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Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296

0 posted 2007-05-09 07:52 AM

oh proud
grateful world
gritty frontier
in half-forgotten
all those befores
can best
reach out
growing oneself
like fossil fuel
cultivating time

reflect and reveal
amazingly limps
like silence
into sage suffering

oh my
prodigal summer
within a
larger tapestry of
southern appalachia
waffers a reclusive space

don't want
to become
somebody else
someone else's idea of
what life should be...

I want to wade barefooted
in some unknowing stream

marooned in society

solitary life
greener then green
my human rights
I invent culture
working backwards
like a parent
homegrown themes
suggestive things

baking bread
embroidering creation
whispy homelessness
I am a refugee
of your meaning
which redefined high tides

I was
in a zip lock baggie
drowning in matte air
intent on climbing
a spiral staircase
bearing well versed heart

lost within a homeland
of tenderness
making sense of
idealistic expectations

I am resilient

swallowing mothballs

poetic thoughts
may live on

would you like
to climb inside my mind?
perhaps not
on a personal level
more so
to face the unexplored
you cannot be my savior
nor I yours

life and earth may offer
west african voodoo
a self-styled siren
tenacity of unspoiled joy
devotion to
what is not
rather then
what is

we would
be deeply enamoured
in life's tangable
which opens
all windows and doors

turntable to
be yourself
I could never be yours
how unbearable it would be
a domestic wilderness

oh prodigal summer
small wonder
your story
my mind wanders
with crickets
we know not loss
simplicity remains
our inner life

perhaps visionary
qualities of myth
deep in the midst
of a language so exquisite
so all our own

life path is homeland
I dance with nature
deep rooted with bedtime stories
corn of diary
scattered places
are my writing classes

I believe sweet dreams
caress my soul
yes, small wonders
my very own
telescopic video

going about the day
my little worshop
and in

life is a versatile
player of moods
which carry me
to new places
differnt faces
though I listen

[This message has been edited by LeeJ (05-10-2007 11:37 AM).]

© Copyright 2007 Lee J. - All Rights Reserved
Member Ascendant
since 2006-11-07
Posts 6394
a 'Universalist' !
1 posted 2007-05-09 08:34 AM

For me, the following lines
are especially fine!:

“simplicity remains
our inner life” ;

“life is a versatile
player of moods”;


“perhaps visionary
qualities of myth
deep in the midst
of a language so exquisite…”

I am  also quite fond of :

“oh proud
grateful world
gritty frontier
in half-forgotten

“oh my prodigal summer
within a larger tapestry of
southern Appalachia…”

“poetic thoughts
may live on

fine imagery!

Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215
Realms of Light
2 posted 2007-05-09 08:51 AM

"would you like
to climb inside my mind?"

~ Indeed I would! For inside your mind I would find brilliance ~ and a glorious quirky sense of humour!

There were so many lines that are quotable, that I have decided to save the entire poem!

You do have the ability to amaze!

Hugs with love,


Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
3 posted 2007-05-09 08:52 AM

I knew I took this picture the other day for a good reason...leaving it here is just the right one!

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577
4 posted 2007-05-09 09:34 AM

don't want
to become
somebody else
someone else's idea of
what life should be...

I want to wade barefooted
in some unknowing stream


excellent! I'm saving this to read again!

Member Ascendant
since 2000-12-22
Posts 6088
standing on a shadow's lace
5 posted 2007-05-09 06:56 PM

"don't want
to become
somebody else
someone else's idea of
what life should be..."


Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
6 posted 2007-05-09 11:54 PM

I can hear the living waters, Lee...and they are bubbling and rushing freely!  Wonderful read.  *hugs*
The Lady
Member Rara Avis
since 2005-12-26
Posts 7634
The Southwest
7 posted 2007-05-10 12:39 PM

"I want to wade barefooted
in some unknowing stream"

and yes
I would like to climb inside your mind
see where these words come from

Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
Posts 2903
Victoria, Australia
8 posted 2007-05-10 07:41 AM

Just beautiful Lee, we can live a life within oursleves as well as outwardly, many times the life we create within, nurishes and vertilizes the seed of the physical we, the higher self, our soul here on journey can base everything on love and wellbeing, it experiences time on earth. So much we do not know, or is it that we just do not remember. Time here is our master, till journeys end and time.

I enjoyed your words my friend, sorry not to reply more, will try to visit more often.
Be well and take care.


Junior Member
since 2007-05-06
Posts 16

9 posted 2007-05-10 01:11 PM

Hey you make me wet from heart to eyes

I can feel water every where in your words

I liked it so much...
Thanks for giving such a good feeling.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336
Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
10 posted 2007-05-10 05:32 PM

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200
Between the Lines
11 posted 2007-05-10 06:45 PM

I also love these lines...don't want
to become somebody else
or live someone else's idea of
what life should be...

I want to wade barefooted
in some unknowing stream

and make my own choices for the future...

excellent thoughts...and I am not sure I would want to enter your mind as I would be drowning in thought


Member Elite
since 2006-07-09
Posts 2995
Lumpy Oatmeal makes me Crazy!
12 posted 2007-05-11 01:36 AM

life path is homeland
I dance with nature
deep rooted with bedtime stories
corn of diary
scattered places
are my writing classes

I believe sweet dreams
caress my soul
yes, small wonders
my very own
telescopic video


I am at a loss for words.  And I am totally wrapped up in your poem.


Member Ascendant
since 2004-04-01
Posts 6128
Texas, USA
13 posted 2007-05-11 10:19 AM

life is a versatile
player of moods
which carry me
to new places
differnt faces
though I listen"

Love this verse.


Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed:
blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
~Jesus Christ

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
14 posted 2007-05-17 04:11 PM

I agree with Earth Angel *S*... for my answer to that question was Oh, yes... each glimpse is more delightful! *S*
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