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Junior Member
since 1999-07-13
Posts 21

0 posted 1999-07-14 01:44 PM

A storm of lost love, it came out tonight.
Pouring its rain of pain to make me cry
Oh please darkness leave and let in the light
Hold your demolition up in the sky.
Dear God, why must i always be so sad?
Life, a tear drop in an endless ocean
Good times are near, must i dwell on the bad
Death to me now seems a sweet salvation.
In these long nights, i've lost my will to live
If im not hurting, im in a blind rage
I am empty, there's nothing left to give
This book of life's got me stuck on one page.
I look to the heavens to help me cope
With my hands raised to the sky, is there hope?

Brock J. Glaze

[This message has been edited by brockglaze (edited 07-14-99).]

© Copyright 1999 brockglaze - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
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TEXAS (it's all big)
1 posted 1999-07-14 02:16 PM

there is hope yes i love your works thusfar
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