Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975
South Louisiana
05:41 PM
a sense of sacred yet a frosty face-off was possible and likely were my thoughts as I prepared to meet my son Nick after forty-two years
I have been stranded on mountain tops smothered in lush valleys heard muted bells of my own damnation walked the meanest streets there was to walk fists clenched teeth gritted ready to take it on and did I've felt close to death on occasion been shot at and missed I've had angry men curse me and gris-gris have been cast in my name by women out for revenge I've weathered distant and lovely ricochets which caressed my heart and wounded my mind forever there were times I've braved homicidal stares of men who cared not about the sanctity of life faced them down won respect
these are some things some hard situations which have been my fate over my lifespan I've stood fast tried to stand tall won more than I lost except (isn't there always an "except?") for what really mattered
yesterday June 10, 2011 Le Pavillon Hotel down on Poydras Street New Orleans, Louisiana I met a man Nick was his name my son I last saw him in his bassinet forty-two years ago we didn't know how this meeting would turn out he'd warned me it could be a train wreck I understood climbed on that track anyway the meeting took place turned out to be such a beautiful thing it was all I could do to keep from blubbering laughed a lot happy, but trying to force the tears aside it worked Sydney, his stunningly beautiful girlfriend was there with him we talked questions were asked questions were answered hopefully to his satisfaction only one question had no answer it was okay
I have met my son
~ Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.--Will Rogers ~[This message has been edited by JerryPat2 (06-11-2011 08:39 PM).]
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Jerry Pat Bolton
- All Rights Reserved
Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236
06:31 PM
Reaching out with a big hug for you, dear Jerry ... these words really tug at my heartstrings. That's no small thing, that's a meeting you both (all three) will never forget I am sure. Beautiful picture! What a beautiful son you have. I bet your heart raced through this encounter. Thank you for sharing this precious moment with us.
Some questions will always elude our comprehension and our ability to find answers. Things happen, there is always a reason, but we fail to see it, we need time. The past can't be changed, but here you have started a future that will make things all right again.
Deeply poignant.
Love, Margherita
Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975
South Louisiana
06:56 PM
Thanks, I am grateful for the hug, Margherita, and you can bet my "heart raced through this encounter." I found out from Sydney, his girlfriend, that he has been stressed out for the last few weeks leading up to the meeting also. That it turned out so fantastic is just more than I can bear almost. It was beautiful.~ Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.--Will Rogers ~
Lori Grosser Rhoden
Member Patricius
since 2009-10-10
Posts 10202
Fair to middlin' of nowhere
08:59 PM
Jerry,I'm so very happy for you! What a very special event. Thank you for sharing it with this side of your family Lori
Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975
South Louisiana
09:15 PM
Yep, Lori, special is the word. Thank you.~ Those are my principles, and if you don't like them ... well, I have others. ~
Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347
Durban, South Africa
04:12 AM
This had me in happy tears the whole way through, Jerry. What a beautiful outcome to something that must have seemed impossible to both of you - and how courageous you both were and how supportive Sydney was! What a wonderful first step! What a relief for all 3 of you (and your Pipster friends) that it went so well. The honesty on both sides (the possibility of a train wreck) helped a lot, I am sure. I will pray that there will be many more steps – they will not all be easy – there will be some times that the bonding stops on a step for a while, or even goes back some steps – even back to the beginning, but if this first step could happen, ANYTHING can be achieved and you will be able to go forward from any steps taken back. I am very, very happy for you. Sydney seems to be a bonus in the bonding process. I am wishing you all three, much happiness going forward.
Not wanting to intrude on the unanswered question, but my guess is that it may have been “Why?” or “Does/can Nick love and/or forgive his Dad?” or Nick may have wondered, “Does Dad love me?” – but, as you said, “It is okay./I have met my son” and THAT is the spirit to take this in – Rome not built in a day and all that. God forgives you, Nick has forgiven you (or is in the process of forgiving you, despite what he may have said – he met you, didn’t he!!! – and you have a wonderful ally in Sydney!), and Jerry is in the process of forgiving you (the biggest step of all) – and so the sun shines more brightly the clouds dance more happily, grass and the foliage of trees are greener, flowers show their pretty faces more joyously and all is well with the world! Don’t look back! The present and the future are shining brightly – enjoy them!!
By the way, I don’t know how old Sydney is, but you and Nick most certainly don’t look your age! I wonder where Nick gets that from (wink)?
Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347
Durban, South Africa
04:17 AM
In looking at the photo yet again, Jerry, I was struck by the similarity between you and Nick. The body shape, the head shape, the facial features and even the colour of the shirts (though that may have been arranged to make identification easier)!!!
My guess is that Sydney will have seen more. My son and his father have certain ways of saying and doing things that are similar - my late ex-husband and I got divorced when my son (my second child) was 1½ and I moved far away with them and he only saw his father for about ½ a day most years, so the similar traits had to have been inherited.
Member Elite
since 2003-05-17
Posts 3404
05:43 AM
JP The poem is strong, emotional, and spirit moving..well done, my friend.
It takes a mans man to show such bravery under duress of situation, you have demonstrated you courage here.. The true test of bravery is not being fearless, but to be able to act, and function under difficult situations..and make those difficult situations turn out right..
I see all of that in this poem...but I don't see a big, red "S" on your shirt...where one belongs.
Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975
South Louisiana
07:28 AM
Appreciate the wonderful comments Owl. No, the unanswered question from Nick was his lineage from my me. He knows of his Italian/Jewish heritage, but nothing from my side. I had to tell him, reluctantly, that I didn't know. I was adopted and couldn't find out who my parents were. He nodded and said, "I thought as much." Id o so hope there will be more meeting and doing fun things together. He is moving closer to me so that may happen. He'll be apartment hunting in Austin, Texas this coming week and will move from Arizona within the month I think.
About the color of the shirts, I picked up on that immediately, but it wasn't prearranged. We both knew what the other one looked like and I recognized him the minute he stepped through that door at the hotel. Nick, I think, takes more after his mother, but Sydney saw me in Nick, and she kept trying to compare the two of us physically.
~ Those are my principles, and if you don't like them ... well, I have others. ~
Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975
South Louisiana
07:32 AM
Haha! A big "S," huh? I'm sure far from being able to wear that emblem, but thinks for the thought, Ice.
I was a mental wreck for two weeks before the visit, and Sydney said the same thing was true of Nick.
It turned out much, much easier to tale to each other and I can't be any more satisfied, and I feel Nick has that same feeling..~ Those are my principles, and if you don't like them ... well, I have others. ~
Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
Posts 9271
So. El Monte, California
05:21 AM
I'm glad it went well for you, Jerry. Ida
Member Laureate
since 2011-02-06
Posts 16975
South Louisiana
07:02 AM
I am too, Ida, thanks.~ Those are my principles, and if you don't like them ... well, I have others. ~