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Open Poetry #43
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since 2008-08-28
Posts 237

0 posted 2008-09-05 05:09 PM

Today I danced with butterflies
Beneath the carefree cloudless skies.
The jasmine filled the gentle breeze
That raised sweet songs among the trees
Like haunting childhood lullabies.

So blithely did I dance my dance,
So lost was I in my deep trance,
That love and peace and merriment
Filled all my world and swiftly sent
My soul aflame with sweet romance.

Then as I heard the songbirds' cries
And watched the skylark rise and rise,
And as my eyes with tears grew wet
I knew that I would not forget
The day I danced with butterflies.

© Copyright 2008 David M M (UK) - All Rights Reserved
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since 2008-03-12
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by the sea
1 posted 2008-09-05 05:29 PM

Very moving to read and very visual....Butterflies are so beautiful and seem actally dance in the air...I imagine we can dance with them with the eyes....Colorful....thank you for sharing this poem


Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236
2 posted 2008-09-05 05:43 PM

David, with this one you touched my heart. It is filled with lightness and joy.

Beautifully written.


Bonnie j
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since 2003-06-27
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3 posted 2008-09-05 07:49 PM

Just last Sunday we went to the butterfly house at The Zoo. They are so delicate.
One day earlier this year as I walked around the yard and the evergreen. I looked about and the yard was filled with butterflies. It was the first time I had seen so many in my yard. What a delight.
Good jobber.

Junior Member
since 2008-08-28
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Indianola, Iowa
4 posted 2008-09-05 07:59 PM

This was indeed a delightful read...butterflies have such an upbeat way about thier tends to wear off on you! Thank you for this poem!
Member Ascendant
since 2006-11-07
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a 'Universalist' !
5 posted 2008-09-05 08:02 PM

I am especially fond of the beginning of this 'write'!...

"Today I danced with butterflies
Beneath the carefree cloudless skies.
The jasmine filled the gentle breeze
That raised sweet songs among the trees
Like haunting childhood lullabies."


the image of souls flaming with sweet romance!


A Romantic Heart
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since 1999-09-03
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Forever In Your Heart
6 posted 2008-09-05 08:17 PM

Robert E. Jordan
Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-25
Posts 8541
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
7 posted 2008-09-05 10:11 PM

Yo TheAnonDavid,

Geez, butterflies--I haven't seen one of those suckers in years.  The thought of them brings back bitter memories.


Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
Posts 9271
So. El Monte, California
8 posted 2008-09-06 03:16 AM

Butterflies are so beautiful and they seem to be getting scarce. I enjoyed your dance very much.

Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
Posts 9347
Durban, South Africa
9 posted 2008-09-06 02:59 PM

I love this poem very much.  

Some of the trees that my son planted many years ago in my indigenous forest garden, we chose especially for attracting specific butterflies.  It is a delight to see them in my forest, to this day (not the same butterflies of course!).  Just today my cat had great fun chasing one, but he didn't catch it (he never does).  I wish I could say the same for geckos.  Unfortunately he does manage to catch some of these very dear little friends of mine.  It isn't his fault.  It is one of the survival techniques of cats in the wild.  However, I have managed to save several before he has actually caught them.

- Owl

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
since 2001-03-10
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Washington State
10 posted 2008-09-06 11:03 PM

This is lovely.  Beautiful rhyme.  Joyce
since 2008-08-28
Posts 237
11 posted 2008-09-07 05:19 AM

Thank you to everyone for such kind comments.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Dylan Thomas

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Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-27
Posts 9318
Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy!
12 posted 2008-09-08 01:02 AM


I think I saw you dancing as I read your poem.  Beautiful.


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