Passions in Prose |
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The Granite City of Darkness |
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Member Elite
since 1999-06-16
Posts 3850In the space between moments ![]() |
A crystal necklace of raindrops fell silently upon the dark and crumbling cobblestone while muted clouds raced across the sky. The trees, although extremely scarce upon the developed landscape, were virtually barren. Only a few withering leaves rested upon the yawning branches. I gazed at them a moment, clinging fiercely to the last traces of the mystic beauty that once reigned upon the now choking emerald grasses. A large collection of cold, stoic granite structures loomed ominously overhead as I crouched next to the entrance of the city. The thin steel gates which separated my huddled body from the blackness of the buildings within were slightly icy to the touch. This caused a shiver to surge through my spine and I wrapped my deep cobalt cloak tighter around my shoulders to avoid the needles of rising wind. “Kreea, I see you my child...” His metallic voice whispered to me. Somehow I knew that if I returned to this place, even for a single moment, that he would know I had come. I shuddered uncontrollably, waiting for him to lower from the darkly churning Heavens and finish the deed he had started so long ago. Acidic teardrops raced down my pale face as I yearned desperately for him to fade away from my life. But deep within my soul I knew that hoping for such an event was foolish. I crouched in the silence, waiting for the night to shatter like glass and let loose a blossom of boiling chaos. But to my surprise, the demon which haunted me both while awake and in my dreams did not appear. I waited several moments longer and then stood slowly to my full height. Feeling extremely vulnerable, I brushed my long locks of mahogany hair back behind me and moved slowly past the steel gates and into the granite city. The freezing winds swirled within the doorways of the stone buildings, causing eerie echoes to whisper within my ears. Several times I was forced still by what I thought was the breath of him caressing my bare legs, but every time I discovered that it was only my own mind haunting me with memories of the past. I cringed as I sunk into the distant nightmares, remembering the frigid stone cellar, his immortal fingers ripping the clothing off of my youthful body, and him stealing my womanly dignity from me while his followers turned my home of sunshine into a barren wasteland. With a forced shake of my head I pushed the horrid memories back into the past, where they belonged. He could not hurt me anymore. At least not for now. My strength renewed a little as I continued to wander through the dwellings of the mutilated figures that replaced the simple people of my village. They were all buried deep within the ashen soil, replenishing their power so that they could harvest more unsuspecting souls come morning. And he, that cruel, wretched monster, had started it all. One by one, turning bright, intelligent people into lowly demons, enslaved by his power. I seethed in anger at the ruthlessness of his dried and bitter heart. While boiling in fiery hatred and shivering against the frigid night, a tiny speck of light fluttered gently a few feet in front of me. Instantly entranced I walked closer to the silvery dot, reaching out to touch it. Once I thought my fingers had enclosed around the light I discovered that it had flitted off just beyond my reach. A little confused, I walked closer to the flash of liquid silver and tried again. This time I was successful. I grasped the light and brought it down to me, cupping it within my hands as I gazed upon it. It was a tiny glowing orb with a white haze swirling within it. My eyes lowered,drawing closer to the tiny sphere. I then felt my soul falling into it’s soft depths and I became helpless as a foreign warmth surrounded my weary limbs. I instinctively closed my eyes and let the streaming waves of heat carry me away from the cold granite landscape. Pale sunrays and cashmere clouds drifted within a bright azure sky. I laid upon the ground feeling the soft grasses caress my bare shoulders and face. Enclosed within a dreamy haze I remained gazing at the spidery clouds racing across the Heaven’s for several moments. I was shook loose from the lethargic feeling when I noticed a slim, ivory figure laying upon the ground next to me. His eyes were closed, but something deep within me knew that they were a gorgeous blue with flecks of silver-green scattered within their depths. His dark locks were cropped cleanly and remained in place as the winds flirted across the lush green ground. I could not help but feel an overpowering love for the darkly handsome man. I watched him quietly for a while, knowing that neither him nor the beautiful meadow could be real. I was aware that I was still within the city created by the monster who had raped me and stole nearly all the light from my sobbing soul. But the reverie was so perfect that I could not help but become lost within it. The man casually rolled over to face me and caressed my face with a softness that made me shiver in delight. “Sweetheart, there is something I need to tell you...” the man said, his words trembling slightly as they escaped his lips. “What is it Andrid?” I heard myself ask. “I...we...are not really here love. I’ve used the last of my strength to send this message out to you. I am here, within this granite city of darkness. I know you remember me, even through the horrid memories of your past. Soulmates never forget each other. You must use your strength and you must find me. You are my only hope and I am your only hope to be free from his grasp. Remember my words and search me out. You will figure out where to find me, I am certain of that...” Andrid’s words faded off then, as did the light flooded dream. I found myself standing once more in the icy cold darkness. “I will remember my love. And I will find you.” I shouted to the tempest sky. With a determined smile gracing my face I tore through the city, certain that I would find Andrid. For after all, I had really come back to the ‘granite city of darkness’ as he called it, to overcome my own darkness. I just didn’t realize that finding his light would be the way to do so. < !signature--> *Krista Knutson* "Cherish your vision; Cherish your ideals; Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts. If you remain true to them, your world will at last be built." ~James Allen~ "We've made houses for's time we made a place where people's souls may be seen and made safe"...~Jewel~ [This message has been edited by Alwye (edited 06-19-2000).] |
© Copyright 2000 Krista Botterill - All Rights Reserved | |||
Dusk Treader
Senior Member
since 1999-06-18
Posts 1187St. Paul, MN |
Wonderful tale here, my dear! I loved the title, "the Granite City of Darkness" just brings a vision of the most eerie, looming bastions of evil... Loved the story you've woven and the characters seem to reflect real life.. though Andrid being darkly handsome? naw... LOL Abrahm Simons "Keep on dreamin' boy 'cause when you stop dreaming it's time to die" - Blind Melon |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
Krista, this is a beautiful piece. I, too, believe in the existence of soulmates. I really enjoyed this. Thank you for sharing it! "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde |
Deranger Member
since 2000-05-10
Posts 498Somewhere, between here and there |
Stunningly vivid imagery...simplely a work of art. |
Dawn Eclipse Senior Member
since 2000-01-31
Posts 637The Horsehead Nebula |
Krissa~ I loved this story... are you actually ending it here though?? You never finish your stories, so I'm gonna start bugging you until you do for at least one... ![]() "Even a fool knows you can't touch the stars, but it doesn't stop a wise man from trying." Harry Anderson, "Night Court" *Cassandra Roseen* |
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