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Teen Poetry #8
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since 2006-06-10
Posts 70
ontario, canada

0 posted 2006-11-19 09:59 PM

I’m sorry I’ve brought us here;
To a place I’m not ready for,
A place that’s so nice.

A place that could be heaven;
That makes me feel like hell,
That makes me feel cross.

I look into your eyes,
I dream into your soul;
And I feel honesty –attempting to break away,
From my shackles of deceit.
But I know things will remain as they are,
For some time to come,
Until karma takes what belongs to it.

Even the hero needs to be saved,
But even your shield can’t save me;
From the grasp of my demons,
My weaknesses that I myself have crafted,
That I cannot undo.

I’ve brought us closer to breaking apart.
But that shock around the corner is far too well concealed,
For even a person of your qualifications to notice.
Remark my hesitance, remark my willingness;
Where they need not be, where their opposites belong.
A man that seems far too strong,
In a situation that is far too frail;
I’ve failed.

I myself will bestow upon your brilliant face this crown,
That represents a throne reigning over a dominion of barren prosperity.
You’ll wear blood diamonds that represent a different conflict.
A war within my own being.
I fight to overthrow this governing evil,
Withdraw from this “high” inducing needle.

Sometimes all we can do is try,
But I need to execute.
Take a vacation from this place,
Have a rendezvous with my dark self
Give you one ticket.
Test out the validity of our fate as one,
Find out if you’ll find a soul that resembles mine,
And I, one that carries your fragrance.

However if we should find each other once more,
Then this place crafted around your being,
May once more harbour how I feel.

© Copyright 2006 luc - All Rights Reserved
New Member
since 2006-11-15
Posts 7

1 posted 2006-11-20 05:28 PM

I believe that you don't only write for yourself, but for other people as well. I've read all your poems and it seems as though you're carrying many others sentiments with you. That's rare.
Junior Member
since 2007-02-21
Posts 11

2 posted 2007-05-14 01:22 AM

i found this piece very interesting, almost refreshing to read
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