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Teen Poetry #8
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since 2007-03-23
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Space Camp, IN

0 posted 2008-09-11 06:35 PM

a thousand years isnt long enough to tell you
your an angel without wings
because every time your around
my mouth gets dry
and i know its just a matter of time
before you walk away

and then im left feeling empty inside
because theres so much i have to say
but it gets lost and the words dont come
every time i see your face

and its just so hard to let it go
when im trying so hard to let you know
that i want you to stay

© Copyright 2008 Bryan Lucas - All Rights Reserved
since 2008-07-29
Posts 186
Highlands, Scotland.
1 posted 2008-09-12 02:20 AM

I can really relate to this poem. Can't we all?
Brilliant stuff.

Falling rain
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since 2008-01-31
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Small town, Illinois
2 posted 2008-09-12 07:59 AM

Wow I just wrote a piano/sonnet thing.. and your poem fits perfectly in the melody! Whoa.. this is sort a weird... hehe... Great work by the way..
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