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Earth Angel
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since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light

0 posted 2002-12-12 05:42 PM

     We live in very exciting times.  All of humanity, as well as our planet Earth, have entered a new millennium--a new cycle of evolution. For the latter part of the twentieth century there had been a gradual development and manifestation of a new awareness.  This spiritual transformation has not been limited to any culture, age group, race, or nationality--it has transcended all dogmatic and religious perimeters.  With the coming of the new age, there has been a raising of the consciousness from one of separation and isolation, to one of attunement, communion, and interconnectedness.  Neither man nor country, need stand alone in our world's global community.
     As our universal consciousness continues to rise, wars will cease and children need not ever go to bed hungry.  The peoples of the world will band together to help our brothers and our sisters.  We will find ourselves blending into a oneness where each and every one of us is an integral part of the whole.
     As this new world opens up within us, our eyes will open up to all the wonders of nature around us.  A new respect will be engendered for our Mother Earth who has given and given of her bounty--asking nothing in return.  We must care for her with love and gentleness. Her pain is great, as is evidenced by the increasing number of natural disasters that we have been witnessing.
     With enlightenment comes an increased sensitivity to all the beauty and harmony around us, that our previously closed eyes and hearts could not perceive.  All of our senses will be heightened as we connect with the Universal Life Force. This feeling of oneness with our Creator, with each other, and with the world around us, will move humanity forward beyond that which we could  have ever imagined.  There will be heaven on earth!
     Each of us is a tiny spark of God's Light and as we touch each other in love, the Eternal Flame will continue to grow and light our way to grace, prosperity, and peace, through the new millennium and beyond.

[This message has been edited by Earth Angel (12-12-2002 06:07 PM).]

© Copyright 2002 Linda L. Dowd - All Rights Reserved
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since 2000-03-08
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Here, Now, Forever
1 posted 2002-12-13 09:54 PM

They say that we are on the verge of one thousand years of peace and harmony. I like this alot Earth Angel. While this may be true in many areas of the world, it remains a cold blue untruth elsewhere. I want to believe what you say here. I really do.

I have sent you nothing but angels, and I have placed nothing but miracles before you.

Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
2 posted 2002-12-14 12:26 PM

EagleScorpion  ~

I too, wish this were the case throughout the world. It saddens me to see the poverty and social injustices that are so prevalent in many parts of the world. I wrote this on the eve of the new millenium--I was full of optimism and hopefulness. I know this write may appear rather idealistic, even pollyanna, but I do dare to dream!  Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

~ May we live to see the day, where peace reigns globally

Earth Angel

[This message has been edited by Earth Angel (12-15-2002 10:21 AM).]

since 2001-12-13
Posts 428
central nj
3 posted 2002-12-18 07:26 PM

Earth Angel~

Thank you so much.. Your wisdom validates what I have known to be true also..  Humanity is evolving.  It's hard having faith sometimes -there are so many shrouds and facades that loom in the minds of many.. few seem to understand it; including my friends!  (except my dear friend EagleScorpion!!) it is hard being young and not knowing what to DO with this passion! i actually wrote about my frustrations a little while ago, joe posted it, it's called "goldsparkless calling"~    by the way-Your poetry is so uplifting and serene *yay, inspiration* ~and i think more people are affected by our HOPE than we now know~!   Keep the Faith!

peace and love,


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since 2002-02-11
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4 posted 2002-12-18 09:17 PM

I don't know... it was certainly well-written, and interesting to read, but I disagree with almost everything you said...


I know only one thing, and that thing is that I know nothing.

Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
5 posted 2002-12-19 10:33 AM

manisha  ~

Yes, I too, believe from the bottom of my heart, that humanity is evolving--but with this evolution comes growing pains.
This paradigm shift in the mass consciousness is bringing enlightenment and peace to the peoples of this planet. Yes, I am well aware of the present dangers to world peace, but if you look at the number of warring conflicts around the globe, we are more at peace now than at any other time of recorded history.

The media reports negativity far more readily than it does positivity. The perception by those who read and believe all the information that they are exposed to, would come to believe that this world is in a burning bread basket heading straight for hell! There is far more beauty, wisdom, love,
and goodness in this world than ugliness, ignorance, hate, and evil.

I understand how many become jaded, when all they may see or hear or experience, is dark--but there is a big, bold, and beautiful world out there that is full of light--and that is where I choose to walk. I try to spread light as I make my way in life, and hopefully, in my own small way, I can make a difference.

...I just read your "goldsparkles calling" that your friend, EagleScorpion, posted.
What an impassioned write! I echo so many of your sentiments and pleas! It was incredible! --It is both a "stand-up-and-be-counted" and a "I'm-mad-as-hell-and-I'm-not-going-to-take-it-anymore!" kind of write! BRAVO!

warm hugs,
Earth Angel

Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215
Realms of Light
6 posted 2002-12-19 10:46 AM

Kielo  ~

Thank you for your kind words regarding my writing. As for your not agreeing with any of it, that is very understandable. I knew when I posted this, that there would be many who are of the same mind as you are.

Most of us do not see the whole picture, so inevitably we come to believe only what we see or hear in the media or what we may experience in our own microcosmic world.

Perhaps if you were to read some of the replies that I have written, it may give you a better understanding of where I am coming from.

~ Every little bit of love and light that we send out into the world, does make a difference! May we all do our part!

warm hugs,
Earth Angel

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since 2002-07-10
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7 posted 2003-01-23 02:25 PM

Earth Angel,

I noticed that you have not posted anything in 2003. I have been looking for you and opened this. You are thinking in the light, with harmony and love. Your hope is my hope and hope is where it must begin. Love is without a doubt the most powerful force within our reach. Better to be the torch of hope than the bearer of despair. This we need now more than ever.



Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215
Realms of Light
8 posted 2003-02-01 09:44 PM

SG ~

Thank you for the thought-filled reply! I have gathered from your poetry, and the replies that you write, that we think a great deal alike! I do believe you are one of the kindred spirits that I have found in this poetic family!

Love, Light & Laughter

Senior Member
since 2009-07-02
Posts 538

9 posted 2009-08-31 07:54 AM

Do you really have more than 35,000 posts. I would certainly like to believe the world is becoming a better place. But with this economic turndown my grandchildren and children are not getting many hours in on their jobs if they have jobs at all. The whole economy is imploding. Many people's dreams have to be put on hold. One of my grand daughters called this week-end: she needs $500 or she will have to drop out of school. Now, I have the money to give this time. But I don't have enough for all of them. And my job is hanging by a thread, as well. Lucky I can turn this all over to God.
Senior Member
since 2009-07-02
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10 posted 2009-08-31 07:55 AM

Do you really have more than 35,000 posts? I would certainly like to believe the world is becoming a better place. But with this economic turndown my grandchildren and children are not getting many hours in on their jobs if they have jobs at all. The whole economy is imploding. Many people's dreams have to be put on hold. One of my grand daughters called this week-end: she needs $500 or she will have to drop out of school. Now, I have the money to give this time. But I don't have enough for all of them. And my job is hanging by a thread, as well. Lucky I can turn this all over to God.
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since 2009-07-02
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11 posted 2009-08-31 07:56 AM

A nice write, I hope it is true.
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since 2000-06-01
Posts 1958

12 posted 2009-09-01 12:20 PM

I hope I don't sound harsh or as though I am trying to rain on anyone's parade.  However, you requested critiques.  What I'm going to do here is not to condemn the idea of world peace or of harmony with other human beings.  These are things which I love.  What I'm going to do instead is to discuss how this piece interacts with what I, with what little experience of it I have, consider basic human nature.

Let me begin first with a few small details.  The fact that we are at the beginning of the third millennium is more incidental than anything else.  It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that because the year has just changed or because the numbers on the calendar are in a certain configuration something profound is about to happen.  After all, look at the people who make and break new year's resolutions.

Getting more to my original purpose, there seems to be an implicit passing of the buck in this text.  For example, it claims that "...there has been a raising of the consciousness from one of separation and isolation, to one of attunement, communion, and interconnectedness..." and that "The peoples of the world will band together to help our brothers and our sisters."  What is lacking here is a sense of personal responsibility.  The text is trying implicitly to create a kind of crowd mentality.  "It is good to help your brothers and sisters and to break down walls of isolation because everyone else is doing it."  

Furthermore, the text places its subject in the future in order to create a sense of hope.  Hope tends to lack personal responsibility.  I hope for something when I think that I have at best only a partial influence over its actually happening.  "As this new world opens up within us, our eyes will open up to all the wonders of nature around us."  Why aren't our eyes open now?  Who says one cannot open one's eyes in the way the text suggests and see those wonders around one's self right now without the implicit blessing that a crowd of other people doing it too would convey?

With enlightenment comes an increased sensitivity to all the beauty and harmony around us, that our previously closed eyes and hearts could not perceive.  All of our senses will be heightened as we connect with the Universal Life Force. This feeling of oneness with our Creator, with each other, and with the world around us, will move humanity forward beyond that which we could  have ever imagined.  There will be heaven on earth!

Don't get me wrong, we could all use a greater sensitivity to the health of the world around us.  But this paragraph is another example of why this piece and pieces like it evoke an emotion that can only exist so long as the goal being discussed doesn't exist as well.  There's a kind of joy and happiness evoked by texts about the new age (an era which must always remain just beyond our reach) that simply cannot exist when one contemplates the present.  The present is so familiar that it is easy to lose sight of it and to take it for granted.  This is human nature.

Feelings of oneness with the creator happen all the time.  I thought they were called flow experiences.  Feel free to let me know otherwise of course.  Also I would appreciate it if someone could please explain to me what the "universal life force" is.

In sum, I like this piece but I think that it is doing something different from the message it's trying to convey.  There is no profound new age in which everyone will be happy.  It's like a spell, designed to evoke an emotional state through contemplations of a future which, as I've already mentioned, were it to come to pass would only be tossed aside and compared, in further wistful prose like this, with still better futures.  To be sure it is quite possible that poverty will be eradicated and war will be discarded, but the times in which poverty and war no longer exist would be no more blissful than the present.  

since 2008-04-19
Posts 279
13 posted 2009-09-06 08:29 PM

You are very sweet.
I hope all or some of this comes true but I wonder what would happen if I put a big sign in my front yard that said PLEASE DO NOT THROW ROCKS AT MY WINDOWS. Probably, at least in my neighborhood, someone would think "who does this guy think he is" and then throw a rock at my window, HUMAN NATURE!
We are each at the center of our universe and only a few extraordinary people are able to step outside of their center, so to speak, as a lifestyle.
The universe is so vast. The same goes for time and yet here we are. This is truly a miracle.

To believe in God requires faith. It is the same for the athiest who believe that the universe sprang out of nothing and happened to be so perfectly tuned that the spark of life could be ignited out of the dead matter from exploded stars.
We should look at life as a miracle every day that we wake up.
If there is another four billion years of life left on this planet as the scientists say, then really humanity is just a blip in the scheme of things.
If their is a God that cares about us then he will sort things out in his time.
We can only wonder.

A worthy legacy is the irrevocable consequence of dreaming.
Rick A. Delmonico

Klassy Lassy
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since 2005-06-28
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14 posted 2009-09-06 09:55 PM

" As this new world opens up within us, our eyes will open up to all the wonders of nature around us"

I think this is a very adept insight, because nothing changes until we perceive that kindness has more power to change our world than slavery to human appetites and materialism.  A change of heart is required before we see the lion lie down with the lamb, and we must perceive a changed nature in the lion, too.  

What you write has more to it than what meets the has a hope for the discernment of substance in spiritual unfolding, that the good we should aspire to becomes manifest in a tangible way, intelligently and beneficially for all.

We have so long manifested the desires of human "haves and have-not" that we usually can not divine signs of the time any other way.

I don't know what it will take to achieve a world like the one you write of, but it will have to come of a collective change in the nature of mankind to get there. And that begins inside, one by one by one

This is thought provoking, idealistic, and takes us on a journey of possibility -- if love and benevolence were the law....


Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215
Realms of Light
15 posted 2009-09-26 06:09 PM

Oh, my goodness! What a surprise to read all of your thoughtful ~ and thought-provoking replies!

I posted this 7 years ago! As you can see, I don't visit this forum very often.

Each one of you have very valid points and I very much appreciate you sharing your views. I believe that Klassy Lassy summed up what I was attempting  to convery with this post ~

"This is thought provoking, idealistic, and takes us on a journey of possibility -- if love and benevolence were the law..." ~

Thanks, Klassy! I could not have stated my intention any better myself! lol

Again, I would like to express my appreciation for you all taking the time to read some of my thoughts (wishes, and dreams!) and for expressing your own.

Love, Light, Harmony, Bounty, and World Peace to one and all!


since 2009-10-15
Posts 411
Surfing the Cosmic Flow
16 posted 2009-10-28 09:27 AM

Earth Angel: Thank you!  I so often feel alone in my beliefs, but now I know there are others.  I believe in the Universal Balance, and the battle between Order and Chaos.  I believe in Brahman, the Universal spirit that lives within us all.  Brilliant writing.  I hope that, as you posit, the world is coming to see the Truth.
May your Dharma be clear, and your Spark of Brahman shine brightly.

Sutra 30: Language reflects the Truth of one’s Reality: listen carefully when others speak.
Jim's Guide to Enlightenment

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