Passions in Prose |
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Quotes 1/16/11 |
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rad802 Member
since 2008-04-19
Posts 279KY U.S.A. ![]() |
Do not stand on either side of an opinion arguing when the clearer view is just down the road. 1/15/11 Always strive to create win-win opportunities in every endeavor. 1/15/11 To live is to embrace each moment as it goes by, it is the only thing that we truly possess. 1/14/11 Men who like to brawl do not understand how expensive dental work is. Consider the raccoon, given a choice he will run away and he doesn't care if you call him a coward but if cornered he will give you a fight ten times his size. 1/14/11 The surest cure for selfishness is to continually practice random acts of kindness. 1/15/11 I do my most creative thinking on a motorcycle. If you can ride a motorcycle on the freeways of southern California, then you probably have enough courage for battle. The mystical side of modern physics states that for free will to truly exist there must be an infinite number of parallel universes. 1/2/2011 Greatness requires a talent for the extraordinary. It is not enough to exceed the flow of the river, you must become one with the sky. 1/2/2011 The more we rely on our presuppositions the less we will learn. 12/2010 More crimes have been committed by religious zealots than by scientific zealots. 12/2010 Imagination is diluted by knowledge. 12/2010 (Knowledge dilutes imagination). It will eventually be proven that the most powerful force in the universe is love. 12/2010 If you are not disturbed by quantum mechanics than you are not paying attention. ( variation of a quote by Niels Bohr) The only thing known to violate the second law of thermal dynamics is life. Cars used to be 100% rebuildable now they are 100% recyclable. The universe is degenerating from a highly ordered luminous state to a cold, dark, random expansion into nothing. If Apple computers had never existed Microsoft products would be even worse. Do not teach your children to hate unless you are prepared to say our enemies are many and our numbers are few. The benefit of being famous is not the money or popularity but the opportunity to hang out with the people you most admire. If grumbling is the only way for you to show that you care then you need a bigger palette. A companies people are it's most valuable resource. Your team isn't just going to just walk in the front door. You have to build a team. In the digital world nothing truly exist unless it exist in at least two places. We connect with what we understand and we grow with each connection. When someone shares an idea that takes us somewhere new we then branch out and continue to step our way up a ten dimensional stairway spiraling into infinity. We will never reach the top but the climb is worth the effort. (11-15-10) "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father." What I see here is that the "word" became the genetic code that dwelt among us. Would you rather be loved, feared or respected? I think GOD himself would choose loved. In this journey of life we have been set upon, every choice becomes a fork in the road. The destination of the branches in front of us are real but all the other branches behind us are imagined. (10-30-10) You can't make a difference if you don't know what it is. (10-29-10) Keep moving, there'll be plenty of time to rest when you're dead. (10-29-10) If the nature of the universe is indeed digital then what the speed of light defines for us is the processor speed. Gravity or "down" is a slowing of the recursive algorithms of the digital universe. A gravity well or black hole is a location where the computations as far as the outside observer is concerned have stopped. Time, gravity, the stretching out of space and the second law of thermal dynamics are somehow linked in a manner that has yet to be described. The history of a black hole is written or smeared upon it's rippling surface, called the event horizon. (10-29-10) The observable universe is just the rippling skin of the real universe. With each quantum tick of time the the skin or membrane of our universe gets bigger. Einstein tells us that the distinction between the past present and future is a stubbornly persistent illusion. This would suggest that the universe is like a set of Russian dolls nested inside of one another. They all exist but we are stepping from one to the next with every tick of time. From highly energetic and highly ordered to cold dark chaos. As it turns out this is the most likely outcome. 12/2010 Fairness and equality do not exist. They are not found in any society, they are not found in nature, they are not found anywhere. It is the struggle for one's "piece of the pie" that causes conflict around the world. We have only to, as a society, continually move towards fairness and equality in order to improve our situation. (10-29-10) My generation did not know in the 60's and 70's that drugs were bad for you. We only wanted to experience everything life had to offer, that we survived is punishment enough. (10-29-10) I wish to live in the "golden time". That space between wars, when men forget to hate each other. I call it golden because of it's rarity, radiance, and beauty. Take care that your opinions do not cause division. I am seldom punished for being too skeptical, I am often punished for being too trusting. Young people tend to daydream and old people tend to reminisce so I suspect that it is the middle aged people that are getting all the work done. The problem with opinions is other people. Religion is doing, spirituality is being. It is better to belong to something than to own everything. The best that we can hope for in this world is a happy life and a peaceful death. Do not worry about finding the perfect partner, just be sure their flaws can be appreciated and enjoyed. Is it possible that the only thing our great grandchildren will inherit is our mistakes? Anatomically speaking, it is the human female, not the male, that is the pinnacle of design. People who live passionate lives will stir up the lives of the people around them, it is unavoidable. We are happy with what we feel that we deserve. If we get something we don't feel that we deserve, it can make us depressed (sudden wealth syndrome). SOLUTION: Be the best person you possibly can be and wait for good things to happen. The peoples of the world are like the notes of a symphony, therefore we should celebrate all of the variations that a good composer would use if he were to create his masterpiece. 9/20/09 We are each at the center of our universe and only a few extraordinary people are able to step outside of their center, so to speak, as a lifestyle. The universe is so vast. The same goes for time and yet here we are. This is truly a miracle. To believe in God requires faith. It is the same for the atheist who believes that the universe sprang out of nothing and happened to be so perfectly tuned that the spark of life could be ignited out of the dead matter from exploded stars. We should look at life as a miracle every day that we wake up. If there is another four billion years of life left on this planet as the scientists say, then really humanity is just a blip in the scheme of things. If their is a God that cares about us then he will sort things out in his time. We can only wonder. Love is beyond the bounds of reason. Opportunity is the fastest moving benefit. People color the information they take in with their preconceptions. This makes communication a bit of a challenge. I think that the whole political system is flawed. It does not correct many of the problems that occur simply because of human nature. The subtle nuances of the human condition are not completely understood and so we are not equipped to create the checks and balances required to correct the system so that we achieve the most effective and efficient form of government possible. Chaos theory would dictate that this is probably impossible. It is important at the beginning of any relationship that those involved keep trust in the center. It is to be earned, it is to be rewarded and it is to be cherished. It is in this way that true friends are united. We are as a species in trouble not because of science, religion or politics but because of human nature. How do we inspire people to look outside of their own interest. How do we motivate people to cooperate in this state of crisis we now find ourselves in. We should develop a strategy to combat human nature and get people to think outside of themselves. This will not be easy, it will require careful thought and hard work. A worthy legacy is the irrevocable consequence of dreaming. Since we have seen no time travelers, either time travel into the past is impossible or we don't have much of a future. Capitulation is the general recourse for the hopelessly outnumbered. As the sphere of knowledge increases so too does the border to the unknown. at 2009-01-15 (variation of a quote from Einstein) In California, no man will suffer a fool. In Kentucky it is expected. at 2009-06-16 Nothing affects change like heat and pressure. at 2009-06-15 It is the speakers responsibility to be understood. If you are pouring water into a bottle with a narrow opening, then you should proceed slowly and carefully. at 2009-05-31 If you are searching for truth, it is your responsibility to be diligent in weighing the facts. We do not have the luxury of accepting statements that are unfounded. at 2009-05-31 Innocence must be protected, for it is defenseless against the unimaginable horrors it has no concept of. at 2009-05-31 Truth will always be elusive, the very nature of reality itself is an illusion. God is light. Light is a particle and a wave, what is waving is probability. at 2009-05-31 It is for protection, we harden our stance against the world. It is for acceptance, we abandon our path and choose another. It is for remembrance that we cling so tightly to all that we hold dear. But for love we must surrender all. at 2009-05-22 Some people have strong opinions about the things they care about and live very passionate lives. I understand these people, even if their opinions differ from mine. What I don't understand is apathy. at 2009-05-20 To truly understand a man, you must look at his enemies. at 2009-05-16 If God is not fighting you're battles for you, maybe you're on the wrong battlefield. at 2009-05-14 How is it that, we are able to condemn the things we desire? How is it that, we are able to desire the things we condemn? at 2009-05-10 My love can lift me to the heavens with a smile and dash me upon the rocks with a tear. at 2009-05-04 Love is the focused desire that pierces the soul. at 2009-05-04 Love is the completion of all the efforts of a pure heart. at 2009-05-04 It is in the fullness of love that we all desire to exist. at 2009-05-04 Hope is a curious thing, we should dare to hope but hope must be tempered with truth. at 2009-04-26 When you are alone you will have highs and lows but when you are a couple the highs will be higher and the lows will be lower. Maybe we are echos of other lives, from other times, in other universes. at 2009-04-11 The secret to happiness is forgiveness. You should try forgiving others and when you become very good at it then maybe you can forgive yourself. at 2009-04-02 Too much prosperity or poverty almost always has the effect of diminishing the character of a man. at 2009-03-31 We are all living separate lives, the trick is getting together. at 2009-03-30 In any society concentrations of power should be avoided at all cost. at 2009-03-28 Most people will like you for what you can do for them, some people will like you for how you make them feel and a few extraordinary people will like you just because. at 2009-03-27 I know that it is important to be dignified but I shall go to the gallows kicking and screaming. at 2009-03-22 Probably it is the youthful influences that have the most profound impression or vice versa. at 2009-03-18 Volatile times represent a redistribution of wealth, usually not in the average man's favor. at 2009-02-22 Sex is Mother Nature's way of ensuring that the next generation occurs. at 2009-02-15 Imagine if everyone you knew were perfect. It is our flaws that make us unique. at 2009-02-13 Don't try to understand women, just enjoy them for as long as you can. (Ladies feel free to reverse this). at 2009-02-08 If there is no God than there is no such thing as success, only varying degrees of failure. at 2009-01-29 Whenever there is an opportunity for corruption, there is corruption. at 2009-01-22 If you've lost something, the only way to find it again is to buy another one just like it. at 2009-01-18 Think you will have a perfect life? Nobody has a perfect life, but hopefully it will be full of perfect moments. at 2009-01-12 All men should live in peace with one another whenever possible. at 2009-01-11 As far as my work is concerned: Trying to get my work noticed on some of these sites is like being lost on a sea of white noise. at 2008-12-25 The most valuable thing you own is your heart. Guard it well. at 2008-12-17 We should look at everything, to see what makes the most sense. It is the things we ignore that make us ignorant. at 2008-12-14 In the future designer viruses will be more popular than designer jeans. at 2008-10-27 All the world clamors for a little bit of love, and each one of us has the power to fulfill that. at 2008-10-18 Because all men are prone to error, we must carefully devise laws that will benefit all, not just a few. at 2008-10-18 There should be reasonable limits to how rich or how poor a man is allowed to get. at 2008-10-14 Live now, tomorrow is guaranteed to no man. at 2008-09-17 Having the moral high ground is overrated. What good is being right if it's not helpful? at 2008-08-27 Laws are made for people who will not be governed. The world is full of them. at 2008-08-15 If you want to know where someone's heart is at, find out what their definition of success is. at 2008-08-15 Timing is often the difference between brilliance and stupidity. at 2008-07-02 Meeting the other person half way is great but the profit starts just beyond this point. at 2008-06-27 As long as love exists we have to concede in the possibility that there is a God no matter what science says. at 2008-05-10 Sacrifice and reward are fundamental in achieving satisfaction. at 01/07/2010 Being happy is not automatically guaranteed, you have to work at it. at 01/07/2010 Joy is so deeply rooted in our souls that it is not tossed about by the waves of circumstance. at 01/08/2010 Even though people are the problem, in the end it is people that matter most. Learning is an art, you have to start with an understanding of how you as an individual best absorb information. There is nothing quite so sexy as good old fashioned enthusiasm. It is a shameful thing that discord is more common than harmony. Do not through action or inaction, cause another human being to come to harm. Fixing all of the problems of the world is like sweeping the Sahara. I guess you just grab a broom and start sweeping. I fear that I am not heard, I fear that I am not understood, I fear that I will not be remembered. I have come to realize that it is fear that is the problem. Mankind is characterized by a desire to worship something greater than themselves. Which God do you worship? The God of impatience and pride, or the God of love, peace and charity? If capitalism is based on freedom, then we have cause to rejoice but if it is based on greed then we should feel nothing but shame. It appears that only a small number of people are passionate about preserving the environment. One only has to watch the series, Planet Earth to understand how quickly the habitats of the Earth are disappearing. Before the industrial revolution there were one billion people, as this number increases our impact on the environment grows exponentially. If we are to succeed, then we should unite with one purpose and speak with one voice. There is nothing quite so beautiful as a simple, eloquent expression. At some point we should think about replacing our politicians with computers. The danger in going on vacation is that, your employer may discover that they can get along just fine without you. Being remembered is the closest thing to being alive. In order for a car company to survive in the future, they will need to offer a car that is simple, reliable and upgradeable. I don't care how good a 1 year old car is! How good is it after 10 years? It is best to find a balance between chaos and stasis, either extreme would be intolerable. I wonder what would happen if I put a big sign in my front yard that said PLEASE DO NOT THROW ROCKS AT MY WINDOWS. Probably, at least in my neighborhood, someone would think "who does this guy think he is" and then throw a rock at my window, HUMAN NATURE! if you are not hungry once in a while then maybe you are not an artist but just a businessman. An employee should think of himself as a very small company and his employer as his only customer therefore, he should treat his only customer like gold because if he loses his only customer he will have no work at all. It is not wise to trade immediate gratification for future advantage. When it comes to money, being an optimist can be expensive. If science is to have any chance of grasping the nature of reality, it must first solve the question of how the universe wound itself up through random processes. If your life is boring, get yourself a really needy friend. It is better to out-love people than to outlive them. Most really crazy people can only take reality in small doses. The benefit of being friends will vastly outweigh the benefit of being enemies. A manager is not the ship's engine but it's rudder. Do nothing to hasten death, it comes soon enough. LAST VOICE YOU HERE Moment stalls, your vision fading Beyond the veil, three figures waiting Senses blend to infinite As all the pieces reconnect Every choice will fall or rise Uniting truth, dissolving lies Purpose can not be ignored Could punishment be your reward No rule you learned can be applied No possibility denied You're nowhere and you're everywhere Your stillness lying close beside Colored song of whispered breath A swirling sky of loveliness As rising peace now covers you And all you were will now renew |
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rad802 Member
since 2008-04-19
Posts 279KY U.S.A. |
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Not sure what you're looking for, Rad. You've given input on a LOT of personal thoughts, and forgive me, but when I started reading this earlier today? My first impression was that you are quite prolific. My second thought was "how ironic" in that I started a "personal quotes" list myself recently... but it couldn't surpass your prolific thoughts. I think, given some time, some of these will be read, questioned, and you'll have some input, so, my dear... Patience is always key. (c) KRJ ![]() |
rad802 Member
since 2008-04-19
Posts 279KY U.S.A. |
thanks |
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