Passions in Prose |
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The Pit |
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Gentle Soul Member
since 1999-07-12
Posts 273Vinton,Ohio USA |
ok guys, I know I posted this in the open poetry.. but I constructed it differently, and its grammatically correct, as far as I know.. hehehe.. I hope you guys dont get tired of this post.. hehehe.. here it is: In Gentle Soul’s World she’s very happy, content with her life. She, not knowing the consequences of carelessness, allowed many things happen in her life. Ending up in almost a tragedy, but there were three people who brought her out of her mess. God (who is referred to as love), DarkAngel (who represents a man she met who became more like a brother to her, then even her real brother), and Hope (who represents a woman she met, who she didn’t trust at first, but grew on GentleSoul.). This is the story of GentleSoul. Happy! Oh So Happy, running and frolicking joyful and gay! GentleSoul begins to be so happy she is blinded to the fact some of her friends will fade. In a field with flowers and essence of sweet, she plays with a man named Love; a lady named Joy, her best friend Content, and a distant friend, Fame. GentleSoul has a disagreement with Fame, on moral beliefs really, on what should, and shouldn’t be done. So, since GentleSoul wasn’t so willing to go along with him, Fame discards her, taking most of Content, and a small amount of Joy. Now, playing cards with Love, most of Joy and a little Content. Content seems to think GentleSoul is cheating, so Content turns into Jealousy, along with him comes Depression. Joy, doesn’t like Depression, they get into this large argument. Since Joy is not at her full, Depression conquers and becomes a ruler over GentleSoul. GentleSoul, arose from the game and begun to walk. She is sulking, and doesn’t realize that Love is fading. At this time, she stumbled onto a forest, Jealousy, tugging at her arms, and Depression leaping on her shoulders. She treads into the foggy, dark wilderness of the unknown. Walking on, she feels she is so wrong, but as she marches on that feeling fades till it disappears. Love has completely disappeared in the mind’s eye, but still there, for Love is omnipotent. With Depression on her shoulders, and Jealousy tugging her farther in the woods they move farther in the woods and Jealousy introduces her to a man. His name is Lust, but dressed as Love, she thought she was reunited. GentleSoul embraced Lust being coaxed to do things she never would do before. With Depression on her shoulders and Lust in her arms, Jealousy tugs on her as she stumbles in a cave. Dark and scary she steps into the cave not noticing the sign inscribed “Evil”. The first few steps were scary and foreboding. Then it got easier. After so long, GentleSoul felt no remorse. She started to feel eerie again and she felt that the next step would be her last. She stops, turns around, and everyone is gone, she yells out in fear, and turns back around feeling a push. Falling into the pit, GentleSoul repents to Love. “Oh Love!” she screamed “I’m sorry! Oh so sorry! Please forgive me! I don’t want to have the company I keep now but how do I get rid of them? Just as she said that, she froze in mid-air. She spotted a man walking up to her; he is a dark cast, with a warm heart, and a smile on his face. This man’s look, although frightening, was yet also soothing and comforting. He introduces himself, as DarkAngel it frightens her slightly, but she ignores it and it’s a good thing too, for he will, in time, help more than anyone will. DarkAngel shows GentleSoul the light. He takes her by the hand and leads her to a bridge. This bridge is a very special bridge; it is a bridge that takes you to the other side of good and evil. You choose which way to go, and you also pay the consequences with your decision as well. On this bridge is a sign inscribed, “Tunnel of Light” As GentleSoul is walking on the bridge, DarkAngel is walking besides her, guiding her through. Just as she turns around for one last look, she gets a glimpse of her old friends, Jealousy, Lust, and Depression falling to the ground she yells, “What have I done?!”. Bending down with her DarkAngel tells her his story: “At one time I too had done the same thing, ran with the same dark crowd, and I too thought I was a failure… And I AM NOT going to let the same happen to you, GentleSoul, Evil can NOT have you… for I am here to show you how to escape.” So he turns her around, and shows her the bright end of the tunnel and she saw all her old friends: Love and Joy and Content! But there was one that she did not see, and that was Fame. She looked behind her and there he was, with Lust and Depression and Jealousy, then all three turned into Fame. GentleSoul then realized that Fame was not so important. When she looked at the bright tunnel the other three turned into Peace. DarkAngel then told her, “You have a choice and I will support you in what you decide”. So she took his hand, smiled and marched happily, but cautiously, to the brighter side, not to look at the darkside for a long time. Trying not to look back. GentleSoul keeps her head held high forgetting to look where she is going. Walking along, she doesn’t realize how close to the edge she is, and she steps on a weak spot on the Bridge, and she slips and falls. Falling far down, she lands in the bottom of the pit. Jealousy and all of his accomplices were there. They were twice the size she remembered them, and twice as harsh! GentleSoul feels useless and stuck Crying out loud, she’s knows not what to do for, tied in her chair, she has fallen down the pit in despair, feeling as if Love, and Joy, and Content are gone forever. She has landed in the pit, cold and ashamed. As she sits there crying, Fear appears at her side… Taunting and teasing making such crude noises. Along with Fear, Guilt, and Doubt came with him. She cries out in pain screaming for help... as she sees a small light it resembles DarkAngel at a far. She yells and screams, “DarkAngel! There you are!” he suddenly appears, and stands by GentleSoul’s side as she cries and struggles, asking DarkAngel to untie her. Trying to do it, DarkAngel can not. For GentleSoul made her mess, She must go through it herself, with DarkAngel by her side, coaching her on. She takes a deep breath with tears in her eyes. She looks at her foes, then looks at her side, she sees the sincerity in her angel’s eyes, and she smiles partially and concentrates on the knots. Not knowing where to start, she cries and almost stops… Not knowing what to do. She looks again at her light, and starts to unravel knots. With her knots untied, and her chair has been loosened, GentleSoul gets up. She notices the tunnel, with some stairs, and the sign says “Exit”. Gentle Soul walks to the door, as all of her foes turn into one.. Evil I’ll call him, for that is what he is, he then grabs her arms, and screams and yells. “You can not go! For I have you now! You shall not be released by me!” With tears in her eyes, DarkAngel introduces a friend, her name is Hope, and they take GentleSoul’s other hand... she looks to her left, and the dark being with his evil eye, claims her, and taunts her, “You’re mine forever! Never to leave... forever you shall be just like me!” GentleSoul then looks to the right, and sees her Angel and Hope. She then gains a shimmering strength, one not like her own. She begins to tug along with her companions, and pulls from Evil’s Grips... they all three ran, with Dark Angel leading, and Hope behind her. Running up and up on the stairs, to see the one and only “Tunnel of Light” smiling inside, GentleSoul did not realize Depression and Lust still lurks around. She walks along her tunnel again, with more than just a friend.. But a coach, an uplifter, Hope, and guide. Darkangel again by her side, leading to the light. Walking in the tunnel, Darkangel on her left side, and Hope is on her right. Looking at her best friends, in that she did delight! Walking on in the middle of the bridge she looks on the side where she did once fall, almost crying, Gentle Soul pointed at the place and said, “That’s what real pain is.” Never explaining what she meant, holding both her friends hands as they help her to the light. She starts to see Love again, and Joy, Peace, and Content! GentleSoul is Giddy! She never wants to leave! Just as she gets there, she turns around to see Depression and Lust trying to attack her, just before their leap, she yelled and called their names. “You have no place in my life! I know what not to do! I know not to hate me, and not to get depressed, not to carry YOU two and leave you on my chest! I am pleased with myself! You now must leave! Go to the pit, and rot where you belong!” Scampering and scouring all her foes are gone. GentleSoul is content, she now has joy in her life, and love is at her side. As she gets settled, she realizes that Fame has turned, for he too was now on her side, and a new partner was beside her, ‘twas Innocence... Gentle Soul almost didn’t recognize her. Just before I end this, I want to explain one part... what GentleSoul meant when she talked about true pain was that it hurt worse to have left Evil, and fallen back in and to leave him once again. ‘Tis easier to sit there and hurt in misery but don’t let that defeat you, for darkness is not that great. Joy, Peace, and Love and Hope, are the best friends of all. Whoever your angel may be, I’m sure you have one as well, for God gives everyone somebody to pull you from the pits of hell. ------------------ Gënt£ë¤§°û£ [This message has been edited by Gentle Soul (edited 07-26-99).] |
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Gentle Soul Member
since 1999-07-12
Posts 273Vinton,Ohio USA |
1,720 words! Yea baby YEa!! LOL.. I didnt think it was gonna be under 2000.. hehehe ------------------ Gënt£ë¤§°û£ |
DreamEvil Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 2396 |
Good rewrite of this, dear. I'm glad that you're staying with us. ------------------ Shall I indulge in flights of fancy hampered by clipped wings? DreamEvil© |
Gentle Soul Member
since 1999-07-12
Posts 273Vinton,Ohio USA |
Thank you.. Im glad to stay as well.. ![]() ------------------ Gënt£ë¤§°û£ |
leelew Member
since 1999-07-10
Posts 89highmount,ny,usa |
Well done Angel! Welcome back! |
Gentle Soul Member
since 1999-07-12
Posts 273Vinton,Ohio USA |
thank you.. and welcome back to you as well ![]() ------------------ Gënt£ë¤§°û£ |
WhtDove Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245Illinois |
This is very, very well done!!!!!! Lots of confusion we go through, and heartache. I'm glad you saw the light, stay in it! Evil can sure look good sometimes. A wolf in lamb's clothing! Love Bless You!!! |
Gentle Soul Member
since 1999-07-12
Posts 273Vinton,Ohio USA |
Thank You WhtDove... ------------------ Gënt£ë¤§°û£ |
Nicole Senior Member
since 1999-06-23
Posts 1835Florida |
This is truly excellent! The descriptions of your trials and tribulations were very vivid. I found myself catching my breath a few times! Your message shouts loud and clear, welcome back from the pit. ![]() |
Gentle Soul Member
since 1999-07-12
Posts 273Vinton,Ohio USA |
Thank you.. ![]() ------------------ Gënt£ë¤§°û£ |
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