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Ethan M. O'Callahan
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since 2006-02-26
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0 posted 2006-02-27 03:27 PM

This is the first chapter to a book I might write.

     You can only live so long before you start wondering why. You're happy for most of your childhood and you live to be happy. You go to school and you live to learn. After a while the questions sneak their way into your subconscious and eventually you realize they are there and you begin to ask them.
     Why am I living?
     There's a reason. Everyone you ask is sure there is a reason. You tell everyone who asks you that there is a reason. You just don't know it yet.
     People win the lottery. They buy a ticket with numbers for one dollar. Their numbers get picked and they suddenly have millions of dollars. Some people say anyone who wins the lottery is lucky. Anyone who knows why they live is luckier than anyone who ever won the lottery.
     So that’s me. One day someone asks me why I am alive. What am I going to do that is so great that God made me? I knew the answer right? Wrong. I had no clue what I wanted to do. I was a robot. I was a machine, programmed to get up at 6:30 every morning and wear the same clothes. I was allowed the chance to prove I was in fact an individual by picking a different tie every day. This proved nothing. I wore khaki pants and a white oxford shirt. Hundreds of boys who went to my school wore the exact same thing. But they had different ties didn’t they? After I got dressed I went to a place where I was taught things, things that were supposed to help me later on in life. The second unanswerable question: how. I didn’t know how. No one else knew how. Oh, but there was a way, we just didn’t know it. We didn’t know how anything we did would help us in our eventual goal, which we didn’t know. It's wonderful how straightforward life is.
     At this place, I would meet and form relationships with other robots just like me. At a catholic school everyone comes from the same background. There is no diversity. Everyone has a nice family that goes to church every Sunday and prays before meals and bed. They all have the same outlook on life which is not to look. There is absolutely nothing wrong with religion. It's the people. They don't take it to heart. I watch them. I stand or sit in church and I look around. The priest is giving a sermon. He is passion, at times he is shouting, he is whispering, he is talking with emotion. He is excited about the love of God. What do the people do? They stand there stoned faced, stoic, emotionless. Every once in a while they check their watch. They have to go soon. They need to go shopping. It must be terrible to live to shop. This priest lives to help people get into heaven where they will find unending happiness, while John Doe in the front row is getting his jacket on because he lives to foodshop. They are robots in everything they do. They lack the emotional capacity to realize that their lives are stagnant. Being unthinking robots they could not answer any question if it couldn’t be found on    
     Apparently someone was dissatisfied enough with where their life was headed that he asked me this question. I don’t know why he asked me but I'm glad they did.  I told them the same thing everyone told me. Sure, there is a reason. No I don’t know what it is. No honestly I don’t know what mine is either. But I do have one… don’t I?
     Punctuation is used to show what is happening in a sentence. Exclamation marks are used when there is excitement. Periods are used when nothing is really happening, just stating facts. Question marks are for questions. I just used a question mark. Punctuation just changed my life.
     So what do you do when someone asks you a question you can't answer? I sat down and listened to music. Music was the harmonic noise that blocked out the chaotic noise of the world and allowed me to think. I asked myself questions, questions which decided it would be fun to procreate and multiply and become hundreds of questions.
     All of this trouble because of one guy named Logan. If I was at a support group my line would be, "Hello, my name is Adam, and I am a changed man".

© Copyright 2006 Ethan M. O'Callahan - All Rights Reserved
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Senior Member
since 2006-02-17
Posts 523
1 posted 2006-02-27 10:18 PM

Its good. If you do write and publish a book i would go out and buy it. Wonderful start I hope you continute it.


       Where your heart lays
        is where you belong.

since 2006-01-29
Posts 222
The middle of my mind!
2 posted 2006-03-02 09:35 PM

Yes so would I This is very good ... "Wonderful"

~%#*So far from perfect!*#%~
~%#*So far from life and living!*#%~

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