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Teen Poetry #9
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since 2009-05-30
Posts 222

0 posted 2009-06-14 09:49 PM

What happens
when you can't trust your family?
What happens
when you can't trust your friends?
What happens
When you can't trust anyone?
What happens
when you just don't know
how to keep on believing
in something better?

What happens
when you can't trust in
that happy ending?
What happens
when you just can't find
the strength to believe in love?
What happens
when everything you thought was real
is a lie?
What happens
when the promises of life break apart
revealing an empty existence?

What happens
when you can't trust your self?
What happens
when you can't lean on yourself
to keep you strong?
What happens
when you can't find
that inner strength?

What happens
when you can't trust anyone?
What happens
when you can't trust love?
What happens
when you can't trust yourself?

You fall.

© Copyright 2009 Melissa Reneé Axtell - All Rights Reserved
since 2009-06-15
Posts 216
1 posted 2009-06-16 12:18 PM

One breaks and falls never to be the same again....i feel this way...broken...
nice poem...

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