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Open Poetry #42
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Junior Member
since 2008-02-07
Posts 32

0 posted 2008-02-18 09:48 PM

Far beyond the likes of many lonely days
Pompously sits a clover in a meadow.
The clover in this meadow has reason for belief
That he is why the Sun brightly shines
Why the wind whines,
why trees respond with the falling of a leaf
Swaying to and fro, his emerald colors show
His majesty is only for the skies for it to know.

But burning blaze of forest light
Silhouette our tiny clover friend
There's no place to go, for now a wall of heat
Englufs of what was his.
Now crisping timber in the hallow air,
is now for his mortal enemy.
Soon, he will become embers in the night
As he is now for the burning, rising flames.

© Copyright 2008 SilhouetteMarquis - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2007-07-27
Posts 2133
1 posted 2008-02-19 12:46 PM

beautiful poem. like a song. Beautiful.

New Member
since 2008-02-19
Posts 4
2 posted 2008-02-19 02:19 AM

very nice=]
New Member
since 2008-02-19
Posts 4
3 posted 2008-02-19 02:20 AM

very nice=]
New Member
since 2008-02-19
Posts 4
4 posted 2008-02-19 02:20 AM

very nice=]
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