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Open Poetry #39
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Junior Member
since 2006-08-31
Posts 37

0 posted 2006-09-03 08:01 PM

Im leaving you behind

Or maybe Im leading myself blind

Im leaving you behind

Because I thought you would always be mine

Im leaving you behind

So you can have your moment to shine

You left me behind

You left me for the very last time

They say nothing lasts forever

But they say never say never

They say nothing lasts forever

But one day I know well be together

Did you die?

Or did you find death to be a lie?

I will see you again

I just dont know when it begins

I will see you again

I just dont know how it ends

I will see you again

I will see you my forgotten friend

© Copyright 2006 Norband Rennik - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2006-06-06
Posts 513

1 posted 2006-09-04 08:50 PM WRITE!!!!


Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
2 posted 2006-09-04 08:52 PM

This can be seen both as an internal write,
and an external acknowledgement of growth.

I have to agree with Pen&'s a good write!

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