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Multiple Member Names.... |
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Poeminister Senior Member
since 2000-02-26
Posts 1862Regina SK; Canada |
I've noticed more poets posting with multiple member-names in the forums. Not just one or two extra, but many in some cases. I don't think it's a big deal to have one or a couple extra. But It just seems a bit awry though to note some people using/having 3, 4 or 5. Is there a way the site-system could limit the amount of handles one can sign up into? It would save some of the amount of handles available to new people from becoming used up by people who already have chosen their name. Just a suggestion... PM [This message has been edited by Poeminister (edited 06-16-2001).] |
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Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
I hear ya. Back deep into last year, there was a silly little thing called the 'Stute, and some members chose aliases just for the 'Stute....some of those still get used from time to time, like Miss Behavin, Lady in Red, Nurse Cratchett, and the Justin Clan (whole slew of 'Stute people there!). I must say it gave me a wry little grin to enter Open after a long stay in Discussion, and see Mr>Alleycat as a new member. It makes me very thankful that I selected my username when I first joined, about 2 years ago... Alicat “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Sometimes it's good to have a second name - if you want to write in a different style. But I think it can be overdone. It's a way to circumvent the 'no bump' software and a way to post a lot of poetry (though there is nothing in the guidelines about posting a lot as long as it's not all at once). I'd like to know more about your feelings on this. |
Marge Tindal![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384Florida's Foreverly Shores |
It's a POETRY site ! Forget the other frivolously fraught fears and get on to writing ! I don't give a tinkers hoop-de-hoo what one calls themselves ... as long as they WRITE POETRY ! PoeMinister, you said - quote: 'Who have already chosen their name' ???? We have to date in the PiPTalk Forums - 4,308 members ... I think there are a FEW more names left out there ! ![]() But ... for scientific purposes ... I do think they have the capability to clone themselves and run rampant through the entire Internet ! My ! My ! Poets-A-Plenty ! Run for your lives ! ! ! ! ! PoetdeVine, you said - quote: I think the RonMiester has that one licked ! He's been known to throw a swift stone-of-reprimand to those guilty of this attempt. I like LOTS of POETRY ! My opinion sometimes amazes even me ! ~*A Grinning Marge*~ ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~ |
Poeminister Senior Member
since 2000-02-26
Posts 1862Regina SK; Canada |
There's many names available but of the ones most people would desire, first names and names that most appeal expressing character and type of poetry, they become taken quickly. It just seems unfair if a new person signing up wants one particular name but can't have it because it's a senior member's 3rd or 4th name that's probably dormant most of time. This is trivial perhaps, but I just mention from considering that it might be disappointing to not get the name you want, and it might be from this reason. [This message has been edited by Poeminister (edited 06-16-2001).] |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
Some of you may have noticed that our Membership level doesn't always rise. Marge mentions we have 4,308 Members, but may not have realized it was well over five thousand about a month ago. It occasionally goes down, instead of up, because I periodically go through the roster and delete any usernames that have been registered but never used. I spend what is usually several hours doing that not because I'm obsessive (though I am), but rather because the size of our Member database directly impacts the speed of everything else in the forum. Think about it for a minute. Large files make the server work harder and everything runs more slowly. When our Open Poetry forum gets too big and things start dragging around here, we close it down and open a new one. What happens when our Membership file gets "too" big? I recognize the value of multiple usernames and have no problem when people exercise good judgement. Sadly, it's hard to force good judgement on someone and each case has to be treated individually. As Marge mentioned, I tend to get VERY irritated when I find someone abusing the system. I banned an IP just a few days ago because the same Member was registering a new name every two or three days. They can continue using the names they have, but they will never be able to register another new one. I do anticipate making some small changes in the not too distant future (soon?). I would like to prevent new usernames from being too similar to existing ones, something not currently built into our software. I would also like to stop people from using unusual and difficult to reproduce characters in their names. But I don't expect to ever stop current Members from registering new names, and I usually try to avoid blowing the whistle on them when they do. Because I see no reason to penalize those with good judgement. |
JLR Senior Member
since 2001-02-04
Posts 1785 |
Not getting a name one might want, or bumping are not the issues I think about concerning this question of multiple usernames. Personally, I feel that I have 'outgrown/moved past' the intention of the username I choose when I first entered, yet I have no intention of changing it. I believe, as Marge said, it is the poetry that is important. I also understand the desire to change personas or styles by changing names. What I don't understand or appreciate are members who use different names, sometimes many as you first stated, to 'hide' their true identity. (Excuse while I chuckle at myself for using the words 'true identity' in this the most anonymous of mediums). Maybe it wouldn't bother me so much, if they wrote differently, or didn't use such similar usernames...I just don't get the point. And it bugs me when I see poets sincerely welcoming a new writer to the forum whose mailboxes are overflowing with Welcomes under a dozen different names. This really isn't a big deal, I guess...but it is a pet peave of mine, and since someone else brought it up...I responded. |
PoemCrazy Member
since 2000-11-30
Posts 159 |
Hi! "personas" and "poets" seem to be contradictions to me. the "classics" weren't written under pseudonyms. i think that's why they remain as "classics." if one truly "writes from the heart" and believes it, shouldn't one also wear ones own face? maybe i just don't understand "online games," but poetry is not a game to me, it's a lot more. if i'm daring enough to write my feelings down, i want those who read them to REALLY know where they came from - "me." but i compose on paper, and i guess i'm just too "old fashioned." oh, here's 3 cents back from that wooden nickle...tom |
JLR Senior Member
since 2001-02-04
Posts 1785 |
Amen, Tom...keep the change. [This message has been edited by JLR (edited 06-16-2001).] |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
You mean some people write under an alias alias? I thought "serenity" WAS an alias...never saw the need for another! ![]() |
Miss Behavin' Member
since 1999-06-16
Posts 84 |
Well now... I personally think that an occasional cavort about the forums is rather fun wearing a disguise... Don'tcha think so, Harry?? OH - btw - I never post while in disguise - I only play... and sometimes I Ain' Miss Behavin' as well... ![]() |
Auguste![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-02-16
Posts 3953By the sea |
Yes, I'm here also. ![]() Michael Michael Auguste~ |
Poeminister Senior Member
since 2000-02-26
Posts 1862Regina SK; Canada |
Hope you guys don't judge me by my tone that often contradicts me, I don't think its wrong at all if people use different names in the forums, and didn't want to suggest in any way that people shouldn't be able to, I just know that there are some poets who have 3 and 4 extra names and when you reach that point it seems unfair to take up that many names, and strikes me as a bit strange...thats why I suggested a limit. But I understand how one might want to use a different alias to post in a different forum, or to post in a different style--or for any reason. To my thinking the most important thing is the poetry indeed and comfort between everyone, and if it makes one feel better and comfortable, I believe its totally reasonable. [This message has been edited by Poeminister (edited 06-19-2001).] |
Titia Geertman Member Ascendant
since 2001-05-07
Posts 5182Netherlands |
Reading all this above, I feel more like Poeminister does. I really can't think of any other reason why people want to enter under different membernames than to attract more attention (exceptions excluded for private reasons) to their writings (poems or otherwise). Until recently I didn't even know it was possible. Other style of writing? Shouldn't one take a pride (be proud) in writing different styles if one's able to or at least tries to? Other Forums? Should one be ashamed of writing nice poems in one forum and erotic words or critiques in another? So what's the point of alias? I feel a bit confused here. Do I welcome a person as a new member not knowing that just before I replied to a poem of that same person? Do I make any sense at all ![]() Anyway, my goal is to reply to words that appeal to me and not to names. Sleep well and I hope I did not affended anyone. Titia (no alia ![]() A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess... |
White Wolf Member
since 1999-09-18
Posts 371Somewhere in the vast wasteland |
I have only changed my name once. I don't know if I can still post under it or not because it has been over a year since I last used it and have no plans on ever using it again. My life changed in such a radical way that a name change was in order. So I changed it and shed my old name like a shirt that no longer fits. I don't know if there is a way to change all of my old posts and poetry posted under that name to this one I currently use. If there is I wouldn't mind it being done because it would free up a byte or two of space and I am no longer known under that name. If it is possible what do I need to do, ie. who do I need to talk to. I would hate to lose all of my old poetry that has been posted here. Let me know. As far as people using multiple names for whatever reasons doesn't bother me. If they want to remain "hidden" and not let anyone too close or whatever else the reasons may be, I say just let them. I know that Ron will make the fair choice to what is best for this site. I personaly have not found any fault in his governing of this site. Even though this is his site and he has the right to do as he pleases One thing always comes to mind, ok maybe two. Ron is fair and he cares. The White Wolf If life is just a game, when does it end cause I want to get to what is real. |
Heavens Tears![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-15
Posts 677 |
This thing just caught my attention. I'll be honest about hte fact that I have had some other names on here, but it was b/c I had a friend who came here and at the time she didnt know about a lot of my personal problems. If you want Ron, I will email you all of them and you can delete them. I doubt I'll make anymore, b/c I kinda dont care anymore, but I know a lot of people who feel the same way that I did. And if there is a way to move all the posts like white wolf suggested, I'm up for that. [This message has been edited by Heavens Tears (edited 07-20-2001).] |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
Posts 7136Mobile, AL |
Well, from the start I write under an alias on these boards. If Temptress were my real name then I probably would have leagally changed it a long time ago. ![]() Am I hiding when I write under this name? Only if you count the fact that I don't want everyone out there to know my first and last name. Perhaps I don't even want some to know my first name. It is my choice (unless Ron demands differently) to remain anonymous on these boards. Everyone here doesn't have to know my intentions for using an alias (no matter which one..and I do have a few). Unless I am abusing the system in some way or doing harm to another forum member, I see no reason why I cannot 'hide'. As for limiting usernames? I don't think the situation is bad enough for such a restriction to be necessary. No one can copy your username exactly, so I have no worries there; and anyone who would want to copy it..well that just means they think the same as I do in some way (even if minor). Let me add here that what may be frivolous to some is very important to others. On could anyone forget about something that is important to them just because it isn't as important as someone else? ![]() [This message has been edited by Temptress (edited 07-20-2001).] |
doreen peri Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
Posts 3812Virginia |
just to let you know, none of us over here in virginia responds to any of us over here to bump a pome up and i'll also say this... who ARE you poetpeople anyway? ![]() very!! ![]() that's why i stay to myself and mind my own business... y'know??? ![]() no need to confuse ourselves any more than we already are because poetry is poetry and verse is verse and members are just members of a community writing..... so exciting!!! huh? ![]() *wink* ![]() but don't be mad at me, please ![]() because i have no idea what i'm talking about and rarely hang out here much anymore except to post old stuff and some new stuff and stuff about all kinds off stuff so... be cool ![]() and pretend you have no idea what i'm talking about because then you and i will have something very much in common ![]() |
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