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since 2001-01-14
Posts 141
Brooksville, KY, USA

0 posted 2001-01-22 01:00 PM

In defense of winter’s bite
I’d like to set the record right!
What gave you cause to hate the season?
Have you even got a reason?

Sometimes it just makes me mad
To see the people oh so sad
About the winter weather, cold.
C’mon, people, why so bold?

The snow it is a blessing, soft
Fallen from angels aloft!
Why so glum?  Please don’t despair
The snow’s as soft as angel hair.

Can’t you see the miracle
Of snow fall, so lyrical?
It’s like a tale from long ago,
Lifting all our thoughts of woe.

Why do you think the cold a sin?
You moan and groan when it begins
To snow, if just a flurry now…
This makes you sad?  Oh, but how!?

When I see the snow I often think
Of how low the heart within me sinks
But then I know I’ll be alright…
Snow is such a lovely sight!

So next you think the snow a mess
Shut your mouth, give it a rest!
It hasn’t done a thing to you
But give you such a lovely view!

~The hardest thing is watching the one you love... love someone else.~

© Copyright 2001 WinterTalon - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
Posts 9082
Victoria Australia
1 posted 2001-01-22 03:36 PM

Enjoyed the write, I did not support the opinion. Not everyone lives in a gentle part of the world and if people wish to complain through poetry...Well it's a free world here, as you have just demonstrated.

Those of us who refuse to risk and grow get swallowed up by life. Patty Hansen.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
2 posted 2001-01-22 04:21 PM

Hi there,
This is a good expression here.   I think I know what sparked it, or at least part of what did.   Check your e-mail for a clarification on some things.  

Can I be your willful breeze,
Come to touch,
Your heart to ease?

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Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937
East Lansing, MI USA
3 posted 2001-01-22 06:35 PM

It's about time someone stood up and said that they liked the snow!!!

PE, you have no idea how long I've been trying to get these people to see the beauty of winter. . . but all they can do is complain about driving through it and scraping it off their shoes. . . sheesh!!  LOL

I can see that you're trying to get them to see the beauty of Winter. . . that you know all about the driving and things like that. . . but that you see the wonderfulness of a white Winter's morning. . .the crispness of the chilled air. . . the silence of snowfall. . .

Wonderful. . .  


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

4 posted 2001-01-22 08:14 PM

I don't hate the winter or the snow, PE, just have a fear since I broke my arm falling on ice....understandable, I think, especially since I have to go out to work on ice coated streets. So I'm always glad when I don't have to deal with it. If I could stay home and gaze at its beauty out my window, as some people can, I wouldn't mind if it snowed all winter!   But so what if some people have different preferences as to weather? Different strokes for different folks, right? It would be a boring world if we were all the same!


since 2001-01-14
Posts 141
Brooksville, KY, USA
5 posted 2001-01-22 10:13 PM

Sorry, peeps, I'm stickin' to my guns on this one.  This is my first year driving in the Winter.  And while it can be pretty tricky (when my mom LETS me drive *grumbles*), i still find more beauty in it.  Think of it like this: Love is beautiful, yet has the potential to wound very deeply, to the point of wishing for death.  Yet how many regret love?  You may regret u fell in love, but how can u regret the way it made u feel inside???

~The hardest thing is watching the one you love... love someone else.~

Member Elite
since 2000-09-16
Posts 2061
6 posted 2001-01-22 11:02 PM

Well, I will tell ya what...I normally like the winter, but lately I've been nothing but under the weather!  So, it's pretty much chilled me to the bone this year!  But, I'm not usually against winter, cuz I love sweaters and the warm fuzzy clothes...however, autumn is my personal favorite...
Strong poem.  I like it.


Never leave me, never go...
I need you here, I need to know...
You will always be
Close to me

since 2001-01-20
Posts 104

7 posted 2001-01-22 11:38 PM

Oh Bah Hum Bug,
Let me tell ya what me thinks,
Me thinks the snow stinks,
It makes me drive spinning around
It makes me make angels while on the ground.
It makes me laugh while sliding down the hill
It makes me have fun and makes time stand still.
Now why would anyone want that?
Just kiddin..
Your write is great but a little strong..ya think?
Very Nice

Senior Member
since 2000-07-11
Posts 1777
West Virginia
8 posted 2001-01-22 11:48 PM

Cool Poem! Awww this whole winter thing is something but actually it depends on the person and not everyone sees the same thing. Just because we all can look at the sky does not mean we all see blue, white and even clouds. Some can see beyond that. Also, to some people it is a burden which is understandable. Here in WV., winters are bitter and a lot of snow. It's very hard on the children and the elderly. To me it is beautiful and I can handle it but I believe I would pick a spring morning anyday or even a summer evening.  


Sauni :)
Have you ever known the color grey when the nighttime finds you weak
I have, I've walked that road each time; that's where my angel sleeps

since 2001-01-14
Posts 141
Brooksville, KY, USA
9 posted 2001-01-23 05:38 PM

Hehe, yeah, I know.  Winters in KY can be pretty harsh.  We have hot, humid summers and frigid, cold winters.  But I love it all the same.  Thanks for the replies!

~The hardest thing is watching the one you love... love someone else.~

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