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Open Poetry #41
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Senior Member
since 2000-01-17
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0 posted 2007-11-16 07:23 PM

some time
after bumping into your
post I realized there are
just some things ya
really don't


failures are just to sobering it
was so different going from a house full
of song to a house with none the emptiness
reverberated in my ears you know poetry is
funny that way I thought as a poet I'd
want to remember everything
but O how I've
not in
you'd think
though I had always
been far too easy going to let things
ever get me down for any length of time you know
one of my favorite sayings I don't recall where I picked it
up from was why waste your breath it was just so profound
I can't believe this a little wine & wah-la look what happens
Pandora's riches have been discovered in the ruins so
ascending the forgotten monastery I glanced
around just to make sure every
thing was tidy


that was when I
discovered unsolved
mysteries had fallen
from corners and
of course it
of an unkept
floor where everyone
would be sure and trip over 'em

I could

a little tale about a
bitter betrayal that evidently had
been brewing for quiet awhile - yet it
was for some stirring reason mama's
side of the family thought it best
that I be growin' up with a
fiddle in one hand
and a bow

not that that
made any difference


ya know on the other hand it wasn't any secret
'bout daddy never carin' two hoots
'bout momma's side of
the clan and as
soon as
I was

to grasp it - that I realized how
mom's side had this mystical musical thread
that cradled us in a spiritual bond and that circle
has never been broken ya know I can even
see those sad times when we had to
part ways for a season we
had such good times
together doin'
it was
that we did
I just don't remember

it's starting
to get a little misty but I
can still see us dancing singing partyin'
together singing hymns - but most of all the laughter

I had played in my uncle's band for years - and then
some - dad either couldn't or wouldn't fit
in he used to turn off the
electricity when
ever he
having to
much fun out there
I think it was one of the few things
he really got a kick out of doing he put as much
distance between us as he could thinking back on it
he must've been looking for some kind of attention
which of course would mean he was lacking
something somewhere I don't know

guess I'll never

the unlikeliness
of these two ever getting together and then falling into
love is far beyond any understanding that I'm aware of however
when mom died he severed all ties with the clan - a war that had
been fermenting for fifty years - told my only aunt and uncle's
to get the hell out along with me said I was one of 'em
I think now he'd been hoping waiting a
life time to say his

I'm from a family
that holds grudges - tensions
grew and things only got worse year after year

"blessed are the peace makers"

lucky for us
the Lord had given mom another gift - she
was a peace maker but with her gone... well... everything
that could've gone wrong has gone wrong and continues to do
so memorable yes but it doesn't paint a very charming ambit if
you know what I'm talkin' about unless of course your the kind
who likes unpredictable conditions there would be much I'd
need to tell you but as you can see it started when I
was very young not a terribly interesting book
of course I thought it was but that
was only 'cause I was
starring in


days of learning
and did we ever learn - well I'll
have to tell you about it some time - maybe...

that's a lot to tell..!

best friends best finds
love dale

Speaking of ghosts, wouldn't you know here comes mine again...
~Rosemary J. Gwaltney~

[This message has been edited by lucky (11-16-2007 08:59 PM).]

© Copyright 2007 Dale W. Gwaltney - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2007-11-16 08:08 PM

It is ALWAYS heartwrming to get a personalized letter from you~

I know you are enjoying your guitar playing ... and I can just 'almost' hear you~

Rosemary has to be very pleased to listen to your song-stories~

Love and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours~

Love and *Huglets*

~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -     [email protected]   

Senior Member
since 2003-04-12
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2 posted 2007-11-17 09:52 AM

I enjoyed reading this...
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
3 posted 2007-11-17 12:06 PM

Dear Dale

Reading your words always seems to inspire me, you know, to write out the truth feelings from anyoldtime and then to read them myself with a better understanding than I had when I wrote them in the first place.

I know you understand.  Blessings to you and Rosemary and all you hold close.  

Artic Wind
Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
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Realm of Supernatural
4 posted 2007-11-17 12:07 PM

martie said it all


Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
5 posted 2007-11-17 12:16 PM

You summed your loving poem up perfectly with

"best friends best finds
love dale"

~ and your friends are "lucky" to have you as their friend, as well!

Love & Friendships,


Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
6 posted 2007-11-17 03:37 PM

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200
Between the Lines
7 posted 2007-11-17 03:57 PM

Dale~~ a truly warm tidbit from your heart...and a fine write.

Being from a large family myself, and with some  who hold grudges and the others the peace makers who are now gone, I understand...

to you and yours~~ a happy holiday season

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