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Teen Poetry #8
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since 2006-03-14
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0 posted 2006-10-07 05:02 PM

I understand the flow is off and it kinda cuts off weird. lol this is deff one of my worse poems, but i decided to share it nonetheless.

I looked up to her
I respected her
And I put her
above them all

If only I had known
The cruelty she'd later show
I'd never have let her
see me fall

Let down by my hero
struck down by her tongue
she made me feel so
inferior, so small

I hafta move on
The world just doesnt wait
For one's happiness
to reinstall

This just goes to show
you can't rely on anyone
They'll all at some point
let you down.

I've decided to cling
to Someone highter up
I'm stickin to my savior,
From now on.

© Copyright 2006 Rebekah - All Rights Reserved
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since 2006-03-06
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1 posted 2006-10-07 06:18 PM

"If only I had known
The cruelty she'd later show
I'd never have let her
see me fall"

One of my favorite parts in the poem^^ Plus the ending, of course, was beautiful.

Mmm...So, I don't really think this is my favorite of yours but I did like the general idea of the poem.

Thanks for sharing ya double poster you!

"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars." - Og Mandino            @-->---

Senior Member
since 2006-03-14
Posts 533

2 posted 2006-10-07 07:47 PM

rofl.  yepp thats me the double poster! yessss!

thanks for the comment : ) you rock!  

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since 2006-06-18
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3 posted 2006-10-08 01:17 AM

I've decided to cling
to Someone highter up
I'm stickin to my savior,
From now on.

that poem was truly amazing this wasn't my favorite either...i guess no poem can beat the poem in honour of stargal:P ha-ha jk but good write beka....

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war and a time for peace   ~Ecclesiastes 3:8~

Senior Member
since 2006-03-14
Posts 533

4 posted 2006-10-08 08:05 AM

lol thanks. and you're right. i do believe the one i wrote for stargal was absolutely fantastic.  jk jk

; )

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