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Open Poetry #42
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Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-19
Posts 7392

0 posted 2008-02-27 08:50 AM

Like rain it comes

without thought
or trepidation
the trapeze
to contortionist
the cycle of clown parades
that burst
from the sky silo

like rain it comes

the drizzle
before and between
from behind the dark chambers
suffocated by thinking
the terse of the verse
given pause,
then reliquished
to dormancy.

suddenly storming
upon this morning,

like rain it comes.

[This message has been edited by inkedgoddess (02-29-2008 10:44 PM).]

© Copyright 2008 inkedgoddess - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2008-01-15
Posts 589
1 posted 2008-02-27 08:53 AM

the best thing about rain is its smell. i really enjoyed this poem. specially: to the contortioniest
the cycle of clown parades
that burst
from the sky silo

clever talks delay friendship!

Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215
Realms of Light
2 posted 2008-02-27 11:17 AM

The lyrics "Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain...", came to mind as I read your "Writing recovery".

Warm hug,

Member Elite
since 2007-07-27
Posts 2133
3 posted 2008-02-27 11:25 PM

and it came like rain and tailed with rainbow. beautiful.
Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236
4 posted 2008-02-28 03:37 AM

And here I stand under the shower of your dazzling raindrops.

You are always top!!


Junior Member
since 2008-02-28
Posts 10

5 posted 2008-02-28 03:45 AM

this is beautiful
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