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Teen Poetry #2
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Junior Member
since 2000-03-26
Posts 29
Imlay City, Mi

0 posted 2000-03-26 09:51 PM

I am sick of hearing that another teen killed someone. Why don't we value life anymore? and why don't we put outr hearts in god?

I walk into school
and check out the people pool.

Then tommy pulls out a gun.
He thinks this will be fun.

He pulls the trigger
and yells "I killed a nigger."

People run and slide
looking for a place to hide.

Alone standing there him and I.
He smiles and says, "Your gonna die!"

I say to him "I am not afraid"
He says,"I will not be played."

He shoots it off at my head.
I know that soon I will be dead.

I stood tall
and took the fall.

I wispered to tommy "My god is protecting me"
he then shot me in the knee.

Melinda Hays  17yrs

Then god picked me up
Tommy looked like he would erupt.

For I died with a smile on my face.
I was being taken to gods special place.

Then tommy put the gun to his heart.
And sobbed "I am sorry! To Hell I make my start."

Tommy pulled the trigger full of shame.
But him my god didn't not blame.

Tommy's last words were "Forgive me god."
Then taking tommy's hand my god began to sob.

Why do we kill eachother.
How can you shoot another.

Jesus didn't die for this.
God's Love should be your bliss.

Stop that hate,
Before it's to late.

© Copyright 2000 Melinda Hays - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2000-01-25
Posts 2556
Floating gently on a cloud....
1 posted 2000-03-27 07:21 AM

I love this poem. I am also sick of the way people kill each other as though they don't realise the value of life. This is a great way of expressing it. Why don't you submit to a school magazine/paper if you have one. Make a statement with it. Your poetry is really brill!
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