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Floating gently on a cloud....

0 posted 2003-06-03 08:14 PM

I'm a forum floater and can't find my niche....
Open is too fast, Pub is too claustrophobic, I'm not a Dark Forum person, Holiday Cheer is uh yeah only good at certain times of the year , Spiritual journeys....well I'm having issues with Christianity at the moment and haven't found any other religions to journey along yet.....prose is all good, well, for prose :-p, I've been in Teen lately, which is all good, but, well, I dunno, I don't seem to "fit" very well....I love this place but I dunno where to settle, so I'm ending up the terminal outsider, not getting to know any of you guys......any suggestions???
S'not like I'm that new either anymore.... :s
K Im out,
Luv, Liz xxx

"Gorge the honey from life, and live through the stomach aches knowing they will pass..." ~Liz Pinard 2003~

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1 posted 2003-06-03 08:32 PM

Hmmm... honestly I'm in the same position. For now I'm content to drift... Have you tried the Sanctuary? It's a bit slowish in there at times, but it's nice in there

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Beneath the northern stars
2 posted 2003-06-03 08:36 PM

I don't have a niche either and it's ok not to. That's why we have all the different forums. Just post wherever you feel is a good place for the poem. I've posted in both Teen and Open and I like them both but I don't want to post in one forum and one only.

Also....even if you have issues with Christianity it's still ok to post in the Spiritual forum, as long as you are respectful to others (which I think you would be from what I've seen of you). In the forum description it says that the forum is there to explore heights and depths of religion and that intolerance will not be tolerated, so it is not just limited to Christianity and it's ok to be confused. People will read you wherever you choose to post so just post away! Hope you get everything figured out.


Dreams last for so long, even after you're gone...

Larry C
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3 posted 2003-06-03 11:35 PM

We're supposed to fit in? Now what do I do? HELP!

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Member Rara Avis
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4 posted 2003-06-04 09:03 AM

ESP - I certainly do not have a niche here - that is what is so cool about PIP - we are all so different - I stayed in Open to get a feel for everyone - then explored the Sanctuary.

Good Luck and dont worry - we all feel like that

since 2001-10-17
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5 posted 2003-06-04 09:17 AM

Hey Liz
   You yourself told me that we don't always fit in and to just enjoy it.  And I don't really fit in here either.  you've seen all the places I've posted.  I just post stuff.  You neccessarily need to belong.  'Sides your great Liz and it doesn't matter where you go people will want to find you.  So don't worry about it.  You don't have to really fit in to get to know people and enjoy it here at PIP.  Just have fun, I love ya.

Always  ~Alicia~

I don't know if today is a good day, or if yesterday was, or if tomorrow will be, but I'd like to think so.

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6 posted 2003-06-04 09:39 AM

I'd say come on down to Sanctuary.     Of course.
Cpat Hair
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7 posted 2003-06-04 09:52 AM

Oh yeah bri.. trying to lure the women down to Sanctuary aren't you...LOL

Fitting in... hmmm..and Niches.... such a puzzle... I'd say only that you are welcome in all forums so why limit yourself to one?
Then again...maybe I jump around a bit in the forums to keep people from getting too tired of me..LOL and you won't have that problem..

Fading Away
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8 posted 2003-06-04 11:31 AM

*nods* I know what you mean! Being a floater can be fun, getting to read a variety of stuff, but every forum seems to have a tight-knit "group" that outsiders don't fit into. It can be hard, yes.

However, I've learned that the only way to find your way is to jump in with both feet. Get people to know you, and you will get to know them quicker than you might think.

This may be a little bias, but try Sanctuary!

Good luck,

"You can be idealistic for all of ten seconds before you die." (Imitation of Life)

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9 posted 2003-06-04 01:30 PM

it's fun to jump araound in here
some days I feel 'open', others, I require a quiet sanctuary QUIET??? nope, there are some noisey poets in there too!

just enjoy yourself, we do manage to find you no mater where you hide

seriously though, I understand, as I used to be very intimidated by OPEN

now some might to chase me outta there

(just watch out for that Captain Hair)

serenity blaze
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10 posted 2003-06-04 01:45 PM

tapping on the screen.


This is a good start.

Just thought I'd pop in and say "hello."

and I always say? If you have a niche? SCRATCH it! GROAN....

(see what you could be getting into here, doncha?)

Post anywhere! We'll find ya!

Hellohugs to ya!

Member Elite
since 2000-01-25
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Floating gently on a cloud....
11 posted 2003-06-04 04:26 PM

Hi Guys, thanks for all the friendly responses.....
I guess I'll just keep right on floating for the time being then
I must say, I keep discovering new possibilities for fun and learning all the time I discovered that the English Workshop was actually really cool fun, though the name looked a little naff, and though it does have its quiet spells..hey psst sb go post there!!! heheh
And then like even more recently I have pulled up a sofa in the philosophy lounge, what is it, philosophy 101, that's also yeah thanks for replying and hellohugs to you too Serenity
Laterz y'all.....I'm sure we'll be catching each other uberall!!
Luv, Liz xxx

"Gorge the honey from life, and live through the stomach aches knowing they will pass..." ~Liz Pinard 2003~

since 2003-03-26
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Spanish Town, Jamaica
12 posted 2003-06-09 10:20 AM

Niche, NICHE!! Aww man... I need help quick. I have lost my niche (Never had one actually) Like you I am still just drifting around Passions (lurking more like it) but loving it so.... Maybe we could drift together... Just popping into places, looking around, popping back out... just drifting.... hmmm... sounds kinda cool.
Local Parasite
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13 posted 2003-06-09 01:31 PM

If you have a niche? SCRATCH it!

ROFL... Serenity, you're a riot...  

since 2001-02-23
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14 posted 2003-06-13 02:30 AM

You don't need a niche. Floating lets you see everyone's work, rather than just the poetry in your niche.


"Poetry and Hums aren't things which you get, they're things which get you. And all you can do is to go where they can find you."

Sudhir Iyer
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15 posted 2003-06-13 11:22 AM

nissshhhhhhhh ? whazzat

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16 posted 2003-06-14 08:51 AM

I am new to pip and i just post to open poetry, if you review one or two other poets work when they post you will find that they often reply to your work.
We wont bite,put it up the flagpoll and see if anybody salutes it.

I will now jot your name down and look at your work.


passing shadows
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17 posted 2003-06-14 02:46 PM

I always post in Open...yeah, it's fast but I like it that way
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