona, United States
66 posted 2000-02-16 02:01 PM

Hi I amm Stacye!!  I am 15 years old and have actually only been writting poetry seriously for a short time.  When I was younger I would write a poem just because I needed to say something but I never paid much attention to it as poetry.  I know have a Journal I use to keep all my poetry in.  I have only this journal for about a month.  I also write down in it poems that I really like.  Recognizing the writters ofcourse.  If you don't mind I would like to continue to do that but will write you an e-mail for permission first.  Thank You for your time!

-Stacye Walters-

since 2000-02-07
Posts 317
New Orleans, Louisiana
67 posted 2000-02-16 03:00 PM

jerome, the flamingoes are the good guys ad besides, they're not from the moon, we are the people from the moon, well not ya'll but us over here, see us?  good.  we have these little cars and flags to put on earth and we started with your forehead, it just seemed like  a good landing spot.  sorry.  we won't leave a big mess and we promise not to throw refuse in your mouth while you sleep...anymore.  deal?  good.
Junior Member
since 2000-02-10
Posts 39
68 posted 2000-02-16 10:45 PM

My name is Rachel. I live in Indiana.  I'm a senior this year and I really am not looking forward to graduating.  I love all my friends and hate leaving.  I guess I'm just scared and sad.  I'm 17 yrs old and haven't had much experience at all with writing poetry, but I love reading it, so I love Passions. Thank you everyone for being so kind.
Danny Holloway
Member Elite
since 2000-01-15
Posts 2034
Tulsa, OK
69 posted 2000-02-19 01:00 PM

Marilyn, I have really enjoyed reading about the members of this forum.  There is a lot of talent here and so much personal expression.  
I want you to know I think your doing a great job.  You try to help so many and keep up with all you have to do.  
Your a big inspiration to present and future poets!
Thanks for your e-mail!
Best wishes

Senior Member
since 2000-01-28
Posts 781

70 posted 2000-02-26 11:42 AM

Bumping it up for our man new members.


 "Not all the answers lie within your realm or mine, they lie within the borders."

Junior Member
since 2000-02-25
Posts 11

71 posted 2000-02-26 12:10 PM

Hi! I'm Sidney, i'm 12 years old. I just started an interest in Poetry this past year, but always have had an interestin in writing. I have recently posted 3 poems in the forums. I'm in seventh grade so- most of them are related to younger kids. I'm publishing in Teens, cuz that's what I mostly relate to. Friendship is very important to me, and so, that's what I write. I wirte as it comes to mind.
Sidney Richardson, 12 years old.

Junior Member
since 2000-02-24
Posts 27
LaCrosse WI, United States
72 posted 2000-02-26 03:32 PM

Hi Everyone!
My name is Sara, obviously.  I'm 19 and a freshman at UW-LaCrosse in Wisconsin.  I have been writing for a while but until I posted, no one had ever read it.  I didn't want anyone to read them and tell me they suck.  I wrote to get things out that I couldn't explain to my friends.  I love posting on here.  The replies are great and I love getting comments and pointers from all of you.  

since 2000-01-14
Posts 478
73 posted 2000-03-02 04:13 PM

Just bumping this up for those of you who haven't seen it yet...    
since 2000-02-15
Posts 103
Cecil, Wisconsin USA
74 posted 2000-03-02 08:07 PM

Hi! I'm 16 years old and I go to school with Kristi and sunshine17 (Gina)! I'm a Sophmore. I have been writing poetry for about 3 or 4 years and I am greatful for everyone who replied to my poems so THANK YOU!!! is quite and accomplishment to have three kids and raise them all and still have time to come on netpoets and be as kind as to reply really nice things to people. Your poetry is great and you are a really nice person..keep writing and maybe one day your kids will thank you for being such a strong and great mother!!! Cookies for you!!

Love ya!,
~JeNnYeMeShAn~    <----I love this guy!

 "If thou can wait then thou shall stay"
-Destiny's Child

Paul Hoekman
since 1999-12-28
Posts 382
Harwinton Ct. U>S>A>
75 posted 2000-03-03 10:42 AM

chocolate chip I hope.
Hey Marilyn,
What a great place you have here,
how did I get so caught up in one room
Open #5 for so long I don't know.
I guess I can chalk it up to growing
into the full forum experience.
If you want to know more about me
the best way would be through my web page.
In short:37 3girls 7,4,6 months the best wife
Earthman Landscapes I was for 16 years
Recreation Programs Director and Coordinator basketball,skiing, skating,Pool Director etc.
for the past 5+ and now looking into
Youth Ministries. MYSTERIOUS WAYS!
Thanks for being so wonderful to do what
you are doing and keep it up!
Oh and guiding me here.

Member Elite
since 2000-01-18
Posts 4713
76 posted 2000-03-04 07:27 PM


tracie66 33/1 husband/1 beautiful daughter 11y/ works fulltime and loves this place
I too don't know why I got stuck in the adult forum for so long, I agree there is so much talent here and they are all insipring young poeple. I think more of us adults should be taking a little time to read what these young poeple have to say and give them some encouragement along the way.  
Thanks Marilyn LoL tracie

 Keep all the windows of your mind open
Anne Rooks

since 2000-02-21
Posts 76
77 posted 2000-03-05 01:10 AM

My name is Tara and I live in northern Minnesota.  I have been writing poetry for five years and i am now 16.  Three of my poems have been published and i've been invited to go places for it and stuff like that.   i absolutely love writing, it's the only way i'm completely honest.  Although poetry is a love of mine, i have to say i love to sing more.  it's what i'd like to do with my life and i don't care if i'm famous as long as i'm singing.  so that's a little bit about me.  i love talking to new people so feel free to  email me or to IM me on aol.  my screen name is madonaa8.

Member Elite
since 2000-02-02
Posts 2797
78 posted 2000-03-05 05:58 PM

Hey everyone. My name is EJ and I am from Melburne, Australia. I am 15 years old and I have been writing poetry since I was 12. poetry for me, is my way of escaping from the world in which I live. Not all of my poetry is quite as morbid as it seems. There are the sudden bouts of humour (eg Ode to bec) and comedy but I tend to write with more passion. I'll look forward to reading everyones poems in the future. Take care peeps.


Oh and by the way, us Aussies do not have pet kangaroos or dingos or those damn Koala's that hurt when they claw you..

Member Elite
since 2000-01-18
Posts 4713
79 posted 2000-03-06 01:38 AM

I would like to add to EJ's post that I was glad to see another Aussie here at passions and to say I liked your last line about the kangaroos, dingo's and Koala's.   see ya Tracie

 Keep all the windows of your mind open
Anne Rooks

Danny Holloway
Member Elite
since 2000-01-15
Posts 2034
Tulsa, OK
80 posted 2000-03-06 01:07 PM

Hello everyone.  Want you to know that I enjoy reading about you. It makes reading your poetry more enjoyable.  Glad those Aussie's are here also.  I'm surprised though that everyone down under doesn't have a kangaroo.
I feel there are some wonderful young poets here.  Would like to see more responses to all of your poetry.  I know what an encouragement it can be.
About me, I'm 46, recently walked my only daughter down the marriage aisle. Most wonderful experience of my life.
To stimulate an interactive environment, I suggest that one of you issue a challenge to other young poets to write on a particular subject or using certain words that would inspire some fine poetry.  Any takers????
Best regards to all, and now, back to the top we go.

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