Passions in Prose |
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As Love Lives On |
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Marilyn Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
Posts 2621Ontario, Canada |
Krista stood at the edge of the mountain surveying the beauty that lay before her. The trees in full color, preparing to lose their foliage. A small stream trickled from a pool that was fed by a hot spring. Fruit trees and berry bushes flourished around the spring as well as wild flowers that graced the air with their scent. Krista turned from the sight and started toward the trail that led to the spring. They had found this place a year ago while hiking the mountain. It had been a vacation paradise for the two nature lovers. They hiked for three days before they stumbled upon this Eden. The next four days were spent exploring this area, making delightful discoveries daily. When Josh and Krista returned home they could not erase what they had discovered from their minds. They discussed the land they had wandered endlessly. Visions of the secret spring flooded their dreams. Josh made some inquiries over the next few months and on their 10th Anniversary he presented Krista with the deed to the land. Tears flowed down Krista’s cheeks as she held the paper in her hand. Everything that she had ever wanted in her life were in her hand and in this room. Josh was and artist (painter), and he was very successful. His work sold often and for unbelievable prices, that fact still awed both Josh and Krista. Krista was a writer and she was on the best selling list, another fact that amazed her constantly. Josh knew that once she had the courage to submit her books to a publisher, she would go very far. They were well off financially and this decision to move to a remote area without it effecting their income. They could live and work in this beautiful location with no commuting stresses, no limitations. They began planning their home and the life they looked forward to, most of their dreams were within grasping distance, the thought exhilarated both of them. Six months later construction of a cozy yet spacious log cabin began. Far enough from their private paradise so not to disturb the ecology but close enough for a nice leisurely hike in the middle of the day. Construction was going smoothly and they planned to move in that fall. In September Josh had a showing in New York and the house ready to move into. They planned the move for 2 weeks after Josh returned from the business trip. That gave them enough time to tie up lose ends once he was home. Josh insisted they go to the house the week before he had to leave. He was like a child in a candy store when something he dreamed of was so close to reality. She adored this part of him and her own excitement soared. They brought all of their camping equipment with them as well as some smaller boxes. They spent four glorious loving days camped beside the hot spring. They supped on fresh fruit and berries, bathed in the hot spring and made love by the light of the moon. They ran naked beneath the warm sun and basked in the song of the birds as their heart beats slowed and their bodies were covered with the sweat of passion spent. The place, the man, the atmosphere inspired feeling deep inside Krista that she never knew could exist. Such peace, contentment and belonging she had never experienced, her heart over flowed and her body knew no inhibitions. When they returned Josh packed for his trip. He would be gone for five days and was still trying to convince Krista to join him. He insisted that he was lost without her by his side and she knew this to be true. His friends and colleagues confirmed this on many occasions, teasing Josh mercilessly every chance they had. It was like he misplaced his brain when he was away from her for long. She too felt like the best part of her was missing when they were apart but she had a deadline to meet. The time to do nothing but work would be a blessing with the move close at hand. He flew out at 6:45 am the next Monday and once Krista returned from the airport she set right to work on her latest manuscript. The final editing was the tedious part of her job as well as the most time consuming. Josh called at 3pm to let her know that the show was set to begin the following day and that he missed her already. She chuckled at the loneliness in his voice since he had yet to sleep without her. She set right back to work after the call, when she raised her head again it was 7. Her stomach told her it was time for a bite to eat while her eyes told her it was time for a rest. She stood up and her entire body screamed from stiffness. She stretched and decided she needed a run before a meal and headed to change. This was how she spent the rest of Josh’s trip, working, talking to Josh on the phone, running, eating occasionally (she forgot to eat when she was consumed with her work) and sleeping. His plane was due in at 5pm Saturday afternoon. She planned to have a quite dinner with him at Reo’s before heading home. She was looking forward to the evening, their reunions were almost worth the time they spent apart. She stood at the window of the arrival gates watching the planes land. She was always early when Josh returned from a trip, she was anxious to see him again and hated the idea of the flight being early and losing that time with her husband. She was startled when she thought she heard her name over the P.A. system. She listened closely, her name was not repeated and she assumed she had been mistaken. She walked down the hall and was purchasing a coffee at a small cafe when she heard her name paged again. There was no mistaking it this time, they were paging her to the security office. Confused, she paid for her coffee and started down the hall to find the information booth. She had no idea where the security office was or why she was being summoned there. She found the information booth and told the lady behind the counter who she was and why she was looking for the security office. The lady smiled and called the office, they sent a guard to show her the way. She inquired what this was all about to the guard. He was friendly and polite but would not give her any information. A knot was growing in the pit of Krista’s stomach as they approached the office. Confusion, fear and dread overtook her as she stepped into the little office. A short, balding man sat behind the expanse of a mahogany desk. His eyes were soft and compassionate as he stood and introduced himself as the chief of security for the airport. “Please have a seat Mrs. Scott.” He said as the guard excused himself from the room. “Thankyou. “ Krista replied as she sat in the chair closest to the door. She didn’t smile and fidgeted with her bag as the chief again took his seat behind the desk. “There is no easy way for me to say this so I guess I shall just say it.” He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Flight 462 from New York experienced mechanical difficulties and crashed mid-flight.” Krista gasped as she heard the words. “There were several mortalities on impact and your husband was identified as one of the deceased. Rescue works are at the site and the bodies are in transit. We will need you to identify the body once it arrives at the morgue which should be in a couple of hours. Someone from the coroner’s office is on the way here to take escort you. I am very sorry for your Loss Mrs. Scott.” She was not taking in everything he had told her. She was struggling with the fact that Josh was dead. No, no, she couldn’t believe that. she had spoken to him not more then a few hours ago. He was excited about the outcome of the show and couldn’t wait to see her again. This was impossible. It couldn’t be happening, it had to be a nightmare and she tried to make herself wake up. She moved through the motions over the next couple of weeks. Identifying the body of her beloved, informing their families, making funeral arrangements and finally laying the best part of herself to rest. Josh was cremated and she scattered his ashes on their mountain. Krista knew the prefect spot for him to spend eternity. In a small glade by the spring, under the fruit trees where the air was always clean and fresh, where he would always be close to her. Finally saying goodbye to the family and friends that encircled her, she loved them but she needed the chaos to stop so she could grieve. Everything was in boxes in her house, some stacked, ready for the move. Others where opened and needed to be re-packed because of the extended stay in the apartment and the company who stayed with her over the last weeks. The lease had been paid up till the end of October so they could take their time with the move. This turned out to be a God send to Krista. She needn’t worry about leaving quickly now that the pace had slowed. Krista sat in the middle of the livingroom, nothing but silence and boxes surrounding her. There she finally let the tears come in torrents, her sobs coming from that place she had just discovered with Josh before his trip. Finally her sobs quieted and she slept there on the floor, wrapped in Josh’s bath robe, a sleep born of helplessness. During the next week she finished packing and called the movers. Once they had everything removed from the apartment Krista wandered the empty rooms. She never thought she would miss this tiny apartment but be memories lived here as well as in her heart. As she pulled the door closed for the final time she felt something in the recesses of her mind scream with agony. She drove to their dream house feeling worn and old, tired and nauseous. The last few weeks had taken a serious toll on her body and her spirit. Now she walked the path that led to their pool. She had not been there since she had laid Josh’s ashes. In the three months since his death she had been constantly ill. At first she assumed it was simply the stress and loss. The grief was unbearable, she was barely able to take care of herself. She couldn’t go on this way any longer, she visited her doctor that morning and now she needed to share with Josh what she discovered. As she rounded the bend in the path the pool came into view, the breeze whispered through the bare trees and the spring bubbled happily at her. The stream was iced over but the spring was naturally hot and continued to flow right through the coldest part of winter. She closed her eyes and let the magic of the place soothe her racing thoughts and emotions. When she opened her eyes she found their spot under the pear tree, placed a blanket over the snow and sat for some time before she could speak to him. She could feel him all around her, his spirit lived in this special place. “Josh baby, I miss you.” She finally managed with her eyes closed. “How a I supposed to do this with out you?” The rest of her words caught in her throat as she broke down into sobs. Once she had collected herself she began again. “I went to the doctor’s today Josh. I have been so ill since you were taken from me and I have been afraid.” She looked down to her stomach and rubbed it softly. “We’re going to have a baby Josh. A piece of you lives on inside of me.” Tears rolled softly down her cheeks. This time the tears were a mixture of joy and sorrow. “All of our dreams are coming true; this place, this child, everything you have ever wanted. We will live it for you my love. We will be everything you ever dreamed.” Six months after Krista gave birth to a healthy baby boy. She named him Josh Jr. as they laid him on her breast and tears cascaded over her cheeks. “Our love will live forever.” She whispered to her heart. |
© Copyright 2000 Marilyn - All Rights Reserved | |||
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Superb work here, Marilyn. Your prose is flowing beautifully and unforced. I'm really proud of you and your commitment to your writing. I will give you one downside point because I know you would want that of me as your friend. Well written as it was, it was very predictable. I knew as soon as he got on that plane, he was dead meat. You made the first part so beautiful and idyllic that I was certain tragedy had to follow. This in no way detracts from your writing. I continue to applaud your abilities in prose. ![]() |
Rex Allen McCoy Member Elite
since 2000-01-30
Posts 2863Sippin a Timmy's in London |
Awesome writing here Marilyn I too could see it coming ... but I usually can ... no matter who the author is I still enjoy the talented way the story continues to unfold ... beautiful work ... ![]() Rex}<{{{{o> |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Magical story! I loved it.. |
Dusk Treader
Senior Member
since 1999-06-18
Posts 1187St. Paul, MN |
Oh Marilyn.. this was quite a work. Wrenched my heart a little then warmed it at the end. As Balladeer said Josh's death was predictable, but I didn't think the ending was at all. Also, I felt for Krista.. I wanted to grieve with her. The one complaint I have with this piece is that in some parts it feels a little choppy with the "Krista says," "Krista..." etc. That was what I thought at least. Wonderful piece here Marilyn. I really loved this one. Abrahm Simons Put one foot on the path of life and tread the dagger's path betwixt dark and light. |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
Marilyn, this is a great story. I wouldn't change it at all... You're quite talented as a prose writer - Better than I could hope to be for sure.. |
hoot_owl_rn Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750Glen Hope, PA USA |
have me in tears here, not only is this beautiful but also so well written. Great job!!!! |
WhtDove Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245Illinois |
Marilyn you've done an excellent job! This was an awesome story ![]() |
Dark Angel Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095 |
Excellent writing Marilyn, so beautiful and sad, enjoyed it much. ![]() What comes from the heart goes to the heart. Samuel Coleridge |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
This is a beautiful piece of work here. You had me in tears, I'm a sucker for love stories of any kind. I'll be looking forward to your next piece! "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde |
Pepper Member Elite
since 1999-08-19
Posts 3079Southern Florida |
Marilyn, You touched on many emotions in this beautifully written piece .... 'S' I loved the read !! I do enjoy your work so .... L, Shannon A soul that writes from the heart and shares it, truly gives a gift extraordinaire! Shannon |
Member Elite
since 1999-06-16
Posts 3850In the space between moments |
Abrahm, bless his soul, printed this out and showed it to me in school today..I was so impressed that I had to dig it back up and reply! Although the planecrash was predictable, this was written with such raw, vivid emotion that it didn't matter. This was deeply sad and moving work, Marilyn. It was especially a shock to see my name as the characters name. Thanks for a wonderful read! ![]() *Krista Knutson* "Thought is real, physical is the illusion..." Albert from ~What Dreams May Come~ |
Dusk Treader
Senior Member
since 1999-06-18
Posts 1187St. Paul, MN |
Ah, I loved this story so much Marilyn... I want to boost it up again and let others take a look.. This one struck a chord in me. Abrahm Simons "Keep on dreamin' boy 'cause when you stop dreaming it's time to die" - Blind Melon |
amazon_lover Member
since 2000-04-09
Posts 491Dublin,Ireland |
Hi Marilyn That was a wonderful story. Thanks for the read. Sincerely A_L |
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