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Teen Poetry #8
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Junior Member
since 2007-07-20
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0 posted 2007-07-24 12:36 PM

Feeling alone, no one to take her hand
She falls into a trance and never wants to wake up
For fear she will fade away if she walks into the day
Behind this broken heart is the one she loved
But he, he dos not no how this young girl feels

He faked his love
She faked the hate
Her best friend fell in love

Tears burning in her eyes
As she see’s her two of a kind

Runs for the door
He calls out to her

She stops
And he says I love you

Now full of dread and confused
She says how can you love me when your loving her
Some times I regret running

© Copyright 2007 Megan - All Rights Reserved
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Member Elite
since 2006-06-18
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1 posted 2007-07-24 04:10 PM

awe this was really good I liked it.. the content was amazing

~fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me~

since 2007-06-03
Posts 461
Come find me?
2 posted 2007-07-24 08:54 PM was kinda sad, but very nicely written I liked it.

So no more hiding all your pain, you deserve a new start. That's why i'm closing myself away, this is a message from your heart.

Senior Member
since 2007-03-23
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Space Camp, IN
3 posted 2007-07-24 09:49 PM

let me say, this was one of my favorites from you.
Junior Member
since 2007-07-20
Posts 18
4 posted 2007-07-25 02:24 PM

thx guys
Senior Member
since 2007-06-11
Posts 1062
In Love <3
5 posted 2007-08-06 11:30 AM

"He faked his love
She faked the hate"

your lines here remind me of lines i'm working on in my newest that isn't finished.

"with eyes like shadows watches she
with pride to swallow he lets her be"

it was beautiful and i felt as if you were wrtting a bit of my story.


"I thought I'd just mention in passing . . . I always wanted a Sparkly of my very own." -Jeremy The Crow

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