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since 1999-08-15
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Sitting in Michael's Lap

0 posted 1999-10-27 02:11 AM

Do you have an alter-ego? A proverbial "evil twin" that manifests itself at odd intervals in your life, perhaps without rhyme or reason, and changes your persona so completely that you don't even recognize yourself? I know I do -- and I assert that most of us do, even if we don't realize or acknowledge it.

To those of you who might be doubtful of my mental health after reading that last sentence, allow me to assure you that I have run the gamut of psychological professionals, and have never been diagnosed with anything more serious than the occasional acute case of depression (which quickly abated when the person whose actions were the cause of said depression was killed in a horrific car accident, when he wrapped his car around a perfectly inanimate concrete telephone pole while driving drunk -- heheheheh). But I digress -- my point was, I'm sane, or as sane as any creature could be under the circumstances (I've been given guarantees regarding the truth of this assertion, to the tune of $250 an hour).

So, what then is responsible for my "Jekyll and Hyde" nature? Assuredly, my alter-ego's entire world-view is entirely different from what I consider to be my own; "she" is quite capable of being considered a completely separate "person", if one's definition of person extended only to the mental and emotional aspects of a thinking being, without regard for the physical. Physically, we two are one; I do not adopt a different form when "possessed" by my evil twin; however, I have noted that several changes in the personal, physical habits of our shared body occur when one personality takes over for another, leading me to believe that even the physical can come under the influence of this bizarre bipolarity. Carriage changes --- I walk straight-backed, she slouches; I walk with long, leisurely strides while she tends to mince steps and scuttle about in a rush -- add to this a profound change in manner of speech and even tone and volume of voice, and you have the makings of a sci-fi thriller.

I think, in many ways, she is the personification of emotions that I have always tended to suppress. I am an unrelenting and brutally honest individual; she is a pacifist and a peacekeeper. I am sexually quite aggressive -- she is submissive to the point of servility. I am a cynical realist: she is a dreamer and a poet, trusting in the basic goodness of all man and the world besides. She is everything I swore I never would be -- and yet she is more a part of me than anyone in the world can ever be. She is my pride and my shame, my fellow and my folly -- she is me.

You cannot choose the way of your death, but the path you choose will determine its own end.

© Copyright 1999 Linda Anderson - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
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1 posted 1999-10-27 02:49 AM

I can attest to the veracity of humanity's tendency towards duality. In the extreme.

Now and forever, my heart hears ~one voice~.

Senior Member
since 1999-10-13
Posts 1606

2 posted 1999-10-27 03:25 AM

Under the right circumstances I think we all,wether or not we admit it,have dual personas.Very thought provoking piece.

Illusion...what we see and what we's all up to you.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
3 posted 1999-10-27 04:41 AM

I admit it freely, and go so far as to say that it shows through quite vividly! I don't think your're insane at all...let me rephrase that...I don't think you're any more insane than the rest of us, (perhaps less so than some, like that guy Christopher...he's a nut job!) It's the manner in which you control these alter egos which determines their power, which determines your sanity. I think that by recognizing them, you dull their bite a bit...great read BTW!
Systematic Decay
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since 1999-09-15
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That place with padded walls and funny people in white.........
4 posted 1999-11-01 08:48 PM

Kess, this is a wonderful piece....I know I have two personalities....the kind, caring, loving one, and the cold, apathetic, detchaed one. I really love your writing style.

Thinking is just what a great many people think they are doing when they are merely rearranging their predjudices.

Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
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Ontario, Canada
5 posted 1999-11-01 11:19 PM

Hmmm...It seems that i am the only one to disagree with you here. I am who I am. I am a thousand things wrapped up into one being. There is no "taking over" in my life. (maybe that is because I am a control freak...with myself not others!) I truely enjoy having a good time and letting loose but at the same time I am a planer. I am a contradiction.

This does not mean that I believe I have several "people" living inside me. Having several sides to a whole is what being human is about. IMHO

New Member
since 1999-11-03
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Oakland, CA USA
6 posted 1999-11-03 01:41 AM

gee, i have one too! only mine is real! ugh!
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