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Love? |
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since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855![]() |
Do you ever find it hard to love? I've heard told many times that in order to love others, you must love yourself. So do you sometimes find it hard to love yourself? And if so, how do you get over the hump to love again? I raise this question because at points, when I'm tired and burned out, I feel like I would I like to disappear, rather than sort out the colored beach stones back into a recognizable shape that is me (yes, I'm made of colored beach stones ... c'mon, this is a poetry forum ![]() And what is love? I kindly await your replies. "I fall into your arms." |
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Kellie_Cantrell Senior Member
since 2002-05-22
Posts 1667New York |
since 2001-06-07
Posts 164Sweet And Sassy |
love is what sucks (to me in my life right now anyways ) ![]() *Love might not make the world go round but it's what makes the ride worth while* |
rascalx Senior Member
since 1999-08-25
Posts 590Florence, SC, USA |
I'm not sure I have an answer to your question about love as I'm having quite a hard time with it myself right now but I absolutely love your colored stones analogy. I can so relate to that feeling and that image. Hmmm... a thought on love...love is when someone becomes so important to you that they in some way affect and shape every facet of your life (this can be both bad and good... think about it...) - Jeff |
Janet Marie Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554 |
"So do you sometimes find it hard to love yourself?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Loving someone else is so much easier... ( you expected that answer from a moth, right? ) ![]() "And if so, how do you get over the hump to love again?" ~~~~~~ "We wish ourselves beautiful We cry in the night And it's not the love you feared But the fall from the height My personal ledges Afraid to look down My crepe paper bridges Enough water to drown" ~Edwin McCain~ "And what is love?" Heaven & Hell ... and everything in between. I've heard if ya are doing it right(love)that its contentment and commitment ... I'll let ya know if I ever prove that to be true... Mikey...your beach stones reflect all the colors of the ocean ... yer a prism poet ya know ![]() If all the tear drops went to heaven |
Tracey Member Elite
since 2001-08-29
Posts 2808where insanity meets breeding |
Yep, I absolutely believe that to really love someone, you have to love yourself. I’ve seen those who don’t…and their relationships tend to be based on other things than love…ie: a need, a dependancy, an infatuation among other things. What is love? Good question…not so sure I’d be a good candidate to answer that one. But, I guess, among other things, it’s having a deep enough love for another, that you can see their faults, accept them, and love them anyway. Trust is a big thing too in love. You trust another, enough that you let them hold your heart, safe in the knowledge that they will care for it as much, or more than you would yourself. I know there are other things I could say, but it’s nearly bedtime, and my mind doesn’t work so good when it’s nearly dream time. I’m off to play with my own coloured beach stones in my dreams (yep, I like that way of thinking) You can never win or lose |
Janet Marie Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554 |
quote: Duncan....dont you let this one get away... LISTEN TO THE MOTH!! ![]() (damn Trace...why ya gotta make me mothy mascara run) *S* If all the tear drops went to heaven |
Duncan Member Ascendant
since 2001-08-07
Posts 5455 |
But Jams, she couldn't be talking about me 'cause I don't have any faults!!!! Let me think on this one a bit and I'll be back. I |
Duncan Member Ascendant
since 2001-08-07
Posts 5455 |
‘Do you ever find it hard to love? I've heard told many times that in order to love others, you must love yourself. So do you sometimes find it hard to love yourself?’ I’ve always fallen in love quite easily, then found it not so easy to ‘stay in love’. And for the most part I think this has been because I didn’t like (let alone love) the person I was, in those relationships. The real me (the one I liked and felt good about being) was there in the beginning but seemed to fade/disappear in time. I’ve always thought that love was kind of like tennis. It doesn’t really matter how good a player you are, if the person across the net can’t hit the ball back to you…it isn’t gonna be a good game, for anyone. (I’m sure that makes no sense to anyone but me…lol) Anyway, I met this girl awhile back who not only is able to keep the ball going with me but who truly recognized, appreciated and nurtured the best in me. And I have found this love to be very different than any I’ve known before. So, all that to say this…I think love, real love, helps me to love myself, because it reflects the best in me. ‘Trust is a big thing too in love. You trust another, enough that you let them hold your heart, safe in the knowledge that they will care for it as much, or more than you would yourself.’ I completely agree with this but I also gotta admit that trusting another to this extent does not come easily to me. If someone takes my heart lightly once, they’ll probably do it again. And THAT scares the hell out of me. And I will add these thoughts… Love is…being honest, even when you know that it will change everything rewriting every script you’ve ever written for your life staying up to say goodnight at midnight, when you’ve gotta be up at 6:30 AM turning on the AC, just so you can sleep with the blanket ya named after her writing crappy poetry and not really caring as long as she responds having a kitten together looking at her picture and wondering how the hell ya got so lucky calling me just ‘cause her MG’s in the car hospital…lol watching the flicker of the lantern she sent, at 2:AM and feeling completely at ease seeing her in 59 hours, 3,540 minutes, 212,400 seconds wondering, when I’m gonna get nervous Hey Rodent Guy…Thanks for the good question(s). Trace…Thanks for the love. Forgetting all I'm lacking |
Sudhir Iyer Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
Posts 6943Mumbai, India : now in Belgium |
I can't say I have the right answers, but these are my opinions... you can take it as you like... thanks for the chance... Do you ever find it hard to love? ---> Not really, but then it begins with liking, enjoying (company/talks/jokes etc) and then loving (mostly in that order) So do you sometimes find it hard to love yourself? ---> That is more difficult to do, as I believe it is easier to love others than oneself. And if so, how do you get over the hump to love again? ---> This is often self-discovered, sometimes all it takes is a beautiful sunset, and a light breeze. Nature does help a lot, I believe. And what is love? ---> it is probably that undefinable object that we all seek, for reasons greater than unknown... now, you have the right to call me pathetic ![]() ![]() Regards, sudhir |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
wow..Tracey and Duncan..you have said it all...I love your definitions and am printing them out...You could probably turn those rsponses into a small booklet called "What Is Love" and I am sure it would sell...I can see many poems inspired by those words. M |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
I'm going to respond to each of you individually, and thank you for taking the time to reply to my questions. My reasoning behind this was two-fold: I wanted to explore, since love is pretty much the binding threads of the human race. It's amazing how many surges you can feel for someone, seemingly energy from outside yourself. And when it goes bad, it's amazing how even the darkest days seem to negate color completely, and just become a void. It can be high drama and subtle at the same time. It can rule your life, or you can try to rule it, and who knows how long it will last, or what to do when it's no longer there? I guess I think too much. ![]() This line of questioning in no way relates to my relationship with Lori, just my relationship with myself. Now, to reply! "I fall into your arms." [This message has been edited by bsquirrel (08-07-2002 12:39 PM).] |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
Kellie_Cantrell, it can be. But I think if love and happiness were the same thing, there would be no need for two different words describing it. "I fall into your arms." |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
Alexia, I've seen your other threads here ![]() ![]() "I fall into your arms." |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
Rascalx, I'm glad you liked my colored stones analogy. It just hit me while I was asking my question (and I ended up following it up with a poem in Open called Colored beach stones). But enough plugs. ![]() I like what you say about love affecting and shaping every face of your life, and your acknowledgement that it can be both good and bad. I think, when someone holds that much sway (aka power) over you, you realize how vulnerable you are. And if you hold the same over them, they must be vulnerable too. So I think love is a very adult emotion in that you have to accept vulnerabilities within others and yourself, in order to begin to understand the feelings you have. And to admit your vulnerable ... that can be hard. "I fall into your arms." |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
Butterfly Slippers ![]() Thank you for your sweet words about my poetry. And yes, I agree that's is so much easier to love someone else. But the thing with that is, when things go wrong, when there's an argument or a fight or an unbearable silence, it's hard to do anything but collapse, because that person you love is remote, and you are forced to draw on the strength of yourself, and find nothing there but numb realization that everything is falling apart. That's always been my problem. It's quite easy to love someone -- and not think of yourself at all -- when things are going great. But when a sour night dawns on you both, and she's sobbing, and you're grappling with what to say, and she's pushing you away ... I pretty much collapse, because I still haven't found that place in me that can accept something like this happening. And the other problem with little self-love is always blaming yourself when things do go wrong. At least, that's my problem. ![]() quote: I love your honesty, Janet Marie. *hug* "I fall into your arms." |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
Hi, Tracey. ![]() I completely agree with you about needing to differentiate need, dependency and infatuation from love. There's a line from a Gary Numan song called Metal that goes "I'm confusing love with need." But it's also a strange, wavering line. Because if you love someone, you do need them. It shouldn't be to the detriment of your own involvement and joy in life, but that need is there. And dependency, when things go wrong. I think the best sort of love is two independent people who love themselves so honestly and casually, it's like water running over stones -- small, quiet and beautiful. And I think when things go wrong, a wonderful thing about love is being able to join together into a bond stronger than anything you could ever manage apart. quote: What wise words from you, Tracey. Thank you for sharing them here. quote: Yes, I think trust is a huge part of love. If there's no trust, there's no love ... just a sort of whirling passion that's going to align itself to that crack of no-trust and slowly disintegrate into pieces. ![]() "I fall into your arms." |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
Hey, Duncan. Still workin' on that belltower idea. ![]() You brought up something I hadn't thought about -- that for some, love can be such a compromise, that you erase your personality in order to be with them. I've seen that happen many times with friends, and it's a hard thing for them to break out of (they can get very depressed when things go wrong, because now they have to rebuild themselves, not just the hole left by a sour relationship) I was like that a bit with my first relationship. I ended up throwing out CDs I liked, went to church with her a few times, stuff like that. But in the end, our differences were too great, and I valued myself a little bit too much to let him sink into the ether. quote: I like that analogy. ![]() quote: That's wonderful. I think by the wonder and awe and "How did it happen to me?" quality of what you wrote, it's obvious you've found love. I'm glad for you. ![]() And yes, trust is a tough issue. It *is* scary. It goes back to being vulnerable, and it's a feeling no one likes. But, again, without that trust, I think it's only a matter of time before things go sour. I think love should be about sharing everything -- your happinesses and your sadnesses alike -- and when you come up against that wall, that shield, it's very frustrating. Good luck to you! And I love your little list at the end. Love really is about the small moments (which turn out larger than the largest crisises you'll face) Thanks for such an in-depth response! "I fall into your arms." |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
Hi, Sudhir. ![]() Don't worry -- I don't think anyone has the right answers. I think love is too complicated be a simple question and answer, anyway. I'm glad you're able to love easily. I have the opposite problem. It's really hard for me to open up to people. I live a very closed-off sort of inner life. When I'm around people I like, I can be very warm and friendly and outgoing. But put me in a new situation, and it takes me a while to get my bearings -- to find the courage to even say "Hi." And I agree with you, that, when you do find love, it's easier to love her or him (or others) than yourself. It's tough to realize that in order to love her or him fully, you also have to have a passable interest in your own assets and deficiencies. And be comfortable with them. Ouch. And I completely agree with you on the healing affects of nature. That's my poetry bursts with rivers, snow, rain, trees, sun, moon, beaches, oceans, stones, sky and forests. quote: I like that line of thought. It's sort of, love transcends the body. And why do we seek that transcendence? For reasons greater than unknown. Hmm ... I'm gonna be thinking about this one a lot. Thank you. ![]() Mike "I fall into your arms." |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
Maureen, I'd be honored and pleased if any of these discussions sparked poetry. I love to inspire when I can. ![]() Mike "I fall into your arms." |
Anvrill Senior Member
since 2002-06-21
Posts 710in the interzone now |
Love is chaotic. To me, love is where like meets need. You really, really, really, really like a person? Fine, whatever. If you don't need them, it's never going to be anything but like. Of course, I've spent the past few years growing on songs filled with obsessive devotions. ![]() Love isn't always healthy or good. It can be a torturous little bugger. I used to fall in love--truly, inasmuch as a girl my age could--once a year. And my love was like a curse, it seemed. Ending in suicide, controlling relationships, major amounts of verbal abuse, neglect, and (for quite a while) unspoken rejection. The problem with the first four (the fifth worked out! And is working still) was that I needed them more than I needed myself. Of course, it took all that pain to begin to acknowledge myself at all. Now, I may not love myself, but I do have a healthy respect for myself, and that makes the whole loving others thing a lot easier. 'Course, I'm talking about romantic love here... I've never known or understood family love, and I see love of a friend as a severe bond of understanding minds. Anyway, that's my bit. Is this what you wanted me to be? |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
I love you so much, Lori... And I miss you. ![]() Mike |
Anvrill Senior Member
since 2002-06-21
Posts 710in the interzone now |
I love you too, baby. Romantic-love and friend-love. ![]() ![]() Is this what you wanted me to be? |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
*long kiss* God, I love you so much babygrrl. Immer und fur ewigkeit. I love you. |
Moon Dust![]() ![]()
since 1999-06-11
Posts 2177Skelmersdale, UK |
ok heres what i've learned in the past few years I find it hard to love a person weather it be friend love or romantic, because I have got to make sure I can trust them and if they can understand me. I love myself pretty easily now because I learned that it doesnt matter what anybody else thinks about me when they dont know me. And love is loving someone who you dont care what they've done, who they are, who you can understand and they understand you, who you can trust and not caring what any one else thinks. wether it be love for friends, family, pets or romantic love. If your afraid of the dark, then why did you come? |
secretlife Member
since 2002-07-30
Posts 359Grean Earth ,,, |
Well....LOVE???? That feelings we can't imagine it, before being in it...and if we test it, we will be living in another planet...The lovers planet...and u will know what I mean if u test the love very well ........... about if u can love urself?? well, I think its difficult for me,,that all I can say... Hope is response well.. Secretlife, (easy come,,Easy go) |
Dark Enchantress Senior Member
since 1999-07-27
Posts 1258meet Morgana |
"Do you ever find it hard to love?" Sometimes the concept is totally beyond me that I can't care that I don't know how to love. You see, years ago I was desperately in love with this guy to the point of just utter obsession. We had a bond that no one could touch and without question it was everything and the only thing that we ever had or needed. When I lost him.. I was suicidal for an entire month. It sounds silly.. I know.. but that's just how I felt. However.. I got over it.. over time.. I was myself.. stronger, smarter.. self-sufficent. So after all of this that I had endured and survived.. I found it hard to love and committ myself to anyone. 1) because I felt like nothing and no one could be depended upon as being lasting and 2) because I knew that I didn't NEED anyone... so it's difficult to love someone deeply.. when you keep thinking "but if it ends its no big deal". I always have one foot out the door. I've been with my current boyfriend for 2 years.. we've made progress.. but.. "I've heard told many times that in order to love others, you must love yourself. So do you sometimes find it hard to love yourself?" I used to find it VERY difficult to love myself. I thought I was worthless to everyone and like a death sentence to any man who might fall for me. I'm not 100% "I'm a great girlfriend" but I know that I'm a good person and I have a lot to offer. Actually I find myself being very self indulged, which can make it difficult to care about someone else's interests.. especially if they conflict with my own. "And if so, how do you get over the hump to love again?" I won't live a life where the foundation is fear. I will feel pain, but I will not become pain. I'm not a victim. Simple as that. I guess that's how I can kick my own ass into doing whatever I feel I need to do. "And what is love?" I think that there is many different types of love. Have you ever read "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte? Good example. I just believe that if you believe in love and you're willing to sacrifice your fears and your doubts then you can feel love. I think the reason people have so much difficulty with love is because they spend all their time trying to master it.. to control it. You can't. You simply can't. Love is too wild. It's too untame. So in a sense.. to be love.. you have to be wild too. Wild in the sense of just letting go.. probably the hardest thing to do of all.. to just let it be what it is.. Of course this is all just my opinion. I base it on my experiences.. either personal or from what I've observed.. I hope I gave you something worth reading. I'm married to Mr.Metaphor. We make love everyday. [This message has been edited by Dark Enchantress (08-12-2002 09:18 PM).] |
since 2001-06-07
Posts 164Sweet And Sassy |
Maybe that's why I've never really been in love. I don't think I really love myself yuh know? I mean i've had alot of boyfriends and some have lasted awhile, I mean i've liked them alot just never really loved any of them. hmm . I dont think i'm worth anything, for someone to fall in love with me. Ok, it's kinda hard to explain how I feel so oh well Later Alexia *Love might not make the world go round but it's what makes the ride worth while* |
since 2000-01-03
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Paul Wilson![]() ![]()
since 2002-07-07
Posts 4711United States |
bsquirrel... To me Love simply put is sharing with each other and giving more than you expect to receive...Paul |
Anvrill Senior Member
since 2002-06-21
Posts 710in the interzone now |
I don't think I can quite go with your definition, Paul.... Because I don't love all my friends, thankyouverymuch. ![]() Hm. Anyway, you will find that whilst in love, you may have to apologize for things that are in your own nature... Especially if that nature is self-destructive. So... i'll be waiting for you |
since 2000-06-03
Posts 9543The Shores of Alone |
Ya know,I think love is different for everyone. With me, I fnd it easy to happen, hard to hold on to. I usually love him more than me,which is never helpful. And my heart is in so many pieces now, I don't know if it will ever get over it eough to all the way love someone new. Seems unlikely. I like the colored stones too, I have to agree, it is a great description. If I were colored stones, they would be mostly black, with just the rare red one poking out. Sandra |
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855 |
You need to write in Dark more, Sandra. Thanks for sharin' your ideas, and also for the rainbow bridge website. And thanks all, for keeping this dialogue going. When I have more time, I'm going to try and respond to everyone individually again. |
brian madden Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 4374ireland |
I am afraid to love myself, my parents told me that it would make me go blind. seriously I don't know, here's a quote I like though "Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition. Alexander Smith" The sum of the angles of that rectangle is too monstrous to contemplate! |
MidnightSon Member
since 2002-05-15
Posts 312between the gutter & the stars |
i love myself. to the point of vanity....but no one really agrees with me, so i find it hard to stay in good spirits, ya know? ![]() i've fallen in love only three times. the third is just now starting to happen. i know because i'm deathly afraid to let it happen. because it never works out. (she DOES live in another state, but to hell with details....) and it's always easy to fall, but never so easy to stand back up, even if someone is there to hold on to. getting over the hump? it's like being drunk. only time can help. coffee, asprin, jumping jacks, loud music, and sleep may help... but they won't do it. you wake up everyday and it hurts a little less, and one day you wake up and it don't hurt at all. and like they say in Swingers, you miss the pain sometimes. for the same reason you miss the object of your affection. cause you live with it for that long. but somewhere in the midst ofthat you find someone new, and the vicious circle begins again. what is love...it's beenn described many different ways, but i gotta assume that it feels the same in all of us. it's kinda like peeing in you dreams... you may not know if it's real or not, but it's there nonetheless, sneaking up on you. and it's warming you and stinking you all at once. it's our struggle for identity that leaves us all unknown |
Moon Dust![]() ![]()
since 1999-06-11
Posts 2177Skelmersdale, UK |
I'd have to say that I think love feels the same for us all. It will be similar but I've loved more than one person and the feelings have been different. If your afraid of the dark, then why did you come? |
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