Feelings |
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pregnant, and confused!!!!!! |
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amber Member
since 1999-06-15
Posts 240los banos, ca, ![]() |
ive just found out recently that i am pregnant. i know that me and my finace will love this child with all of our hearts, but it hurts to know that it wont be accepted by many people, most of all our families. we have had our problems in the past, but we consider this gods way of letting us know that there is a reason we never gave up, and that we were ment to spend the rest of our lives together is that wrong? i have a really bad habit, because of things in the past of shutting people out whenever htey hurt me, and hardening my heart towards them. but he is the only person that i have ever allowed back in, and now we are going to have a family together. i just wish that everyone could accept that he makes me happy, and this isnt wrong to my heart. why do people try to force there views on me. they dont see all the good things that weve shared, they dont hear the i love yous, that after so long can still take my breathe away. still they try there hardest to make me unhappy, and it hurts so bad because they should be the ones that are supporting me, but im getting none of that from them. even my own mother. just confused and stressed i guess, thanks for your time. |
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DreamEvil Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 2396 |
You may have as much of my time as you need. I will be glad to help and be supportive of you, regardless of the past. Passions is here just for that purpose. Why can't they understand? Amber, people do not allow or accept change in others readily. Few will accept anyone who has changed. I can attest to that. Regardless, we are family now and we will be here for you. My word on that. ------------------ Pain is life, life is short, I will endure. DreamEvil© |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Concentrate on your baby. Teach him/her the right way to live. Your family will come around in time (who can resist a baby anyway, they're so cute!). How old are you? You might want to talk to Ladycat, she's also pregnant! Gosh two babies in the Passions family! I better start knitting some booties! Congratulations! (PS don't let anyone here help you name that baby - don't want him/her to be named Toerag!) ![]() |
RainbowGirl Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023United Kingdom |
Amber: Congratulations firstly on your baby conceived with so much love.. ![]() I have no answers as to why some people can't accept your happiness, but right now your hormones are probably adding to these feelings as well... I wish you all the love in the world and lots of heartfelt hugs...now please give that baby a kiss from me.. ![]() HUGS ------------------ You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. [This message has been edited by RainbowGirl (edited 09-13-99).] |
poetFemmeFatale Member Elite
since 1999-07-25
Posts 2646Arkansas |
Let me say this....I was raised in a very strict & religious home, (not that you'd see that by reading my stuff in Adult) ahem, but anyway on a more serious note...My parents were SO strict and always thumping away at that old saying "No sex before marriage" unfortunately, we are living in a different century now, and young people ARE doing it!! When I found out I was pregnant at the ripe old age of 21, (which in my family was unacceptable because of not being married) I just knew I could never tell anyone....I thought my parents & family would disown me - I was very wrong. At 5 months along, with no one knowing except me & my boyfriend (who had vanished 2 weeks after hearing the news) my father asked me one day, if there was something I needed to tell him. To make a long story short, although shocked and unable to speak for awhile, my family finally came around, realizing I was strong, and before too long, they too were excited, and helping in any way they could. Today my son is almost 5, and his "nana & cacaw" are his 2 best friends!! My folks love him now more than anyone - aside from me. I said all that to say this - don't give up hope, lean on your man while he's there, (be thankful he is) and have faith that your family will think it through and eventually "come around"...the first initial shock of the reality, is usually pretty tough on "strict" families at first...once they realize that they're not the first family this has happened to, they usually come around and see what a blessing it can be to have a new baby in the family - I pray they accept you with open arms soon, for it's them who's missing out ! In the meantime, be strong, and enjoy every minute of your pregnancy! You are a woman who possesses the gift of creating a new little face for us to enjoy....concentrate on the task at hand, and when things get tough, just think of that beautiful loving baby growing inside you, picture their tiny face, and remember that you're doing this for him/her...You're lucky to have a man by your side to help you through this....I pray he stays. My sincere congratulations to you, mom...e-mail me any time if you need to talk. You have a long road ahead of you, but a beautiful one. ------------------ I beckon you to come...I lure you with my tongue... - poet FemmeFatale |
Justbleu Member Elite
since 1999-08-31
Posts 3329Oregon, Originally From Alaska :) |
I understand what you are going through. Don't ever give up in something you believe in. I did, and it still is with me. That is wonderful that you are having a baby...with the man you love. Your friends and family will come around. I didn't trust that mine would. I ended it all. Now I just don't know. Me, I'd probably be married with a four year old right now!! But, I can't dwell on what I didn't do, nor second guess myself. So I keep going forward with a smile on my face!! ![]() This is great place...with a great group of people!! Congratulations!!!! ![]() Justbleu ------------------ "Is she living in a dream, Is she playing make-believe???" |
amber Member
since 1999-06-15
Posts 240los banos, ca, |
thank you all so much, i have a peice of mind at least to know that you are all there for me. it warms my heart and at the sam time astonishes me that people who have only known me for such a short time, have so much love to offer me. while the poeple who have been there a lifetime are so cold at the moment. through my poetry i have shared my deepest fears, my happiest moments, my entire soul with all of you, and now im sharing the most beautiful experience i could ever hope for with all of you. thank you so much agian for your concern. and my hope for everyone else to come around will never cease. thank you for your acceptance, it has been hard to find throughout my life, and i feel so at home with sharing my emotions here. i know i have said it a thousand times, but THANK YOU! from me and my baby, and my soon to be husband, we appreciate all of your support. |
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