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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336
Kapolei, Hawaii, USA

0 posted 2008-03-25 04:37 PM

Pleasures of A Bamboo Sunday

There's something about bamboo
that completely relaxes me...
especially when the trade winds rock
the bamboo world and it moves and sways
and makes spiritual noises as if its alive and
aware and trying to tell me something important.
On one silky bamboo Sunday it told me this;
Life can be graceful and peaceful and full
of beauty if you will allow yourself to
open your heart and receive with your senses
the pleasures of a bamboo Sunday...I did.


[This message has been edited by JamesMichael (03-25-2008 05:13 PM).]

© Copyright 2008 JamesMichael - All Rights Reserved
Member Ascendant
since 2008-03-12
Posts 6825
by the sea
1 posted 2008-03-25 05:14 PM

such a wonder, great thoughts...

   thank you very much


Roniece Dawson-Bruce
Member Ascendant
since 2000-01-29
Posts 5689
Sydney, Australia
2 posted 2008-03-25 07:19 PM

On one silky bamboo Sunday it told me this;
Life can be graceful and peaceful and full
of beauty if you will allow yourself to
open your heart and receive with your senses
the pleasures of a bamboo Sunday...I did

James... I like this very much! love RDB

Be kind at heart....for everyone you meet has their own battle to fight.........

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336
Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
3 posted 2008-03-26 04:27 PM

Thank you Yann and Roniece for the wonderful responses...James
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