Open Poetry #40 |
Mary Magdalene |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
Maria Maddalena by Pietro Perugino (view the larger image: * * * Mary Magdalene * * * I wish I had been there with you to share your excitement and your joy when you discovered the empty tomb of Jesus. You crowned your emotions with tears. Though He had shared His truth with you, your faith was shaken by irrational fear. You had seen Him nailed to the cross and though you knelt on the ground your heart and soul were glued to His and His agony became your agony. A disciple’s symbiosis with Her Teacher or the indivisible Power of Love? Whatever it was He choose you to be the first to learn of His Resurrection, even if in your bewilderment you could hardly believe your eyes and your heartbeats drummed you deaf . But then you ran like a gazelle to share the news. I wish I had been there with you to witness the boldness of your heart when you first met Him and showed your generosity scandalizing those who lived by the rules but had no clue of the vastness of Love. Of the Love as the source of all Life. You endured the discrimination because of your being a woman, humble, yet independent and strong and with an uncommon acumen. They spoilt your name by calling you a sinner, but in Jesus’ eyes you were a pure flower. And this flower still blooms to this day in the hearts of those who came to know you through the written word and through faith. Yes, I wish I had been there with you, but see, the truth is that now you are with me as a living example of how true Love should be. * * * |
© Copyright 2007 Margherita Rueger - All Rights Reserved | |||
Drauntz Member Elite
since 2007-03-16
Posts 2905Los Angeles California |
so good....on this topic. yes, you have a heart as pure as hers love, the true love. so very good. [This message has been edited by Drauntz (04-11-2007 08:27 PM).] |
Robert Jordan Member
since 2007-02-07
Posts 392Philadelphia Pa USA |
Margherita, The Magdalene has always been one of my favorite people. Look over your poem, and get rid of some of the capitalized words such as “Teacher”, “Love”, “Life”. They draw too much attention to themselves. Bobby |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
Thank you dear Drauntz and Bobby for reading and commenting so kindly. Bobby, I use the capitals on purpose, because I WANT to draw the attention on those words, because there is Love and there is love, there is a teacher and a Teacher etc., in my opinion. Thank you, I appreciated your comment. Love, Margherita |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
It's good to read you again, m'friend. You've done a fine job of Mary, and perhaps one day you will do one of the Mother. |
Startime55 Member Elite
since 2003-04-05
Posts 2148Alberta, Canada |
I share your wish but could not have written it half as well as you have....This poem captures heart and soul...BRAVO!!!*Big Hugs* |
Earth Angel Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215Realms of Light |
Hi, Margherita! ~ or should I say, Mary Magdalene? Perhaps YOU were that Mary ~ You certainly portrayed her vividly enough! It seemed as though you were in her skin, so to speak! A gripping and impassioned piece of writing. As our Sun queried, I too would be interested in reading your rendition of Our Mother Mary. Your pen always spills such poetic and compelling ink! Lots of love, Linda |
The Lady Member Rara Avis
since 2005-12-26
Posts 7634The Southwest |
Oh Margherita the Magdalene is a favorite of mine too magnificent poem |
Enchantress Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113Canada eh. |
Margherita~You have penned her beautifully. I'm tucking this keeper away to read again and again. For it was not into my ear you whispered |
since 1999-10-22
Posts 10463USA |
good read |
scorpio Member Ascendant
since 2002-10-02
Posts 5178right...there |
Her actions on that morning so many years ago are the cornerstone of Christianity. Mary Magdalene was the first to say "He has Risen!!" Well done!! |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
Thank you all my dear Poet friends. I enjoyed your replies and your interest in this absolutely fascinating figure. And ... Linda? Yes, I actually asked her to stay close and to make me FEEL with her own heart.... You KNOW! Karilea and Linda, of course Mother Mary deserves our loving attention and I am devoted to Her. We'll see. Love and Light. Margherita |
paullallady Member
since 2007-04-03
Posts 262Michigan |
what a beautiful poem, looking at it through her eyes, her emotions. beautiful. |
JamesMichael Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336Kapolei, Hawaii, USA |
A joy to read...James |
Mistletoe Angel
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
(angel friendship hugs) Oh Margherita, I believe Mary is an archetypal symbol of unconditional love, and I believe she sets a most positive example for each and every one of us, whose strength, integrity and compassion shows that even in His loss, His love perserveres among all who believe! (sigh) Yay, God Bless You, dearest friend, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Margherita, thank you for sharing! May love and light always shine upon you! Love, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
Thank you for this...I don't believe women have ever been given their rightful place in life...from the beginning of life, women have been surpressed. Hugs to you for such beauty, which would enlighten any queen. Excellent!!!!!! |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
Thank you my dear Poet friends for your heartwarming comments. Love, Margherita |
SouthernJustice Member
since 2007-12-15
Posts 159 |
Margarita this is absolutely Beautiful. I absolutley love this work of art. And I love this beautiful sainted angel of the Lord also. Dear Mary Magdalene. Pardon my wordiness here, for my comments are usually quite succinct. I wish to be up front right now with you. I have written some rather controversial material. COntroversial citing the fact that I am a life long Baptist. And the material I wrote WAS Based on "The DaVinci Code" and "The Last Temptation of Christ". This was ata website off PIP . I have asked Jesus Christ in earnest for His forgiveness. I feel it has beeeeh granted me. I will NOT SAY EVER that Jesus was NOT TEMPTEED, to say such is a discredit to Holy Writ. It is perhaps that certain stories may be better left untold for they are not for us human beings in this day and age to know. God Bless you, and DO keep this frail mortal and such a weak sinful man in yoru prayers dear heart. "Southern Justice" |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
Dear SJ, thank you for appreciating this work. I agree with you about the remark that probably we are not yet able to fully understand the Truth, though I believe it can be found within our hearts/soul deep deep within when we listen well. I have had some wonderful dreams as well "featuring" Jesus, comforting me. It's in the human nature to search always, to know more and sometimes by hurrying to conclusions we believe in things that may be false. Above all, I think we are all "sinners" from a human point of view and with reference to what we have learned during our Christian education. So we all can enjoy the immense gratitude for the granted forgiveness when we sometimes step out of the Path. Keeping us in prayer. He listens! Love and have a beautiful Sunday! Margherita |
SouthernJustice Member
since 2007-12-15
Posts 159 |
And likewise dear heart, I am having a most wonderful Sunday. God Bless you, In Christ name, Amen. "SJ" |
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