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A Romantic Heart
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since 1999-09-03
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Forever In Your Heart

0 posted 2008-07-12 01:31 PM


It only takes a moment to know you,
but a lifetime to love you,

What if you were to die tomorrow?
What would be left?
Could you say that,
you have had love of the deepest loves?

What would be inside every corner,
within shadows of your heart?
Would there be darkness?
Would my love shine through every part?

Oh, to question love,
to ponder its beautiful existence,

Could you say that within your lifetime,
Your heart was touched by an angels kiss?,

That your eyes beheld,
the truest and purest of
Could you say, I have a treasure,
that most men die for, give their life for?

I have been loved by ,
the lover of my love, my soul,
and she gives me breath,

She, only she will forever be my love,
my one, my only,

No one has ever touched my heart,
my mind as she has,

If you can say yes to all of these,
you have had the rarest treasure on earth,

For you have been truly loved and truly blessed...

For Upon your heart,
an angel has left her kiss...


(My heart was kissed by your words Alison,
your reply to my poem "desire", you are a true angel,
and men need to see how special you truly are and the beauty of your heart and soul!)

let them question themselves,
searching deep, for what true love really, my friend have it to give! "darlin"

[This message has been edited by A Romantic Heart (07-12-2008 02:09 PM).]

© Copyright 2008 Millette A. (Lester) Addison - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2008-07-12 03:42 PM

Wow....what a beautiful tribute!


Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
2 posted 2008-07-12 03:46 PM

Alison is all of that and even more!

Alison is a vessel of love and is pure of heart ~ and she is a close friend to many and loved by all! ~ and her poems and photographs rock!!!

Great tribute to someone very special!


Senior Member
since 2008-06-19
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3 posted 2008-07-12 11:49 PM

Wow. Definitely an incredibly inquisitive and provoking write.


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Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-27
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Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy!
4 posted 2008-07-13 12:29 PM

Dear Romantic Heart,

My first response was "How do I respond to words so beautiful?"  Then as I thought, I realized that you deserve a response.  So, I sat back and thought about you and why I took the time to write to you on the post that you refer to (Desire).  I had no idea why you ended your poem with the words that you wrote, but they touched me.

You have touched me with the love that you share with all of us.  You lay it on the line.  Few truly have a heart that is an open book - and I believe that yours is.  You seem to hold nothing back. You give love with every poem that you post.  That has touched me.  You have touched me.

I wonder if I deserve such a tribute?  I don't think that I have done anything special here at PiP.  I feel like I am growing here in a way that I have not grown in some time.  It is a special place that we share.  There are few places in life where we are offered such positive reinforcement.  It seems like we grow from simply sharing poems to seeing parts of each other.  We see the inner person maybe.  Is it that any of us are special or is it that we have found a place where we can celebrate in the pieces of 'self' that are unique?  I don't know.  I don't even know if the question makes sense.  

All I know is I am watching you grow with every poem.  I see you opening up to us, sharing your love in a manner that few get to see.  What a special and wonderful thing that is!  

ARH, you have made my night .. my weekend .. my week.  You gave me a gift that will linger for a very long time.  Thank you.

Thank you for you.

Wishing you love and eternal happiness,

(PS - I have had poems moved too - it's understandable but a bit disconcerting, isn't it.)


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