Passions in Prose |
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David's Roses |
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Irish Rose Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263 |
It was a beautiful, sunny day with only a hint of snow in the forecast. Already, several feet had graced the landscape bringing children soaring on sleds, and cardinals began searching for food. Elderly people had taken the opportunity to find a park bench, catching a breath of cool, winter air and basking in the purity of the scene. In one section of the park, there stood an empty swing set, for children had seemed to have forgotten how to swing. Only the wind moving one seat only slightly, begging for a person with spirit, sensitivity and a lust for adventure and something to slide into it and reach for the heavens. David needed to get away from the office. Stacks of Wall Street Journals were plaguing him in disarray, he simply couldn't think straight. This morning he arrived at the office and by noon could not find his desk. He wished that everything had glowed in the dark. It didn't!!! "I'll take some time to smell the roses" he thought. "Oh, hell, there aren't any roses, it's December 20th, oh well, I'll go to the park, feed the pigeons, maybe reminiscence a bit about my own childhood days playing in the snow. Who knows, it will do me good" Lunchtime came and he ordered something to go and hot coffee. With only a spark of Christmas spirit left, he felt drained, tired, oh it was all so much. The presents had to be wrapped, the time was drawing close. Doesn't anyone take the time? Does anyone simply enjoy being alive? Entering the park, he noticed the familiar empty benches and scattered people going here and there and the snow being heavier in some places than others. He wondered "where were the snowmen? Don't children build them anymore? Isn't there someone with a little "play" inside, someone who would break free of the mold and he certainly felt moldy at times!" A beggar approached him unexpectedly "Say, buddy, got any spare hundred dollar bills, it's been a long time since I drank, I mean ate" David searched the snow for coins to only reply "no, I'm sorry, but here's a Wall Street Journal, they're hiring after the first of the year....good luck and ho ho ho" Another gray haired lady sat down next to him on the bench and said "Pardon me, do you know where I am?" Oh, dear it was shaping up to be a lost lunch, one only dreamed of. Nothing here...."Nothing here for me" he thought. But wait, stop, look and listen. To his amazement, what he thought was the red glow of a cardinal was only the sunlight bouncing off of a red haired figure in the distance. Standing up, releasing his arm from the frantic woman who was pleading with him to inform her if it was an election year, he approached a lovely creature who seemed to be lost in a world of her own. She was red haired, about 5'3", and she was wearing a long, black wool coat. She was wearing mittens, many didn't wear mittens these days, and he sort of liked that although he couldn't remember why. She wore a long scarf, tied around her neck, From only the back he knew she would be exquisite ![]() Yet, here she was sitting on a swing, not a bench. Would she too be daffy, not knowing which end was up? Would he even be interested in her end? Would she prove to be a homeless person or someone who was hopelessly wandering from city to city looking for someone to take advantage of? No, certainly not! Not this highly sensitive, waifish form of a woman. Why, she was ....she was.....magical. Before he could make his presence known, she began swinging, only slightly at first, then more forcibly, higher and higher, but only holding on with one hand. This woman really knew what she was doing and having a wonderful time doing it. You see, in her other arm she held seemed to be a bride doll....a beautiful bride doll.m Yes, it certainly was. "Ok, David, you had better get the hell out of here, I don't care how beautiful she're not ready for this one!" She was humming, and not really bothering anyone, why was he thinking of turning back? No, he couldn't;he wanted to know why she was so happy, as a matter of fact, he wished he could feel as happy as she appreared to be. Her eyes were closed, and a wishful look rested on her face as he walked around to see this woman...this swinging wonder and realized she was not a member of Bailey's Circus, no no, she was an ordinary, no no, she couldn't be ordinary, she was....she was happy! "Pardon me, but you seem to be enjoying yourself" He blurted out. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was watching me" she replied. "No, no, don't stop, continue with your...uh your swinging, please, don't let me intimidate you. In fact could I join you?" Smiling she spoke confidently "Yes, please do, others have ran away in fear" David was not surprised. She was swinging higher and he soon joined in not caring how it looked. "That is a beautiful doll you have there., does she has a name?" "Of course, and thank you. Her name is Rose...why, she's as much a part of me as the snow, the sun, the swing, can you understand how it feels to hold onto something so wonderful and carry it with you always? "Why, yes, yes I certainly do." David was intrigued at this point and didn't want to leave now, but wanting to hold back;not wishing to frighten her said "You are very pretty, are you here alone?" "Not anymore, and thank you" she replied. Winded and laughing, they drew still in the swings and she introduced herself as "My name is Rose and I always wanted to reach the stars, you know, and they seem so out of you ever wonder why they paper the sky with beauty, almost teasing us with their brilliance.?" "You have a wonderful way with words, Rose" David wanted to play some more!!! Her face was pure, her cheeks reddened from the cold and her eyes brown and moist with an anticipation he had not seen in a long, long time. This woman was turning him on!!!! Carefully setting her doll down in a very safe part of the bench nearby, she, without thinking drew a huge handful of snow into her mittens and formed the most amazing snowball you had ever seen! Before he could turn to see what she was doing, a cold, wet object speedily came approaching and made it's debut right between his eyes!! Pow! A perfect hit! "Hey! I didn't even see that coming" He spoke knowing he was going to respond in kind. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take you off guard" she was laughing now., yet carefully keeping a safe eye on her doll. "My ass, you knew I wasn't looking!!!" With two hands, for men are so necessary for having two hands ![]() he formed the most formidable snowball which soon found it's way as a comet soaring onto her.....her.......chest!!!! Bingo........cold cleavage which only made her wince!!! "Oh, I'm sorry, Rose, I only just met you and already I'm making improper advances towards you" "My ass! You knew where you were aiming!!! "Yes, I have one for your ass also, and by the way, aren't we getting familiar?" "Rose, close your ears, you haven't been on your honeymoon yet, you shouldn't hear this kind of language, actually bride dolls are quite frustrated, they never quite reach the honeymoon stage now do they?" she spoke guarding her doll. Several hundred snowballs later, and much laughter into the afternoon, David realized he must return to work.... "Rose, please will you meet me here tomorrow? we will have so much fun and maybe, just maybe you could come "alone"? "Are you challenging me?" she retorted. "Well, yes, as a matter of fact I am!" Drying somewhat her coat, and brushing off the first direct hit, he offered "Please let me help you there"..... "No, no, that's fine, I'll be fine, I'm wearing a wonder bra, I mean it's waterproof, oh never mind..." "I hope you enjoyed yourself?" "Yes, but your height was a disadvantage for me, you know, I'm really going to bring my stilts tomorrow" Wanting to warm her in another way, he quickly erased those thoughts, and yet.....what would tomorrow bring, there were only a few days until Christmas..... would Santa be kind and give him another opportunity to play? "Then, tomorrow, you'll be here? You promise?" he suddenly felt nine years old again. "Yes, I will return, for you see I have only begun to realize how short life is, but I know that no matter what, I'll never be alone, for my doll, Rose, will always be with me" Watching her walk away, he wanted to go after her, find out where she lived, a phone number anything, but somehow, somehow he knew she would be there, just as she promised. If only for this time, they would play together and the world would seem insignificant yet meaningful. The park grew cold, the swings came to a halt from lack of laughter and breeze and the benches were now empty and he began his way back to his office. "God, what a woman!!" he thought, and realized he felt very, very warm, very warm.........and that he had indeed stopped to enjoy the beauty of the roses in winter." The End < !signature--> Kathleen [This message has been edited by Irish Rose (edited 10-12-2000).] |
© Copyright 2000 Kathleen - All Rights Reserved | |||
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
Kathleen - a warm (ironically, LOL) and touching story. I enjoyed it... seriously... but please don't center your text for Prose!!! ![]() LOL Chris |
Irish Rose Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263 |
Thanks Chris please bear with me, I seem to be having a hard time with the format on this one! Kathleen |
Irish Rose Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263 |
it's no use, I can't get the format right, I'll have to retype it and try to fix it that way, I'm sorry!! Kathleen |
Irish Rose Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263 |
it's no use, I can't get the format right, I'll have to retype it and try to fix it that way, I'm sorry!! Kathleen |
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