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Teen Poetry #8
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since 2008-08-07
Posts 126

0 posted 2008-08-23 06:16 PM

** i wrote this one, inspired by 2 fictional characters' story of friendship... do enjoy**

About my Friend

This is a story about
my friend whom I dearly love
we mostly spend our time
gazing on the moon and the stars above.

We mostly talk on stupid things
as we hang around together
joke on anything we can think about
and made echoes of our laughter.

But as the days passed by then
been quite long since my friend was gone
one day I heard about the news
surprised on what my friend have done.

A group of thugs and my friend
tried to hang around together
they said they just wanted to try
a new taste of some adventure.

I think my friend got bored with me
and prefer to explore the starless night
somehow my friend and his company
got themselves caught up on some stupid fight.

A fight exchanging fists in rumble
and unknowingly someone fired a gun
a bullet hit my dear loved friend
in an instant killed and gone.

This is a story about
my friend whom I dearly love
I now mostly spend my time alone
wondering if my friend is one of the stars above.

~~*K. B.*~~

© Copyright 2008 Kaye B. - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2007-03-23
Posts 620
Space Camp, IN
1 posted 2008-08-23 07:06 PM

this is definatly my favorite by you so far. keep it up. this is awesome.
since 2008-08-07
Posts 126
2 posted 2008-08-25 12:03 PM

thanks so much, Clockwork_Orange. i really appreciate it that you like reading this one. I did had a great time writing this one as well.

~~*K. B.*~~

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