Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 3050
10:49 PM

Is a groom from Czechoslovakia, a check mate?
It might as well be like chess, the king is useless and the queen has the power
As it probably should be
Mail is only good when it isn’t a bill
I just never knew there was so much falling in matrimony
Falling, and, falling, in and out, of love
Hopefully, with the same person
Sometimes, mare age is like an aging filly
If you horse around she’ll pull out her colt
A mare is also the last name, of night
A dream that thoughts in our sleep don’t enjoy
But then how many people have died at, a wake
It’s funny how couples that work, are a match
A blazing beginning that goes up in smoke
I like how, man and wife, rhyme with plan and life
My mind notices those kinds of things
Lucky me huh
Oh how they owe
The couple, that stays
I mean, 33 years is a lifetime, for a whole, pack of dogs
Not to mention the buns and, the mustard
They say you have to make every second count, but heck!
That’s 1,040,688,000 of them already.. as of last year alone
Uh and still counting, thank you very nice!
I woke up the other day and noticed we were moldyweds
Oops, I mean, oldyweds
Well, either way
Little did I know back then that I was picking someone I would be annoying all her life
And just to be fair, vice a visa
Which is kinda like, versa visa, but just a little more expensive
They say it’s all about, the chase
Unfortunately, that is so true
The chaise lounge that is
Good grief I’m tired!
She tells me I don’t appreciate her enough
But that’s not true, I take her for granite every, single, day
She’s, my rock
And I’m, her road
She chills my temper, until I scream
Our very first chapter her lips, were a rose
Along with the cons our book, is now prose
33 years is a third of a century
Turn the fraction to decimal and you have, .333
If our marriage was a batter he’d be the best hitter, in the league
Which is really kind of nice because being with my wife
Has been like one long, spectacular home run
Okay next year..
Batter up!

Bluesy Socrateaser
Member Elite
since 2002-11-07
Posts 2417
In The Mirror
11:36 PM
Extremely clever writing Richy.
Makes me wish I would have waited to read it in the morning with a cup of joe. So much here to relate to and be entertained by.
Regards from Bluesy ...just bein' Bluesy
Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 3050
11:42 PM
thank you Bluesy i appreciate it..
at work we call coffee our brake fluid..
have a nice morning cup

Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
06:40 AM
You just keep bringing it Richy! I love that you can be unabashedly corny in your absolutly delightful pun-play. You have the perfect mix of light heart and heart felt. I really apreciate your short stanza long poem seems to keep flowing on and on. It has made me strech a few of mine out. Thanks!
Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975
South Louisiana
08:11 AM
Another good one.~*~ Life is simpler when you plow around the stump. ~*~
Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 3050
08:40 PM
Lori G, what a wonderfully supportive thing to say..
i am blessed by your friendship
 [This message has been edited by Richy (02-15-2014 06:51 AM).]
Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 3050
08:40 PM
thanks Jerry
