Passions in Prose |
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Death (four horsemen) |
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Vagabond Member
since 2004-01-23
Posts 163![]() |
I have it all typed now, thanks to those who take time away from their day to read it: Death I am the top of my class. No one in the tower could top my abilities when they were my age. I am Tal Light Bringer. A mage of the Tower of Fire, I would have graduated tomorrow. Or would have if the tower had not been destroyed. It was attacked by a congregant of soldiers and mages from the Tower of Water. They came with their best to end the feud long between water and fire. No one knows how it started, but it was almost ended yesterday. They stormed the tower and killed all they could. Few survived. Me, the Elder of the Tower, Mel the destroyer, and Toros the Strange survived and we are all on this muddy swamp somewhere north of the Tower. Toros brought us here when we had been imprisoned at the top level of the tower. After we had been imprisoned by the water mages they spelled the doors to not open, but the Elder had some tricks for them. He took out a key that looked to be made of fire trapped in glass and he held it up. When he held it up he said, “Open doors of the Fire Tower, I am the Elder!” And it opened, regardless to the spell of the water mages had put on it. As soon as we were out in the hall Toros teleported us out of the tower north to this swamp. We settled down and were resting when the elder informed me that I was to be the guard for the night. At the same time he game me a small tome and told me to read it but to stay alert. So I set up some basic warding spells and then a rather difficult spell to tell me if enemies were near. Then I sat down in the middle of the camp after constructing a small platform with magic and began to gather energy for the next spell I was about to cast. As I sat in the basic meditation pose and was drawing energy I felt a strange sensation and realized that the ward I had set up was disabled and had been crossed. I send a mental thought to the others, “They are coming!” That woke them up and I sent another, “Protect me I’m setting up a spell, disturb only if defeated.” They then gathered around me in a circle facing outward and I went back to gathering energy. As I fell deeper in to myself as required for the spell I became unaware of the surroundings but they latter explained what happened. Just a few seconds after I alerted them the fighting began. There were two water mages, an earth mage, and three soldiers. There earth mage did nothing but the two water mages stepped forward and both said together, “Prepare for battle, last of fire, it shall be your last!” With that they sent boiling waves of water at us but the warding spells that had not been disabled absorbed it, barely. At the same time the soldiers charged and were easily dispatched. One was burnt to death by the Elder’s spell. One was blown apart by a fireball from Mel. The last one vanished (due to Toros’s spell). Then the water mages broke my ward by sending a combined spell that rose up four water elementals. The water mages then collapsed, exhausted, and began gathering energy like me. The water elementals then stacked with all they had. It was a mess the water elementals were sending boiling water everywhere and we were trying to turn it to harmless steam, and who knows what Toros was doing. Finally Toros did something; he caused one of the elementals to changes to a fire elemental that then went after the two remaining water elementals. “The water mages must have put all they had into the elementals because they’re stronger.” Shouted Toros over the hissing of water and fire. I finally had enough energy to cast the spell so I came to and cast the spell. What a wonderful spell it was. Now sat on the platform beside of me a tripod that was glowing, it would shoot out bolts of pure energy at enemies, bolts stronger than any lightning. Its first target was a water elemental. It shot out a bolt of pure power and there was a small but loud explosion of the water elemental turning to steam. There was nothing left to it after that. Toros then unleashed a spell atone of the water mages but it was barely strong enough to get through the mages personal warding spells. Weakened though it was the mage turned gray then red then back to gray and then he fell over. Not dead, but out for a long time. At that the other water mage teleported with a slight crack and took with him the other mage. Then the earth mage did something, he raised an iron golem and sent it after the water elemental the fire elemental was fighting. The golem got to the water elemental just as the fire elemental perished. The golem took care of the water elemental but it was rusted over when it was finished. Then to finish off the last one Mel and I sent a basic fireball with plenty of power behind it at the last water elemental and it vanished in a puff of steam. All looked at the earth mage and he just looked back. “Who are you?” I asked. In return I received a thought from him, “I am Rok the Binder, I have been sent to find you. I am a mute. I cannot speak due to an ancient spell that binds my tongue in exchange for the powers of the spell.” “Why have you been sent to find us?” asked Toros not in a thought but with his voice, “Who sent you?” “I have been sent by the Elder of the Earth Tower to offer an alliance with the Tower of Fire to unite against the hated water. Do you accept this offer?” he asked in thought. “I accept you offer Rok who speaks on the behalf of his Elder, I am the Elder of the Tower of Fire. We are, I am afraid, the last of the Tower of Fire,” Answered the Elder. “I shall send Tal with you to the Tower to speak for me.” “I am Tal Light Bringer.” I sent as I stepped forward in a thought. I turned to the Elder, “I accept this duty Elder, I shall accompany Rok who binds, to his tower and therefore to his Elder, may there be no treachery!” “We shall leave in the morning, were can I sleep?” he asked as he looked around. “Any where. Tal you are still on watch. How long will you creation last?” asked the Elder looking from me to Rok. “Three months without energy in or output.” “Good, this is were we shall start an outpost for the Tower.” “In a swamp?” exclaimed Mel disbelievingly. “Here let me help.” Came a thought from Rok. He knelt down and put his hand in the swampy water/land. A pained expression crossed his face then the rusty golem crumbled to dust. The ground was shacking and vibrating like an earthquake was coming. Finally the earthquake began subsiding and the ground became more solid. I look down and saw that the earth that was swampy was now solid iron. “It is done a thirty-five by forty foot square of iron that foes down three feet and has solid dirt beneath it after that. Perfect to build a tower or castle, a small one that is.” “Amazing Rok, that was a strong bit of magic you just did.” Said the Elder. “It comes from the spell I am bound to.” “To bed all if you, except Tal. Go!” The Elder said to all and at once we all sent of to find a spot to sleep. Once everyone had went to sleep I sat down on the cold hard iron and took out the book that the Elder had gave me titled “Spells of Rejuvenation.” We had never been taught any rejuvenation spells in school, only given the warning that the spells have a tremendous after cost. Oh well, if the Elder wants me to read it I shall. I had just finished the book when dawn’s first light was reaching us. Rok startled me out of thought with his thought of, “Wake another we must leave now.” With his encouragement I went over and shook Toros awake. “What?” he said as soon as I woke him up. “Take watch, I’m leaving how.” “You’re leaving now?” he asked, “Here take this.” He conjured a book that must have been at the Tower for he had not carried anything away with him. He pressed it into my hands saying, “It’s the book of Illusions, never is it the same book that it was the last time you read it, now go!” The first day was uneventful asides that my energy was drained because I had to keep using it to keep myself going. When we stopped for the night I fell asleep instantly, and gratefully Rok took watch. The second day was not uneventful for when we stopped for the night a stranger approached. He wore a black robe with the cowl up so one could not see his face. He carried a staff tipped with iron to protect it from poundings into the ground and to other people. “Who are you?” I challenged, magic ready to invoke in an instant now that my energy had been restored due to the long sleep I had had. The stranger replied in a deep voice, “I have come to join you in your quest, I am—“ He was interrupted by Rok with a thought of great surprise, “Will! I thought you were dead!” “Regardless of my wish, I cannot die in the hands of a mortal man.” “He is Will the Savior, he is a bit dark and depressing. But by no means is he evil.” Rok thought to me with and exited thought. “We must make young Tal his weapon for this quest, for the quest is more than what you think it is. A sword will do for him.” “Yes, yes it shall do. Tal, I will create you a sword buy you must forge it. In fact you will do most of it. Enchant it with your best spells. We shall start in an hour, gather your energy” thought Rok obviously familiar with the ritual. In an hour we was as ready was we could be. It started with a sliver of steal of what Rok conjured. The with magic I started fire and melted it then Rok keep adding more and more metal then when there was enough molten metal floating in the air, I began forging it into the shape of a sword (with magic). As I was forging it I add spells to it. Spells of strength, and defense. Spells of offense etched in runes in to the still molten metal. I added with the runes spells for protection and strength. Spells of fire to make the sword flame when in battle. Spells of guidance and accuracy. Spells of poison and sharpness. Finally I was done and the Will did something, he cast a spell sealing it all in the sword and then a spell that caused lightening to repeatedly run the edges of the rapidly cooling blade. When the lightening had finally subsided and the blade had cooled Will said, “It is done, take it. It is yours tomorrow we shall make a scabbard for it.” I grabbed the cooled hilt of the sword and it felt like it was supposed to be there. Then the sword spoke into my mind, “Never release me Tal, I am part of you and your soul.” The sword was alive, alive as the same as me. “Now use this sheath for now. Remember we shall fix it up tomorrow. Tomorrow night that is, I fade by day. I shall take watch but you must get up at dawn of you will be unprotected.” I felt drained form the magic I had just worked but I didn’t sleep immediately I read the first few chapters in the Book of Illusions that Toros had given me. I fell asleep somewhere around the middle of the third chapter. When we set out the next day Will was gone and the rain was pouring down upon us, drenching us until I started evaporating it with my magic before it could hit us. But in the end before the hour was out I was forced to stop because it was too draining on my energy and if we had to fight I would not be able to do so. When it started getting dark we picked out a spot to stop and stay at for the night and Will was waiting for us there. “Hurry, get in here!” he shouted above the noise of thunder and pointed to a copse of trees in s basin that was starting to fill with water but Will used magic and removed the water and created a shield around it to keep the rain out. “What is it?” I asked. “Something is not right, some evil is at work tonight. Rest and gain your energy, do not sleep?” Will replied. “It senses it too, it is trying to get out. It hurts, I can barely control it!” sent Rok with a thought laden with fear. “Then it is more serous then I thought.” Said Will quietly. “What senses what?” I asked totally confused as to what was going on and what they were talking about. “The ancient spell.” That was all I got from both of them about it. So since there might be a fight I decided to meditate and gather energy for the up coming fight but it was almost impossible to do so. The reason for that being is that Rok keep emitting low moans of pain, and he was sitting right next to me. Then before I could ignore Rok’s moans and inhuman shriek ripped though the air. After the shriek it was impossible to meditate now for the shriek was imbued with fear. It set every hair on his body on end. When the cry broke the air Rok’s moans turned to screams of pain. Then, before I could get out of full lotus and run to Rok, a beast, part bat and part human. He was several feet taller then humans and he had humongous wings, the when he landed had spread at least six feet in each direction. The beast was completely black aside from the ruby eyes. When the beast landed Rok’s moans stopped, and I turned to look and saw that he had fainted. Then a spell bound me to were I was, half standing, and half sitting. The beast let out its inhuman cry again and I noticed that it held an underlying hiss of words that I could not understand. “You shall not harm innocents!” shouted Will at the beast, bringing his staff in front of him. The staff was now glowing with a strange eerily light coming form the wooden part of the staff. “I shall so as I wish, you will not stop me this time!” cried the beast, this time I could understand the hisses. “You shall not harm them.” Will shouted again, his voice carrying a strange power, and the light in the staff growing stronger. “You are weak Nivell, the one holds in him something that we want back, and it is not innocence.” It started to swap at Will with its great-clawed hand and knock him away. “No!” I screamed the spell broken that had bound me. I sent my strongest spell I had readied at the beast. It only caused the beast to stop and look at me, it didn’t seem to harm it. “Mortal! Fool! You cannot harm me.” “Go! Your land is not here you hold no power over this land, free from you corruption.” Will yelled that and his voice broke. He then struck out with his staff energy erupted from it. I was thrown to the ground, and blacked out. When I came to and sat up. There was no sign of Will of the beast. The land all around the basin was black and scorched. I looked over a Rok who was sleeping peacefully and decided that I had better take watch. About halfway to morning Will calmly walked into my field of vision, “Will! You’re alive!” “Yes, unfortunately. My job is not yet done, so I must stay.” “What was that thing?” “He was Pestilence, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The only one that was never bound.” “What did you do to him?” “I made him flee back to his land for he has little power here. Go to bed now, I shall keep watch. See you the next night” “What if the thing comes back during the day?” “He wont, he is like me, he fades with the light from the sun. He was wrong you could harm him. You can harm him with the sword that I put part of me and my magic into. You can harm him because I am immortal too, until I fail or succeed in my job or one of the horsemen kill me. Now go to bed you need your rest and the rain has stopped.” I did as he had bid me and fell asleep rather quickly. In the morning I awoke to see Rok staring at the cooking embers of the fire that he must have started. To get his attention I caused the dying embers to leap up into new life of the fire. “Are you okay?” I asked as soon as I knew that I had his attention. “Yes,” came the thought, “which one was it?” “Eh?” “Of the four horsemen.” “Oh! It was Pestilence, the only one unbound. How did you know?” “The spell keeps me from telling you that, even in thought.” “How far is it to your tower?” “Three days with good speed and weather.” “Well then, what are we waiting for, let’s go!” With that we set off in the general direction of east and north. The day was thankfully empty of surprises aside from a small village. When night fell yet again we found Will at the spot we was going to stop for the night. When he saw us he said, “Tonight we need to fix the scabbard as we meant to do yesterday. Now Tal, all that scabbards and sheaths are good for is to enchant them with personal protection charms and spells to protect you and your sword. They will need a spell to gather energy by themselves or else the spells we have put on them will not work good for they need energy to keep the spells on them. I shall provide such a spell. Now, gather energy for this may be easier but is no less draining.” I gathered energy for a while and after I thought I had enough to do the castings I took the scabbard and levitated it between the three of us. I levitated it so the ground would not absorb the spells and that we all could see to enchant it. I cast as many protective spells I knew on the sheath with all the energy Rok and I had for he had melded his energy with mine for tonight. Then Will took it and cast a spell to let it absorb energy, one that caused lightning to run up and down it like the one he had cast on the sword, and his last one was to seal all the spells into the object. I then took the scabbard and placed the sword in it and it grew red hot. “The sword may be used by none but you else they shall be killed, the scabbard will suffer no other sword and the sword shall suffer no other scabbard for they shall destroy it if they are put into it. Now sleep it shall be a long day tomorrow for if you keep up the speed you had to day you shall reach the tower tomorrow.” Said Will. It was chilly that night, warm fall was changing to winter, the season of death. The next day passed quickly but we did not make it to the tower. The next day we did though, early in the day we found the tower. It was one a wonderful Tower, tall and proud. But it was not destined to stay that way. All it was now is a smoldering ruin. Rok was in tears and I cried with him. Not only had Fire lost all chance of redemption, Rok had lost his home, family, and friends. We had become very good friends on the way here, relying on one another with lives builds almost unbreakable bonds of friendship. We searched the ruins for survivors with me protecting Rok from the heat (I was immune to it). We found one alive, but only minutes from death. He spoke to us only in thought because the physical effort was too much to tell us. He told us about how a beast much like Pestilence, backed with now rotting water and fire mages. They were undead. Now the earth mages had joined those ranks of undead. He asked me to cremate him so he would rest in peace and not become an undead, for the afterlife of the undead is hunted, slavery, and unfathomable thirst and hunger. He gave us a talisman to kill the undead easier, for they are nearly untouchable. He told us that the beast had left with his army going north to the dark mountains, to the Tower of Evil Magics. There we must go with Will to stop him. His last thoughts were, “You must top him from—,” and with that he died. Rok cursed in thought, “Stop him from what?” “I don’t know, I hope Will knows.” I cremated all that I could find to save them from the suffering of being undead. Then we waited at the ruins till dark came. I read the book of Illusions twice during that time, both times it was a different book aside from the last line: Under heaven, All can see beauty as beauty Only because there is ugliness All can know good as good Only because there is evil —Lao Tsn Finally darkness came while I was thinking on the last line of the book, Will appeared between Rok and me. “Another victory of Pestilence.” Were his first words when he appeared. “How do you know?” I asked. “I know anything that goes on at day. I am Nivell, God of Binding.” I looked at Rok to see how he was taking this and he thought to us, “My God, why did you choose me? Why me to be bound to it? Why?” he had wailed the last thought. “Because you can control it, and use it to your ends, not the other way around. I shall of with you Rok, Tal, to the Tower of Dark Magics. That was your quest I keep talking about, to defeat Pestilence and bind him, I shall bind him for that is my job. My job is to see all the horsemen bound or dead.” “When do we leave?” I asked “Now for the goddess Alla of energy will provide you strength to continue without stopping. You will have no need to sleep.” :The let us be off and waste not another minuet!” Said Rok in our thoughts. “Avoid people and make haste!” that was the last thing Will told us before he vanished, it wasn’t even day yet. Then we set off. It was a rough voyage. A month and a hold on foot, but about two weeks into the trip we was attacked by three bandits with horses. We killed them and took their horses and therefore shortened our journey down to half a month left. Less time in the winter the better. With less then two days to go to the tower our horses died from the cold and hunger for there was little to east. The fact that there was little to eat bothered us not for mages take a test and a class at their entry into the towers to condition them to be able to forgo food forever, but at the cost to greatly increased water consumption. The water was no problem for there was snow all around us and all we had to do was melt it, witch I usually did that job though. That night Will/Nivell came to us and informed us that Alla could not support us anymore and that while we slept tonight he would transport us to a days walk to the Tower. He then cast a spell forcing us into sleep, I struggled against it but my power was no match for a god, even a fallen one. When we woke in the morning Nivell was still there, in the sun. He noticed I was awake and said, “Tal, today your powers will be put to the test. Pestilence will be below the Tower, in its lowest levels. I will be there during the battle but I may not be able to help you. I must go now. Keep an illusion on you so they cannot see you.” And with that he faded out to sight like a ghost. I quickly cast an illusion around us to make us invisible. To the north you could see a small tower that was smoking with dark smoke, the smoke seemed almost solid. To the east you could see a sun creeping above the mountains, staining a sky with blood like color. Rok then awoke and I told him simply, “Don’t move, we’re under an illusion, if you move you will break it.” Then I settled down to start weaving an illusion that would follow us, and protect us even if we moved. By the time the sun was just getting above the mountains I was done. Then I got Rok ready and set out on the barren ground to the tower. On the way there we saw elementals of fire and water and golems from the earth mages. We also saw many undead mages with their controllers of necromancers from the Tower of Evil Magics. We found the door into the Tower, a gruesome image. I wish I could forget what it was, it was a bloodstained door, still sticky with fresh blood, human blood. All around the door was old left behind bodies, rotting in the sun. We encountered few people on the way down to the lowest levels, most of them must be upstairs. One time you heard a muffled explosion and a scream but other than that it was silent. Down the stairs in a large corridor that must have been the last the illusion failed, luckily on one was around. I tried recasting it but I could not, nothing of magic could I grab here. “What is it?” asked the thought from Rok. “The Illusion, it has failed. This corridor has been sucked dry of magic, not even the faintest thread of magic to be found.” “Why would they do that?” “Probably to stop magic constructs or illusions like mine.” “After we get out of this corridor we should be able to cast spells, you can raise elementals and I’ll raise golems to act like we are undead, I would take to long for you to cast another illusion.” So very cautiously we continued down the corridor until we found another stairway in which there was magic to cast spells. I then cast a spell and created three fire elementals then Rok created a garnet and a ruby golem. “I have created those golems for you, the ruby one enhances your magic and so does the garnet one too. The ruby one is the best though, I could not create the most powerful one, diamond, it increases magic of all types and it is the strongest of all the golems.” Rok thought to me after creating the golems and sure enough when I tried to create a shield of fire around the golems, the elementals, and us. Then Rok took the idea and cast a spell incasing the fire elementals, golems, and us in a very flexible armor of ruby and iron. “Come, lets get going, we need not was time.” I said to Rok and we started off down the steps. It seemed like we descended forever, adrenaline raging in every step. We finally reached the lowermost level (not the dungeons for they killed all they could). At the base of the stairs there stood a dark beast and it asked us, “What are you doing here, boss see no one without spell. You imposters no longer shall you go.” Then it lat us but two of my elementals intervened. One of the elementals was cut in half and disintegrated by a swipe of its claw. Before the beast could attack again I sent a ray of fire and it flung it against the wall. Rok then caged it within an iron box with the fire elementals harassing it. I then fortified the cages fares with fire so the beast could not cut them open with its claws with out hurting it. I walked up to it as said, “You boss shall see me.” Then I took my sword out of its scabbard and stabbed the beast, the iron bars melted around the sword and the beast caught fire and quickly turned to ash when the sword plunged into the beast. Then the sword flared with blinding light, it was absorbing the beast’s life force and magic. “Keep your sword out, Pestilence is just ahead.” Thought Rok to me, “I can feel him.” We then stepped around the corner into a large doorway. The door was decorated with bones and daggers that were still stained with blood. “So you have come.” Said a hissing voice far across the large chamber. The beast was Pestilence and he was surrounded by undead mages, living dark mages, elementals, and golems. “Today you shall die to be born again.” “He is not alone!” came a cry from the doorway. It was Nivell who was leading to my surprise, Mel, Toros, the Elder, and three crusaders of light. “This is not your place Nivell,” said the beast, nettled, “Today you shall die, and it is you last battle. Never more shall you intervene with my, MY plans.” Shouted the beast. He must have said something else to his followers for they all attacked, most of the spells were aimed at Nivell but they didn’t seem to faze him. The few that came my way were absorbed by my sword and sheath. Then the Elder held up the key of fire and said “Unrightfully enslaved, I free you in the name of Ysikiiva.” Then the key flared and all the undead fire mages crumbled to dust and the fire elementals then turned and fought on our side. Pestilence was screaming at Nivell but I could not here it, I think it was a challenge. I was busy fighting two sapphire golems, aided by two water mages with their power heighten due to the stone of the golem. Pestilence was fighting Nivell, Rok was fighting his mages that were once his breatherin, and the crusaders were fighting the dark creatures and seemed to be doing a good job of it. The Elder, Toros, and Mel surrounded me like at the outpost so long ago. The Elder told me to help Nivell and that they would defend me. We started our way to Pestilence and Nivell fell. Pestilence was on him in an instant, laughing gleefully. Pestilence was about to plunge his claws in Nivell when he vanished. Instead of making the beast madder it made him laugh even harder, “Fool, you have failed!” “No!” I screamed, energy lashing from me into the beast. Anger driving me I ran to Pestilence and attacked with my sword but was knocked back by a spell from the beast that the scabbard barley absorbed. “You sword shall not let you avail.” It said. I heard a human scream and I look around, the scream had came for Rok. Rok had taken a bolt of energy full in the chest, died rapidly he screamed with his voice, “Nivell! I cannot hold it any longer. I am dieing! Were are you!?” “You little master has fled, leavening you to me!” Agony ripped though my body. Unbearable pain, I felt my body change and then, mercifully, blackness took over. When I came to. There was nothing alive near me. I could feel the long leathery wing I now had, and claws. I tried to stand and realized that I stood at least a full body length higher than I had. “What am I?” I asked “I am Death, the second unbound horseman of apocalypse.” I answered myself. Pestilence flew and landed beside me in the room were the battle had taken place. “Come brother, we have work to do.” Vagabon the Lost One |
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merlynh Member
since 1999-09-26
Posts 411deer park, wa |
Interesting style. |
Greeneyes![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-09-09
Posts 9903In Your Poetic Mind |
WOW oh WOW fantastic!!! ~~**~~ |
Vagabond Member
since 2004-01-23
Posts 163 |
thank you Vagabon the Lost One |
Vagabond Member
since 2004-01-23
Posts 163 |
I am now working on a short story/book (haven't figured out wich it will be) It's about a mage that have magic that was not learned, the first in centuries. He origanly fought for the good side, but when they found out it wasn't learned magic they were after him to steal his magic. Both good and Evil are trying to kill him, and eveturaly he goes mad. It's named "Random Ramblings of a Madman" (could be taken to be talking about me or the main char.) Vagabon the Lost One |
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