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Open Poetry #41
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since 2005-12-17
Posts 137

0 posted 2007-10-28 01:22 AM

With each step I take I know I'm not taking it alone
in this pain I know there is someone else out there
feeling it too, that my tears falling from my eyes are not
the only tears falling tonight
So I can keep on breathing now that I realize Iam not
the only one suffering from the force of life

So many things remind me of what I had
each passing moment with memories to bring a tear
I want to get to know myself and what I want
but I've been programed to want a partner in everything
and now that I no longer have that I'm lost
My future is just a white light with no beginning or ending

I'm struggling to carrie on, on my own
My vision, my reason for geting up everyday has been
erased. What I've worked so hard for has been taken
away, where is the fairness in all this
Has karma kicked in, or is that just some hoax?
But I've been a good girl, I was there I loved with all my
heart. But this can't be beaten can it? I can't win

I'm joining the rest of you who have been where I'm going
Dropping my belongings into this bag and sailing on
to a new beginning a new life without the one that was
once there beside me to make life a little bit
easier along the way. Only time can tell where its going
next, and only I can follow along after it in hopes where
it takes me I can wipe one tear away at a time and begin

I do not need shine or wealth, just a pen and some paper for my health

© Copyright 2007 Althia Kinsey - All Rights Reserved
since 2007-10-15
Posts 89
1 posted 2007-10-28 01:07 AM

There are few mispells,

And overall,

the vocabulary and the structure seem too much like everyday-talk-language.

By The way, I`d like to , not in an insultingly manner

What do you think of the African-American slang and subculture and about its contribution to American language?

since 2005-12-17
Posts 137
2 posted 2007-10-28 07:31 AM

to the above statement " I had no time to edit that poem, i write it at 2 in the morning and I was very tired but just wanted to express my thoughts at the moment. But sometimes its nice to have a simply written poem , doesn't always have to be complexed and hard to understand. As far as african/black slang goes I don't know , I don't speak it I wasn't raised in that type of environment, so you should ask someone who knows. Not sure what that has to do with a poem site though or my poem, this isn't african american history class.

I do not need shine or wealth, just a pen and some paper for my health

since 2007-10-15
Posts 89
3 posted 2007-10-28 09:44 AM

before offering a detailed critique with corrections, you should check the author's profile to learn if the author wants critiques or not. In this case the author does not.


[This message has been edited by Balladeer (10-28-2007 08:49 PM).]

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2007-10-28 11:43 AM


This is some wonderfully poignant penning~

'I'm joining the rest of you who have been where I'm going
Dropping my belongings into this bag and sailing on
to a new beginning a new life without the one that was
once there beside me to make life a little bit
easier along the way. Only time can tell where its going
next, and only I can follow along after it in hopes where
it takes me I can wipe one tear away at a time and begin again'

New beginnings ... yes, I've been there~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
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Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236
5 posted 2007-10-28 03:33 PM

I very much love your thoughts and especially the expressed intention of being able to begin again, after this difficult time of loneliness.

Your strong will shows.


Artic Wind
Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
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Realm of Supernatural
6 posted 2007-10-28 03:47 PM

very well thought


since 2007-10-22
Posts 72
Liverpool, UK
7 posted 2007-10-28 08:18 PM

I want to say that this piece spoke out loud and reached right into the depths of my soul ( errors and all) and that I understand very much where you are coming from with this. So painful...but then we have to feel pain, so that we may begin to heal.

My thoughts are with you.

Illusive x

Member Elite
since 2007-07-28
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Australia, Victoria
8 posted 2007-10-28 11:03 PM

I feel for you Tatalina and I wish you a

happy future. The fact that you have the will to start again is what counts. Keep the chin up and I'm sure the sun will shine again for you, good luck.


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