Passions in Prose |
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The Window Seat |
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~one voice~ Senior Member
since 1999-07-08
Posts 664Billings, MT USA |
(I apologize for the odd line structure once again. Could someone please tell me how to get the lines right after copying and pasting? Thank You... Enjoy the story...) Amy sat, nestled comfortably in to her window seat, watching the raindrops dripping down the wide panes of glass that stood before her. She’d been reading again... Her great escape from the reality of her own life and the fantasies of living inside the minds of fictional characters. She had just finished reading the novel that she had begun to read only yesterday. And now, back in to her reality, Amy was feeling rather depressed. At least, she thought, the peaceful sounds of the rain eased the ache inside, giving way to a comfortable melancholy. Amy pulled a pillow close to her chest as she felt the need to hold on to something. She rested her head back against the wall, close enough to the window pane that she could feel its coolness upon her face. A satisfying smile touched her lips for a moment as she was remembering how she had always wanted a house with a window seat, just for moments like these. And she finally had one. But then, with a deep sigh, her smile left her as she remembered the reasons why this window seat became her own. A single tear fell from her eye, slowly, down her soft cheek, across her lips, before finally dripping away, off the very edge of her chin. All alone, in this large, empty house, Amy sat in her window seat with no one to wipe away her tears. And so, she was destined to shed them freely. Caught up in overwhelming emotions, Amy wondered how she ever found the strength to survive the trials of life that she had been through. A young woman, she was. Merely 23... But her experiences had given her the wisdom like that of an old woman, quietly knitting in her wooden rocking chair. In fact, it had been Jonathan who had shown her the meaning of true happiness. It had been Jonathan who had been her knight in shining armour, who had seemed to gallop in on his white horse and rescue her, the damsel in distress. Jonathan had taken her away from all her pain- from her wicked step-mother, just like Prince Charming saved the lovely Cinderella. And it was after a quick, Vegas wedding and a couple of Crackerjack Box rings that Amy knew that she would never have to face her past again. “Amy, I’m going to give you everything you have ever wanted... and more...” Jonathan had promised her, again and again. Just that he wanted this for her so sincerely was enough for Amy to be happy. Her crackerjack box ring may have been just that, but it was her most prized possession. They found a tiny, loft apartment about 5 minutes from the strip in Reno, Nevada. For $500 a month, this was where they had made their home together. It wasn’t much to look at, but Amy fixed it up to seem as homey as she possibly could. Besides, all that they really cared about was their never-ending love for each other. They were happy together and that was all that mattered. Amy remembered the day that Jonathan had come home early from his job in a casino close by. He had received word that his father had died. Amy remembered how she knew that her husband was feeling inevitably guilty having cut off all ties with his father, prior to his death. But Jonathan never shed a tear. And after that day, there was not a word to be spoken of Jonathan’s father. It was almost as if he had never existed. And life went back to it’s happy ways. For two years, Amy and Jonathan lived happily, side by side, as Man and Wife. Amy waited on tables at night at the casino across the street from where Jonathan worked in the daytime. They made just enough money to make ends meet and the tips Amy made carried them through, financially, between paychecks. Every once in awhile, Jonathan would again announce his promise to give her everything she ever wanted and more.... And she knew that he would someday, though to her, it didn’t seem that important. As long as they were always together, she would tell him, it didn’t matter what fortunes life might give them. And Jonathan would always smile as if he knew something she didn’t. It was the day of their second anniversary that it happened. Jonathan was going to take her “somewhere special” to celebrate when he got off of work. “He must be busy tonight,” she thought as she looked out the window for the third time that hour. Jonathan was late, which was not unusual. She picked up a book and began to read to pass the time while she waited. Soon after doing so, she fell fast asleep on the old, beat up couch that they had purchased at a garage sale for $20.00 right after they moved in to the apartment. Hours later, Amy awoke to a rapping at the door. She looked around for a moment, observing that Jonathan had not yet been home, assuming that it must be him at the door. “Did you forget your key again, silly?” Amy called out as she walked toward the door to let Jonathan inside. With a huge and beautiful smile, she threw open the door, only to have her smile drop completely and instantly when she saw that it was not her husband who had been knocking. Amy felt herself growing weak, growing faint. The police officer’s words became to sound as if far away and reality became more dream-like. She remembered how the officer had helped her back to the couch and how he had apologized “for her loss” over and over again. Staring blankly up in to his face, only one thought ran through her mind: “We were supposed to go somewhere special tonight...” Painfully, Amy remembered what seemed a long drive through the city as she was taken to identify Jonathan’s body. She remembered how she had prayed all the way there that she would find that they were wrong and it wouldn’t be him. She remembered that painful sight of the man who lifted the white sheet and she remembered the empty ache that encompassed her as she stared at her one true love’s lifeless body. And she wondered why- the inevitable question that has no answer..... She found herself alone. Before taking her home, the officer gave Amy all the belongings Jonathan had with him prior to the accident. There was his wallet, filled with a $50 bill and the rest of it full of pictures of the two of them together. There was a long-stemmed rose decorated with baby’s breath that had been smooshed and broken. And there was a card for her.... “From Your Loving Husband On Our Anniversary...” it read. Inside the envelope was a key and on the back of the card was an address. Amy put these things out of her sight when she returned home, as they only brought her endless grief. For days, Amy remembered, she didn’t know how to feel or what to do. There was so much to be done and she felt so alone. She had found the phone number belonging to one of Jonathan’s aunts, so she picked up the phone and dialled the number... Immediately, Linda flew to Reno to help Amy with funeral preparations, and to simply get back on her feet. After a month and a half had gone by, Linda sat Amy down to talk. “Amy, why do you stay here? You need to get out and move on or you’ll never get through this.” “I know, I know, Linda...” Amy said. “But I just don’t know where to go. Besides, I don’t have enough money to just get up and leave.” Linda looked at Amy in disbelief. “No money? Oh Amy... Didn’t you know?” “Know what?” Amy asked. “Amy, when my brother died- when Jon’s father died, he left everything he had to the two of you. Well, mainly to Jon, but now... Amy, all of that money belongs to you!” Amy sat down on the couch in a quiet, confused state, but for a moment, only. “But Jonathan didn’t tell me anything... he never said...” “Amy, it’s all yours now.” Linda spoke gently. Amy thought about what Linda was saying. “How much are you talking about, Linda?” She asked. “I can’t believe Jon never told you any of this... Amy, my brother was a millionaire! I’m not even sure how much EVERYTHING is...” Linda walked to the window. She appeared to be thinking deeply. “We need to find that lawyer that drew up the will...” She murmured. Suddenly, Amy remembered the key in the envelope and the address on the back of the card...... A week later, after Linda had helped Amy find all the information that she needed, Amy packed her things and headed for Los Angeles. She found the address that Jonathan had written on the back of the card. She climbed the steps, and as her heart pounded, she tried the key in the lock. It fit. She stepped inside to find a fully furnished home that looked to Amy as if it belonged to the Queen of England. On the table in the forier, Amy found an envelope addressed to her and she found tucked inside, a letter from Jonathan. “My Dearest Amy, Happy Anniversary! Surprise! This is our new home, Baby! By now, you know about the inheritance, as I plan to tell you all about it on our drive here. I promised you, Amy, and I’ll promise again... I am going to give you everything you have ever wanted... and more! I Love You, Amy. Always and Forever, Jonathan.” “But all I want is YOU!!!” Amy cried. She fell to her knees, sobbing, clutching the letter to her chest.... As Amy watched the rain dripping on the window pane before her, she accepted that this house was closest thing to Jonathan that she would ever have again, next to her crackerjack box ring. And if she tried really hard at night while falling asleep, she could feel Jonathan’s arms around her, and this way, she would never have to sleep alone. And amidst her waking hours, she would nestle herself comfortably in to her window seat and dream of the love she once knew. ©1999 Erin Solari ------------------ ~onevoice~ "She looked at her life like lines, never-ending, constantly forming, reforming and bending." [This message has been edited by ~one voice~ (edited 08-12-99).] [This message has been edited by ~one voice~ (edited 08-12-99).] [This message has been edited by ~one voice~ (edited 08-12-99).] [This message has been edited by ~one voice~ (edited 08-12-99).] |
© Copyright 1999 ~one voice~ - All Rights Reserved | |||
DreamEvil Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 2396 |
Amazing talent you have, my dear. Marvelously mixing sadness and compassion into this story is quite a feat. ------------------ Shall I indulge in flights of fancy hampered by clipped wings? DreamEvil© |
Nicole Senior Member
since 1999-06-23
Posts 1835Florida |
Such a well written story. Very sad and poignant, thank you for posting this. ------------------ "Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with." *Mark Twain* |
JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA |
I am in awe ------------------ Dum spiro, spero JP |
~one voice~ Senior Member
since 1999-07-08
Posts 664Billings, MT USA |
Thanx to all three of you! I thought I would give a short story a hand... haven't done that since high school... but thank you! ------------------ ~onevoice~ "She looked at her life like lines, never-ending, constantly forming, reforming and bending." |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
It's not often I get moved to tears when I read a short piece of writing, but this did it. This is sososososo sad! Only well written stories have the power to brings tears and you sure have succeeded. I have to go read it again! |
~one voice~ Senior Member
since 1999-07-08
Posts 664Billings, MT USA |
Thank you very much, Severn. ![]() ------------------ ~onevoice~ "She looked at her life like lines, never-ending, constantly forming, reforming and bending." |
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