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Open Poetry #23
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Cpat Hair
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0 posted 2002-10-23 08:37 AM

Hush please….
I do not mean to be ungrateful
Nor in any way rude
But you still whisper
And I have lost too many hours
Listening to your half heard
Then scribing meaning

Can you not let me rest
Living life as it seems others do
What demands are you now
Exacting of me
When I have said “no more”

I am sure many would
Hear you with joy
Telling your stories
Painting your woes
So why not seek them out
Or simply reply to those
That seek you?

I am not sufficient
And your toll has been painful
To pay or play.

I ask you once again
Hush these whispers
I am not a poet
I am …..

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brian sites
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1 posted 2002-10-23 08:51 AM

efforts to still the voice
just seem to make it louder
don't they?

I had some Great Teacher references
but wont lay that on you


maybe....let them come
and sometimes?
The Editor can take a break --
doesn't have to be there

liked this poem
a ponderer

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Listening to every heart
2 posted 2002-10-23 08:53 AM


Cpat Hair
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3 posted 2002-10-23 08:54 AM

if not editor..then scribe alone is more than today or anytime of late I have willingly embraced...

appreciate the time Brian...and the thoughts...

serenity blaze
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4 posted 2002-10-23 08:55 AM

hey you...

I know.
Be still
you must...
even christed
that dust
piles in pound
in form of hill
the mountain
of fulfill
that hermit
with a cane in hand
must sometimes seek--
I understand.

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Ala bam a
5 posted 2002-10-23 08:55 AM

there's this new drug called Viagra?...It works for Balladeer....(when he takes twice the dosage)....You really put alot of thought into your work...
Cpat Hair
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6 posted 2002-10-23 08:56 AM

Sunshine... yes Ma'am..I am trying very hard to do just that..hush... the quiet would serve me well...and ( chuckling) relieve the rest of you from my rambles.
Cpat Hair
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7 posted 2002-10-23 09:00 AM

Ser.... perhaps my mind a bit slow this day... but the things I read in your reply are indeed mixed messages...( chuckling)
always an experience to see your thoughts..and one that I enjoy a great deal. Thanks Sis..

Toe... really it works for him??? I'd heard it didn't work for everyone...especially some of those that didn't have much to work with in the beginning... maybe there is hope for me!!!!
A lot of thought? Heck no... I don't know how to think...if it wasn't for this book "how to cheat at writing poems and change your oil at the same time" I'd have never ventured out to write..

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8 posted 2002-10-23 09:24 AM


Not quite as "serene" as some poems
you write.

Well you could have at least made this
a multiple choice at the end........

I'd have to say then, this character
is simply  ~a man in love~

But my interpretation this week of other poems hasn't been quite on the mark....if there is such a thing as 'correct' interpretation

It also sounds like a tortured soul,
almost being taunted, or haunted?
Or, both!

Mysterious, to say the least.

Enjoy your poetry a geat deal.

Thanks, Pat  

..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
9 posted 2002-10-23 09:34 AM

They say silence is golden, enjoyed.

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Ala bam a
10 posted 2002-10-23 09:38 AM

Hey, I have that book...

Writin' poems is easy
I do it all the time,
Just drain the oil till it's dry
And wait for it to rhyme

The moderators will
Filter it just fine
Then rotate the tires and poem
To "adult" most every time.

[This message has been edited by Toerag (10-23-2002 09:56 AM).]

Cpat Hair
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11 posted 2002-10-23 09:39 AM

Pat: perhaps there are no right or wrong intrepetations of poetry..only opinions as to how the words spoke to you. In the person that reads is a set of codes..written by all life experiences they have been a part of..the words spoken or read then get interpeted through that system of codes to mean what they the person see of life. So interpeting a poem is personal..and how can yours be wrong?  

Multiple choice? ( chuckling) why give only the answers to choose from and limit the person reading? Life isn't that way most of the time...and I didn't want this one to be either...

thanks for the read..and the comments.. they are appreciated.

Cpat Hair
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12 posted 2002-10-23 09:41 AM

Sy.. thanks for the thoughts my friend.. and yes at times it is indeed golden.

Toe... I see you have the preface memorized!! I am impressed. ( now I said memorized cause I know you don't read yourself and this early in the day the missus isn't likely to have found her glasses to read to you)

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13 posted 2002-10-23 09:48 AM just reminded me of what I seem to be saying...all too often!

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14 posted 2002-10-23 09:48 AM

Ron. Smiling. Your tone here reminds me of that which generated some interesting chats at The Circle. Have you read Emerson's essay, "The Poet"? It may be online; many of his essays are. It helps. Thank you for sharing. Bob
Cpat Hair
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15 posted 2002-10-23 09:52 AM

Sunshine... well now, you shouldn't be thinking things like's coming on winter and we need all the sunshine we can get during those drear days...

Bob... I read that essay many years ago and could not begin to tell you anything about it today, so perhaps I should revisit it and see if indeed it means more to me now than it did then...many things do you know.. many things do...
thanks my friend...

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-16
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16 posted 2002-10-23 09:59 AM

as always, a delight to read, your responses to the responses, too!!!

sorry, though, I believe those deemed to be writers are deemed or is it doomed to be writers

that voice just keeps going off in their heads and when we be still, louder still is the voice

Whether on the shoal or on the shore,
I'll seek the lighthouse evermore.

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Listening to every heart
17 posted 2002-10-23 10:04 AM

Yes, Sir!

Cpat Hair
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18 posted 2002-10-23 10:16 AM

VAS... many thanks for the words... they are indeed a pleasure as well to read. I have known you for some time now, and have never said it, but have nejoyed so much watching your style mature and your writing improve... you now capture images with a deft grace, yet maintain a sense of humor that is at times child like in inoccence...

keep on writing my friend....
Sunshine..( chuckling) about time you listened to me!!!!

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Member Seraphic
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19 posted 2002-10-23 10:43 AM

I am sure many would
Hear you with joy
Telling your stories
Painting your woes
So why not seek them out
Or simply reply to those
That seek you?

LOL... our muses seem to take perverse joy in visiting when they like... regardless of our convenience or wishes. *S* But there's no use denying... you ARE a poet... and the silence would become uncomfortable were it granted? *G*

I thoroughly enjoyed the poem... and the responses. LOL

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20 posted 2002-10-23 10:46 AM


Do not hush the voices
they are part of you wanting out
let them speak  your mind with quill
and then the words will quiet 'till
another night in hope of sleep
they speak the place in which you weep

You have too much to say, my friend...that I, for one, want to hear.

Cpat Hair
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21 posted 2002-10-23 10:49 AM

Suthern... now your statement of me being a poet IS open to debate...( chuckling) If'n you ask some people that is just not so...and if'n you ask me..I'd tell you I am not a poet. I do not think I have ever written a poem...they have all written me.
Since I was not the one taking an active part in the can not logically be said I am a poet.. ( smiling)
As for the silence... I'm not so sure it would be a bad thing. Perhaps in learning to live with it and in exploring the depths of can if not explain to others at least understand inside themselves much more of the "all" we seem to seek.

thank you for the time and for the comments they are appreciated a great deal...

Cpat Hair
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22 posted 2002-10-23 10:53 AM

Martie my friend...
  first...a hug to you for your recent loss and a thought for you and your family of peace...

secondly... your verse is lovely.. as well as touching. Silencing the words is at times not a choice but a need... I feel a heavy need to silence them for now if not for longer. We will see as we all know life is as life is... so we wait..and we live it..

hugs again.. just because I like to ( laughing) and it makes Toe jealous.... he thinks he can hug all the women here... or is that deer.... oh yeah.. I think it is both of them....

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
23 posted 2002-10-23 11:30 AM

May I say, that this has been quite a learning experience for me!---your poem, the replies you have received, and most especially the replies that you have given.

Thank you so very much! Lots for me to assimilate and internalize!

~ You ARE a poet--and a fine one at that, dear Cpat! ~


Cpat Hair
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24 posted 2002-10-23 11:37 AM

EA... you are far too kind as have many people here seem to be, to call the drivel I write poems and to say I am a poet.. thank you and thanks to all who may have thought so or said so..

as for the assimilate... just a few thoughts for you...

In the beginning
there were words

boulder strewn stream talking
to a gurgle of passing time
they lay beneath it all
waiting only for  storm rushed
flood to uncover them
so they could float
surface bound and burst
mud bubbled ways
as they floated

In the middle
the pools are deeper
and sudden rush of storm
disturbs the bottom less
leaving what has settled
in undisturbed lie

Stream beds change
as do you
and I

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25 posted 2002-10-23 11:46 AM

......weary. There I finished for you. Here's to hoped for peace.
Cpat Hair
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26 posted 2002-10-23 12:20 PM

RS... see there you are... saying in one word what it has taken me hundreds in this thread to convey... why is it we have to add all the wrappings around the feel or thought and then ( like I am now) discuss it at length in order for us to feel justified that we have endeavored to explain?

the wish for peace... that I thank you for.
the demons we all live with can be managed I am sure... but at the least we can try.

Deputy Moderator 5 Tours
Member Rara Avis
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27 posted 2002-10-23 12:31 PM

So the end of Iambe
was the end of another thing, too?
That makes two new beginnings, then.

Do whatcha want with 'em. I'll still be yr friend.

Cpat Hair
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28 posted 2002-10-23 12:36 PM

Mikey..... who knows? Perhaps some prose in my future... a run at short stories that have no future ( chuckling) perhaps just a wait and a letting settle of dusty seasons then again embracing the form so generously attributed by some as poetry.. as for friends..why would that change?

Life is getting in my way... work not being the least of as life changes so do we...

I'll be around I'm sure as old habits are hard to break and reading the words of some people on here is as addictive as anything I have ever done ( no I'm not telling what I have or have not done in the past...and as for inhaling.. no comment.)

Love ya bud... ( chuckling)

Soleil Noir
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29 posted 2002-10-23 12:45 PM

Seems like everyone
has a comment in the hushed
moment ~ an interlude,
if you will,
on a quiet,

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Member Laureate
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30 posted 2002-10-23 12:57 PM

Cpat, thank you so much for the fine lesson in poetry you have given your poem and your replies. I especially like the reply above to Linda. Thanks.

Love to All,

Cpat Hair
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Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
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31 posted 2002-10-23 01:25 PM

Soliel Noir....

I am at a loss of words to reply. Not a usual thing for me...but what begs saying pulls another poem..and I'm trying to quit you know ( smiling) Heartfelt thanks for showing up....

Ethel.. Lessons? Surely you jest!!! ( smiling) One can't teach what one doesn't know...and I know little... so how in the world could I have given you lessons? I'd say you knew much more than I... and perhaps what you thought were lessons were indeed only you listening to what was inside you.. what you already knew. Thank you for the all of the kind replies and the kind words..

OK... so one more time the words win..

I saw him reach
back pocket bulging
to pay for the next
and thought of how
we are always reaching to pay

I felt the spin..
they were talking to me
inside the swirl waiting
unguarded moment to
in advantage leap

Lashing out
my tongue refused to speak
but torment remained

I reached for my back pocket
knowing I had again to pay
for next



lay gentle the sounds
against places
you treasure
and listen for
that which is not

this song soft
in tenor
is not forgot

and in tender
feel the lips mouth words
abandonded for meaning
take form again


Soleil Noir
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32 posted 2002-10-23 01:38 PM the hush remains
almost as quiet
as the tender breath
warmed by the slightest touch
of lip to cheek
in the gray day, sleep again

sleep again,

and curl warm
in combined hush...

Cpat Hair
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Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
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33 posted 2002-10-23 01:47 PM

(smiling) I knew I would be outdone by your words.... or is that undone?

I hear the words to answer. but deny them the form to exit and answer, so for you a hug and a hope you find the curl of next to warm your grey days and nights.

thanks for the words and thoughts... they are always warm...

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