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Senior Member
since 1999-08-20
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0 posted 1999-09-21 07:53 PM

Maybe one or some of you saw a poem I just
wrote in Open Forum "A Member's Plea".
You may want to consider some of the
responses. My first recommendation if
possible would be a "suggestion forum"
for improvements to this website. Don't get
me wrong...I LOVE IT HERE. And all of you
do a GREAT job. But maybe a thousand ideas
could be better than 5 or 10. Especially
if you see repetition in the suggestions.
We all want PIP to stay #1!

..."to thine own self be true."
>William Shakespeare

© Copyright 1999 Julie - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
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Coastal Texas
1 posted 1999-09-21 08:47 PM

Well Julie...we already got a lot of forums, so I had always used some forums for multiple purposes. Like Feelings for not only personal views about poetry and such, but also how a certain piece made me feel (once it was buried deep within Open #1). In the same way do I use Q&A. It's not just for visitors, yanno? You have a question, or an observation or an idea. Submit it..see what happens. It could be that Ron is creating your Suggestion Forum as I type this in...he's kinda funny that way.


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Houston, TX
2 posted 1999-09-21 09:24 PM

Thanks for your response Alicat. I hope
this gets the attention it deserves...
especially from Ron.

..."to thine own self be true."
>William Shakespeare

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
3 posted 1999-09-21 09:48 PM

Check your email, Julie...
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
4 posted 1999-09-21 10:28 PM

I think you should start your suggestions... first, let me ask everyone some questions:

How do you choose a poem to read?
Do you read a newbie's poem before you read a favorite poet?
Do you read and reply to your poetry before or after you read someone else's poem?
Do you contact a poet via E-mail or ICQ and let them know you enjoyed their poem?
Do you look to see if they have a home page and then go there to check it out?

Ok..let's go! A good discussion is what we need - a little brainstorming!!

Senior Member
since 1999-08-20
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Houston, TX
5 posted 1999-09-21 11:10 PM

Thank you Ron for that great recognition.
If I may allow me to be the first to respond
to Poet's questions and my thoughts. Look
at who's being arrogant. (hee!hee!)
1. I choose poems by newcomers, and if they
have received little to no response, then
by title and author. I also have my personal
favorite poets I like to Poet for one.
2. I respond to someone that has posted
on my poem before I take a look at theirs,
but it does not always happen that way.
Sometimes I will spend time just reading
and commenting.
3. I will send e-mail occassionally. Rarely
to a new comer...I think it may seem too invasive.
4. Never have checked out a home page...
got that short attention span...who know
where I would end up.
*Now for my suggestions: I thought any if
possible would be benifical.
a. identifying newcomers on the main page
before the poetry page is opened.
b. Adding a single option to just click
to show you had been there and grading
excellent, good, etc. This allows less
time in writing a note esp. for those
who don't have the luxury of time. And
it would at least be known that poems
are being read with a little feedback.
Sorry for all the babble...have a good nite.

..."to thine own self be true."
>William Shakespeare

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669
Michigan, US
6 posted 1999-09-21 11:29 PM

a. identifying newcomers on the main page before the poetry page is opened

Done! One of the first features I added was a way to tell when someone has made their first post. Instead of the usual folders at the new site you'll see this:

b. Adding a single option to just click to show you had been there and grading excellent, good, etc.

I'd like to hear some more opinions on this one. Personally, I don't like it. Too automated. Too cold. I would rather see people take the whole one or two minutes needed to write a personal, 10 word message than have a "Kilroy was here and read your poem" button. What does everyone else think, though?

[This message has been edited by Ron (edited 09-22-1999).]

Senior Member
since 1999-08-20
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Houston, TX
7 posted 1999-09-21 11:41 PM

Ron...You are amazing! I like it!
As for option b., well I think
we should get a majority vote,
Someone else may have a
better idea.

..."to thine own self be true."
>William Shakespeare

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since 1999-06-22
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8 posted 1999-09-22 01:22 AM

I myself find this forum to be a wonderful idea. I do not think however that a grading system is wise as it deprives one of feedback and honest opinion.

Now and forever my heart hears ~one voice~.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
9 posted 1999-09-22 01:26 AM

I like the opening folder idea! (Give the man a hint and you get an invention! Amazing!)

I don't like the automated button..I think too many people would get lazy and just click their way through. Besides we want to encourage thoughtful responses!

Now for the good stuff!!!!! WELCOME to the wonderful world of way! Welcome aboard Julie!! Let me know if you have any questions! Of if you want to chat, catch me on ICQ!

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
10 posted 1999-09-22 02:07 AM

Ditto Dream Evil. I think the single click removes the emotion from what is supposed to be emotional. In my opinion, (that I share with a certain other) The word "Nice" is the worst response you can ever get. It is a poor way to respond to someone who probably put a considerable amount of effort into their work.
As far as suggestions...just waiting for the 'deer button!
Congrats Lucie!

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At the edge and a doorway,TX
11 posted 1999-09-22 04:23 AM

First off, I would like to thank Julie for the beautiful idea to start up this forum.. So many ideas so little time.. One of my ideas I see that Ron has already covered.. I like the flashing folder..

I don't get to respond to everyones post and I do visit the websites.. I know that this was just for the moderators, but I thought that I would join in too.. If there is anything that anyone needs me to do then don't hesitate to ask..

I just had one question.. I'm a celebrate kind of person.. How do we remember when a poet here has a birthday without them having to post it?

No offense to you Julie, but is there a better way than put good and excellent as the button.. That makes me think of high school and noone ever wants to see a bad on there paper.. Though I do like the one button method for us poor folks that don't have all the time to respond to everyones posts, but want to show that they did read it and enjoyed it..

I agree with Poet deVine in saying that it will make ppl lazy.. Just push a button.. I know that there are a few that will never do anything like that, but there are a few I'm sure that will.. Another thing is will ppl still read the poetry all the way through if they know that they don't have to write out an answer.. I know someone did a post in the Alley about not reading pieces and just responding to anything.. I'm sure that that piece made more ppl think.. Now that they will have a button will they stop thinking and start pushing a button?

I don't want to sound rude, but these are things that I was wondering.. Another thing that goes with this line is: Do you think that ppl will like it if someone drops in on there piece and says Kilroy was here? If you had time to put that then why don't you have time to jot down a few thoughts about the piece.. Sometimes I don't even get a chance to write I was here.. I get home, read, cook, shower, change, and then to the next job.. I'm sure that all of you understand what I mean. I was just wondering if ppl would take offense to such a short response. I don't know what to do.. HELP!!!


Live in my world just once and you'll find yourself enraptured.

[This message has been edited by Ladycat (edited 09-22-1999).]

Senior Member
since 1999-08-20
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Houston, TX
12 posted 1999-09-22 12:51 PM

DreamEvil, Poet deVine, Christopher:
Thank you for your input. This is
the reason this was set up to see
how people feel about things and
to brainstorm together. Do you guys
realize how much potential this has!
A place where we all can eliminate
our frustrations and find that others
share our feelings and work together
to make this the best place for all
of us. Our own little democracy.
Ladycat: I suggest a new post regarding
birthdays to see if there are many others
like you and ask the members on ideas
on how that could be achieved. I understand everyone's point that a "button" would
ultimately remove the personal touch. I can
really appreciate that.

..."to thine own self be true."
>William Shakespeare

[This message has been edited by Julie (edited 09-22-1999).]

Tara Simms
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Honea Path, SC USA
13 posted 1999-09-22 06:49 PM

I like the idea of the button and I don't think it will take away the personal touch. There are many good/great poems on this site. I read quite a few (though not all, who has that kind of time?). I only post responses to the ones that REALLY move me on an emotional level, the ones that touch a heartstring. It's not that the others aren't appreciated by me. If that button were available, I'd cast my vote (and there are many poems I'd cast "great" or "excellent" for) and let them know that I did appreciate it. Mainly, when I respond to a poem, I'm responding to the emotions that it evokes in me. There are so many poems with beautiful subjects, perfectly written but for whatever reason, they don't speak to me like the others. They should still be recognized.

Work like you don't need the money, love like it's never going to hurt, dance like nobody's watching.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
14 posted 1999-09-22 07:48 PM

Do we post to see how many responses we get? I think if one of my poems touches one person, it's worth it. I got a fan letter yesterday from a lady in Canada who had read one of my poems on the main site. There isn't the instant gratification there that you get here, but it's gratification of another kind. She actually had to e-mail a reply to me to tell me how the poem affected her. I loved that! I save my fan mail (yes egotistical I know) and re-read it sometimes. The letters are heartwarming and they show me that my words have made an impression. For those of you who've never posted on the main site, it's so different! I posted this poem months ago and never heard any response about it until yesterday. Instant gratification from a 'I've read your poem' is not as satisfying as a letter with personal comments about why the poem touched someone.

Senior Member
since 1999-08-20
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Houston, TX
15 posted 1999-09-23 02:21 AM

The ones like Tara that are opting for
a button, I think not to see how many
hits they are getting but because the
reader is limited on time. I know some
probably many are sneaking peeks from
work or inbetween dinner and getting
kids to bed.
Does anyone have any ideas for something
inbetween a button and nothing at all?
pretty please...this is starting to look
like a tie.

..."to thine own self be true."
>William Shakespeare

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