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Teen Poetry #8
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since 2007-05-28
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0 posted 2007-10-27 01:12 PM

When you told me it was over
I believed you from the start
I was constantly crying a river
Because it broke my heart

I didn’t know that it
Broke yours too
Now I know you would never do that
And that you were just hiding the truth

But you didn’t have to hide it
I had forgiven you a long time ago
I was in your arms in a second
I would never have said no

I love you way you treat me
So gentle and kind
How in the world did I find
a love like this; a love like mine?

We may not be the perfect couple
A match made form above
But were so perfect for each other
And so happily in love

A day in july
Our first kiss was shared
It was all so magical
There was so much love in the air

You actually said you loved me!
It's more than just a crush
I better be careful
Cause I'm falling for you so much!

My long awaited fairytale
The thing 've dreamt of for years
You have just given to me
I can't believe it's finally here!

Oh how good it feels
To get away from the hell at home
To have a love like this
And know I'll never be alone

There's no need to be sad
With you by my side
The thought of you make me happy
And i think about you day and night

How lucky I feel
To have someone like you
I'm feeling love for the first time
And I don't know what to do!

I know you won't breka my heart
Like all the ones before
You'll be there for me always
Cause that's what friends are for

I finally found someone
Who feels the same as I do.
And heres's a little secret:
Shhhhh! I love you!!! <3

[This message has been edited by rebelangelv (10-27-2007 02:48 PM).]

© Copyright 2007 leah nelson - All Rights Reserved
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since 2006-06-18
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1 posted 2007-10-27 01:23 PM

wow Leah this was definately my favorite from you, It was so sweet and my favorite part the end shhh... I love you. The best part it was so cute. Well great write again

Senior Member
since 2007-05-28
Posts 538
2 posted 2007-10-27 02:15 PM

thanx!!! yah this is really old. but yea. i just realized how horrible the set up and spelling is so sry everyone!!!! btw does n e one know how to edit things after they r posted?
Senior Member
since 2007-06-11
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In Love &lt;3
3 posted 2007-10-27 02:41 PM

yes i do, one of the icons on the top of the poem will say "edit" and you click that and edit, though sometimes it says you can't do that after 24 hours or something like that, and then talk to someone in charge or something like that. but i loved this- it was way cute


"I thought I'd just mention in passing . . . I always wanted a Sparkly of my very own." -Jeremy The Crow

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since 2007-05-28
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4 posted 2007-10-27 02:49 PM

thanx so much it helped a lot!
o and thank u!

Senior Member
since 2007-06-11
Posts 1062
In Love &lt;3
5 posted 2007-10-27 03:04 PM

welcome welcome, hey i think that you should check out my outragouesly new dark ish type poem here's the whaterev these things are call . . .  oh links . . .


"I thought I'd just mention in passing . . . I always wanted a Sparkly of my very own." -Jeremy The Crow

since 2007-10-24
Posts 321

6 posted 2007-10-27 05:47 PM

this was great kinda too sweet for me but its good
Senior Member
since 2007-05-28
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7 posted 2007-10-27 07:05 PM

hmmm thanx. i was really like overly happy when i wrote this so i suppose it did come out kinda sweet.
since 2007-10-24
Posts 321

8 posted 2007-10-28 12:35 PM

thats cool
i like darker things tho but this was good

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since 2007-05-28
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9 posted 2007-10-28 12:39 PM

eh im just w/e w/ dark and sweet. i like em both. idk which one i prefer more. i think i wrote more depressing stuff than happy tho

since 2007-10-24
Posts 321

10 posted 2007-10-28 12:44 PM

hmm well i write depressing things and a few happy things i guess
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since 2007-05-28
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11 posted 2007-10-28 12:46 PM

u should start posting more things on here so ppl can get more of a feel for your writing.
since 2007-10-24
Posts 321

12 posted 2007-10-28 12:58 PM

yeah sure i guess
i aint that good though

Senior Member
since 2007-05-28
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13 posted 2007-10-28 01:01 AM

well thats wut pip talk is for: so that other people could tell u how good u really are and so that ppl can help u get better.
since 2007-10-24
Posts 321

14 posted 2007-10-28 01:03 AM

i dont want to get better i think im good right now but ill post more up later
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since 2007-05-28
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15 posted 2007-10-28 01:08 AM

u dont want to get better? thats kinda weird but ok. ill be looking foward to reading more of ur stuff
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since 2007-08-19
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16 posted 2007-10-28 05:00 PM

i really loved this poem!! to me it shows the bond a true relationship can bring, even when at times there have been doubts. Although there are minor grammatical errors, it's still great nonetheless.

Senior Member
since 2007-05-28
Posts 538
17 posted 2007-10-28 05:46 PM

dah1namedj0na: thanx again! yea i knwo i really need to start checking my work b4 i post something cuz i always make a lot of mistakes...
Artic Wind
Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
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Realm of Supernatural
18 posted 2007-11-12 09:55 PM



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