Passions in Prose |
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The Rose |
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Savage Quiescence Member
since 2002-07-29
Posts 326Wandering |
Hi, everyone. This is a story that I wrote for school, and am going to submit into the Project XL competition. It is based off of a character sketch I did a few years ago, and is the idea behind a novel I hope to one day write. If it seems choppy, I had to cut out some parts to make it short enough for the contest. Let me know what you think. Sorry if the format seems messed up, it did that when I copied and pasted and I don't have time to fix it right now. ____________________________________________________ “The Rose” The echo of Nick’s feet hitting the wet pavement sounded down the street. He hardly noticed when it started storming and could hear nothing over the sound of his heart pounding in his ears. When he reached the dirt road, Nick stopped and peered into the darkness. Terrifying thoughts filled his mind with hesitation and his heart with desperation. Finally, he turned to the right and walked on with careful, deliberate steps. Nearing the point where the road curved violently against the edge of the forest, Nick pushed his matted, brown curls away from his eyes and tried to quiet the beating of his heart. It was dark, but when lightning struck in the distance, Nick could barely make out the silhouette standing over the tiny cross planted in the ground. He didn’t need to close the distance between them to identify the shadowy figure standing drenched on the side of the road. Even if he had wanted to, it would have been impossible. What Nick Browning had seen in that split second of yellow light had filled him with terror. There stood his best friend next to the cross memorializing the only woman he had ever loved with what appeared to be the barrel of a gun pointed right at his mouth. One In the fading light of dusk, it was hard for Landon to imagine where she could be hiding. Like a cat on the hunt, he crossed the lawn, the damp grass cushioning his steps and allowing him to move silently. His green eyes scanned the property. Where could she be? A sly smile crept across his face. Nearing the wide oak on the side of the house, Landon broke into a dead run. From behind the oak she sped past him as fast as her lean legs would carry her. He followed closely behind her, her thick red curls flowing like flames from the heated race. He could hear her breathing heavily. “Haily, give up, you’re not getting away!” She turned to look at him, spite dancing in her blue eyes. Just when it seemed like she might get away, Landon sprinted ahead and grabbed her around the waist. She screamed as the toppled to the ground. For a moment they wrestled but it was quickly apparent that Haily was no match for Landon’s muscular build. Realizing that it was hopeless, Haily lay helplessly in Landon’s arms. All of a sudden, smiles erupted on both of their faces. Laughter filled the cool night air. When they finally quieted, Landon lay on the wet grass, taking in the soft curves of Haily’s face. He smiled and leaned in to kiss her, whispering, “I win.” Two “How long have you known?” Her eyes dropped to the floor. They sat in silence for a moment, her hands fidgeting nervously in her lap. Landon sat waiting patiently for her to answer his question. As he watched her sitting there, his heart broke to think of how she must be feeling. Haily hooked a loose curl behind her ear and finally met his gaze. “Almost a week. I wanted to be sure.” Tears filled her eyes and again, her gaze dropped to the floor, afraid of what she might see in those green eyes she loved so much. Landon rose from the chair across from her and sat on the couch next to Haily. Gently, he wrapped her in his arms and she nuzzled against him. “I love you,” Landon whispered quietly. Three They concluded that they would tell Landon’s parents that night. They knew there was no point in putting it off or telling Haily’s family until it was necessary. Her father was a drunk and her mother had left many years ago. Landon’s family was the only one Haily had ever known. They sat with his parents and exchanged small talk for a while. After a moment of silence, Landon knew the time had come. He took a deep breath and prayed for the best. “Mom, Dad, you know that Haily and I love you both very much. We respect your opinions more than you realize. We also know that you have put your faith in us and that is what I ask of you now. We have decided to be open and up-front with you, instead of being secretive. Haily is pregnant.” Landon’s father, Warren, shot to his feet. “She’s what?!” Landon rose slowly, determined to remain calm. “I know we made a mistake. But what’s done is done. Now we have to face the consequences. It isn’t going to be easy, but we can do it. We love each other. We love this baby, and we are going to give it the best we can.” Warren started to say something, but Liz shot him a warning glance. Landon was right. Arguing would not change or help anything. Still, Warren was fuming. Finally, Warren stood up. “I’m going to take Haily home. It’s late.” Landon interjected, “I can take her, Dad.” “No,” said Warren, grabbing his keys. “I’ll take her home.” Landon decided not to argue. Instead, he got up and hugged Haily, whispering, ”I love you.” “Then why did you ruin her life?” asked Warren in a tone that dripped with anger. Quickly, he shut the door, and Landon stood staring at it, unable to move. Four Landon had never heard a scream, human or beast, filled with as much agony as the one that pulled him from his sleep that night. In an instant, he was down the stairs and in the kitchen doorway. There he found his mother on her knees, the phone on the floor beside her. He knelt down and put his hands on her shoulders, begging her to tell him what was wrong. When their eyes met, Landon knew that the life he had known was over. Five Nick called again. Why wasn’t he answering? He couldn’t imagine what the last month had been like for Landon. Seeing his best friend standing between the caskets of his father and pregnant girlfriend had almost been too much. It was such a tragic ending. Warren had lost control of the car and slammed into a tree, killing them both on impact. Landon had barely spoken since. He had been so beside himself that he was hospitalized and put on suicide watch. Once released, he seemed lost in his own little world, and rarely showed emotion. It had been hard on Liz, but after Landon was hospitalized, she decided that the only way her son would get better was if she stopped grieving over what she had lost and concentrated on what she had left. Six “Landon, is that you? Do you know what time it is!?” He looked at the clock but it was too blurry to read. He had drunk more than usual this time. Suddenly, it all went black. When Landon opened his eyes, it was morning. He didn’t know how he had gotten home and his head was pounding. There was a knock at the door. Nick walked in. He had been up all night. He looked concerned, but his eyes were unmistakably stern. Landon sighed internally. “You can’t go on like this, Landon. I have sat quietly aside for too long and watched you throw your life away. You’re failing your classes, you get drunk nightly and you couldn’t care less about anyone but yourself.” Landon rolled his eyes, but this time Nick wasn’t relenting. Even Landon, in his world void of emotion, was taken back by what Nick said. “SHE died, Landon. Not you! I thought you cared about her? This is some way of honoring your love. Do you think this is what she would have wanted? It would break her heart to see you like this yet this is how you decide to carry on her memory, by drowning it in a bottle every night.” “I lost my father, my girlfriend, and my baby in one night. Do you know what the last thing Dad said to me was? That I ruined her life. Well that’s not a memory I wish to carry on.” Landon was yelling, but Nick didn’t care. At least he was getting something this time. “Of all the memories you have, that is the one you cling to. You think that because it hurts so bad it’s OK to go on living like this. Well, I don’t want your excuses. Forgive your father.” Landon broke down. “But I miss her so much, Nick. It’s all my fault.” “It’s not your fault. Because of you she knew what it was like to be loved and have a family. You gave her happiness. She would want the same for you.” Seven Nick smiled at his friend from across the room. Landon had finally pulled through. He stopped drinking and graduated at the top of his class. Landon also forgave his father. There were still rough days, like this one. It was the one-year anniversary of the accident, and they were holding a memorial service for Warren and Haily. Landon had held up well, but around dusk he told his mother he was going home. When Liz got home a couple of hours later to find Landon missing, she called the police and asked Nick to help search for him. Eight Nick had already guessed where Landon was. Now he stood, ten feet away in the pouring rain, afraid to make a move. Had it come to this? Tears stung Nick’s eyes. Slowly, he made his way towards Landon. With a shaky voice, he plead, “Please, Landon. Listen to me.” Lightning struck and illuminated the sky and Nick could see more clearly. In an instant of realization, he understood. Landon softly kissed the red pedals of the rose he held at his lips, and laid it gently down next to Haily’s cross. “I love you, baby. I always will.” After a moment, Landon turned to Nick and they stood looking at each other as the rain washed away their tears. For the fist time in a year, they both knew it would be all right. ~Alicia Morris 12-07-04 |
© Copyright 2005 Alicia Morris - All Rights Reserved | |||
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
I enjoyed reading this. You have a way with prose, so keep at it...good luck on the contest and this sounds like it would be a good novel! ![]() |
Savage Quiescence Member
since 2002-07-29
Posts 326Wandering |
Thank you very much, DeVine. Everyone tells me that I am better at writing stories than poems, but man they take a lot of effort ![]() |
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