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Robert E. Jordan
Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-25
Posts 8541
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

0 posted 2008-04-10 09:50 AM

Sometimes Felix worries Sally.  

It happens periodically.  
Felix will just sit in a chair,
and stare out into space.  

His facial expression
is a complete blank.  

He can’t, and won’t be disturbed.  

He is completely lost
in his own thoughts.

When Felix does that,
Sally knows he will be in for
a bad night’s sleep,
with a whole lot of
thrashing around
and moaning.  

Then he will awaken suddenly,
with a loud shriek
that will wake up Angelo.  

Sally knows that Felix
is bothered by
unpleasant memories.


© Copyright 2008 Robert E. Jordan - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
Posts 9271
So. El Monte, California
1 posted 2008-04-10 02:03 PM

Horrors surpressed during the day seem to run amuck at night. My mother had a  very bad childhood and often screamed at night and scared me half to death.

Robert E. Jordan
Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-25
Posts 8541
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 posted 2008-04-10 02:13 PM


I know where you're coming from.  I moan, and scream at night too.  It does scare people.


Senior Member
since 2007-09-30
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At the Crossroads of Infinity
3 posted 2008-04-10 03:38 PM

I feel for Felix, he must have some real bad memories, such a crime for kids to have to carry such bad experiences through their life...a hug for the little guy from over the water....  John
Robert E. Jordan
Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-25
Posts 8541
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4 posted 2008-04-10 04:37 PM

Thanks John,

Bad dreams are no fun.

BTW, Felix has gone to Mature Content - Behind Closed Doors if you would like to read him again.


Senior Member
since 2008-04-03
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Florida, USA
5 posted 2008-04-10 11:17 PM

I know how Sally feels all too well…


Roniece Dawson-Bruce
Member Ascendant
since 2000-01-29
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Sydney, Australia
6 posted 2008-04-11 01:02 AM

Bobby.. all I do is offer Felix a hug... I hope he sleeps well tonight ... love RDB

Be kind at heart....for everyone you meet has their own battle to fight.........

Robert E. Jordan
Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-25
Posts 8541
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
7 posted 2008-04-11 08:50 AM

Thanks Tammy<333,

Sally and Felix are glad they're not alone.


Robert E. Jordan
Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-25
Posts 8541
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
8 posted 2008-04-11 08:51 AM

Dear RDB,

Felix says thanks for the great hug, and hugs you right back.


Senior Member
since 2008-03-27
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Seoul S.Korea
9 posted 2008-04-13 02:44 AM

a still moment. To loss some thing not happy in the mind.

Robert E. Jordan
Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-25
Posts 8541
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
10 posted 2008-04-13 08:08 AM


Thanks very much for reading and commenting.


Senior Member
since 2008-04-11
Posts 531
texas, usa
11 posted 2008-04-13 03:15 PM

Felix seems so young to be so burdened.  I too send him hugs and wishes for comfort. My son is biplor and has frequent night terrors and I emphathize.
Thank you for sharing

Robert E. Jordan
Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-25
Posts 8541
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
12 posted 2008-04-13 03:23 PM


Night terrors, as you describe them can happen at any age.  

Thankfully, Felix at sevent-one has outgrown them.

I wish you son freedom from the night terrors.

God bless us all.


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