Passions in Prose |
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Reflections |
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azblond Senior Member
since 1999-07-01
Posts 637The Steamy Desert ![]() |
The other day I picked up my five-year-old daughter from daycare, and something that transpired there has stuck with me. I thought I would take a moment to put it down in print, for in reflection, I see this moment as a monument in growing and developing. As you read, I think it was more of one for me. We were getting ready to walk out the door of Daycare, after having signed her out, and gathered all of her belongings. I was in my usual rush, the end of a long day; I was impatient to get home to relax. As we are leaving I look behind to see what is taking Cassie so long, and there she is surrounded by all of her playmates, giving hugs and saying goodbye. This was by no means a quick process. There were about eight children left and their ages ranged from 2 to around 7 or 8. Cassie went up to each of the kids, hugged them, and said, “Goodbye—I love you!” As I stood there trying to hurry her along, something in the back of my head began buzzing. We got into the truck for our short ride home and I asked Cassie “Why did you tell all of the kids you love them?” “Because I do” was her innocent reply. I questioned her as to how she could love all of those kids; she didn’t really even know them. As a matter of fact some of them were new to daycare, she had probably only met them that day. It boggled my mind why a child, my child no doubt would tell virtual strangers that she loved them and mean it no less! Her simple explanations were that she tells me that she loves me all the time. And then the kicker…she asked me “but Mommy, what if their Mommies and Daddies forgot to tell them they love them today? Then that would make me the only one who said it, and everyone needs to know they are loved, right?” From the mouths of babes. My eyes welled up with tears at the insight my incredibly bright daughter has at only five. My heart swelled, of course at this moment she had already moved on to other earth shattering insights such as did I know that Christina blew milk out of her nose while she was laughing today at lunch. Okay, so she is not extraordinary by most standards, but my mind was still focused on such carefree thoughts of love. Do you know my first reaction was honestly to tell her that you don’t tell everyone you meet that you love them? This of course would have been followed by the ever so interesting comment of who you love and why. As though I in my 27 years know the answers to these questions. No, in retrospect, I think Cassie has more of the answers on love at five than I ever have. If you meet someone and you like them, tell them. Not just “hey, I like you”. “ I love you” were her chosen words. When did we suddenly stop loving other people just for who they are? And when did we become afraid to say that we love others? Was it when our adolescent hearts were broken my an unrequited love? Or did we learn it from our parents whom like I almost did quickly squelch our feelings from words because its not the way things are done? And why not? Why can’t I tell you I love you just because we are not in some romantic legion of life, or because you’re not my best friend of 20 years or so? I should be able to say it just because we played together today, and I had fun. So tell someone you love them. And no, not your husband or wife, or the kids, although you should be saying it to them everyday, and shame on you if you are not! But tell it to someone who would not expect it. Tell your coworkers, your friends, and your boss at work. Sure they will think you have lost your mind. They may question your daily dosage of Prozac. But tell someone who would not expect it. Think through the mind of a child. Make a difference in someone else’s life today instead of sitting around waiting for someone to make a difference in yours. Be brave; be daring, do something just because it’s waiting to be done. Learn a lesson from a child, and spread the word. I did, and here I am writing, something I love to do but haven’t done in years, because I convinced myself I don’t have the time. All because my daughter told virtual strangers she loves them. What a kid I have! I will learn a lot from her. And in final thought, the person you do say I love you to…as Cassie said, think of the prospect, maybe you are the only one who will tell them today. What a sad possibility if you let it pass. And by the way…I Love You! ------------------ For sometimes when the Darkness falls, we must surrender, take what is ours, and give what we can, and always remember love is somewhere waiting... |
© Copyright 1999 MiChelle Van Vleet - All Rights Reserved | |||
DreamEvil Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 2396 |
More than appropriate Az, exactly what I was thinking of for family oriented content. Thank you again, and I love you too. ------------------ Shall I indulge in flights of fancy hampered by clipped wings? DreamEvil© |
Member Elite
since 1999-06-16
Posts 3850In the space between moments |
I love you too, azblonde! I am one that uses those words very frequently, and sincerely means them. I tell my friends and my family all the time..heck, I even tell my dog! A wonderful lesson and a good reminder, Az. Thank you. ![]() ------------------ *Krista Knutson* "I will sail my vessel 'till the river runs dry, like a bird upon the wind, these waters are my sky..." Garth Brooks |
~one voice~ Senior Member
since 1999-07-08
Posts 664Billings, MT USA |
Hey blondie...again! hehehe and yes, I love you, too! What a great idea! I'm going to remember this tomorrow, and tell everyone! And I also wanted to tell you that I think God gave us children to teach US...not only for us to teach them... I too, often wonder where all our innocence goes to... and that ability to pretend and have it seem so real... what the heck happened to that? Oh, now you have ME rambling! hehehe Wonderful, wonderful reflection... tell Cassie I love her! ![]() ------------------ ~onevoice~ "I never kissed somebody so that they would break my heart." |
hoot_owl_rn Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750Glen Hope, PA USA |
And a child shall lead them..... |
Nicole Senior Member
since 1999-06-23
Posts 1835Florida |
So touching! I learn something from my daughters every day. Thank you for sharing this bit of wisdom! |
Angel_of_Music Junior Member
since 1999-07-25
Posts 35Sanger, TX USA |
love ya! ------------------ "In sleep he sang to dreams he came...that voice which calls to me, and speaks my name..." |
leelew Member
since 1999-07-10
Posts 89highmount,ny,usa |
Thanks AZ! I to try never to leave without saying I love you.You never know when or if you'll see that person again. Love Ya!! |
VirginLady Junior Member
since 1999-07-30
Posts 14UK |
You brought a smile to my face with that rendition...:-))) I've always thought that we should each make clear to people we care about, that we DO care for them...but I think as we get older, sometimes we become more wary or maybe vulnerable...such a delightful story...thank you for making me smile! HUGS ------------------ Rainbows are special! |
xXSilentMelodiesXx New Member
since 2008-05-27
Posts 7 |
Oh wow. I so remember when I would do that!!! .. I remember that question, but I can't, by far, remember saying such insightful things. But I do remember telling you that she did in fact blow milk from her nose...Some things just stick. Love you lots mom--it's amazing how much one can change through age. |
Gaelynsgirl Member
since 2008-07-18
Posts 175Ont. Canada |
What a delightful poignant read. As a mother and now a grandmother, I know I am loved and have loved richly the members of my family. I might be shy about saying these words to a stranger, but if it feels appropriate, I will certainly do so. They are such powerful words for not only will they touch the heart and mind of the person to whom they are given, but they will greatly impact on how you interact with them. I remember a Sesame street ad that suggested it was better to throw balloons than bricks. Conflict evaporates when genuine love is shared. A wonderful reminder asblond. Thank you. |
amusemi Senior Member
since 2001-12-08
Posts 1262A State of Disarray |
I think that it is wonderful that years later our children can visit our work...and hopefully share some of their own. |
fractal007 Senior Member
since 2000-06-01
Posts 1958 |
Haha a beautiful piece. I had to laugh because of the rather dismissive tone you had when you mentioned your daughter shooting milk from her nose. I think that was one of the most profound parts and indeed perhaps I misread you dismissiveness. In the next sentence you use the word carefree in discussing love. Your daughter is expressing a carefree sentiment in her discussing her friend shooting milk from her nose. As for some constructive critiques: " Or did we learn it from our parents whom like I almost did quickly squelch our feelings from words because its not the way things are done?" WHat did you mean here? Whom is the objective pronoun. The sentence as a whole is, to be frank, incomprehensible. Are you saying that your parents squelched your feelings? Perhaps you could say, "Did I contradict one of the infrequent destructive lessons of our parents by instead refusing to squelch the feelings of my daughter despite their not having been worded correctly?" Life's short. Think hard! |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
A wonderful read! And I am so happy to see your daughter has come in here to leave you a message after all those years gone by! Why don't you come back, both? Would be great to have you around and sharing. Love, Margherita ![]() |
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