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Open Poetry #1
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Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343
Loomis, CA

0 posted 1999-07-24 07:54 PM

'm sitting here,
thinking to myself
what happened to all I know?
Where did the laughter go
when the candyman came ringing by?
what happened to the tears
of joy that sprung from
songs so eloquently sung?
What became of the beetles,
the butterflys and the little children
that frolicked in the grass of the meadow?
What has become the fate of
the feelings of exhileration
at first love, first lust, and first frost?
Where have I put the anticipation
of laughter, of sorrow, and fear
when meeting, leaving and losing you?
I'm sitting here
thinking to myself
what happened to all I know?
I ruminate further
answer in sight
as I pour another shot.

© Copyright 1999 JP Burns - All Rights Reserved
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191
Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
1 posted 1999-07-24 08:20 PM

Well, now - this is the JP we all know and love.......

Junior Member
since 1999-07-10
Posts 30
2 posted 1999-07-24 08:24 PM

It's definitely a poem to be shared. It's great, it made me think and I thank you for that.

we can only breathe
if we bleed a little

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