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Open Poetry #46
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Cpat Hair
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
Posts 11793

0 posted 2010-06-28 08:30 AM

Waking from dreams is the grate of fingernail
Upon smooth slate and I shivered unconsciously
Unable to embrace the connection of light and day
In such a way I could read or reproduce the glyph
It formed along the lines I began to write
With the rustle of clothes and the sound of water
To splash upon my face

The knock upon my door was faint
And I knew without opening it my companion
Would be standing the other side
Dressed in jacket and fine woolen suit
Waiting for me to rise

“Yes?” I asked as I leaned towards the mirror
and closed my eyes, trying once again
to capture some moment of dream
before it left me to the charts and words
I knew would be today

She came to me… the words she had spoken
The ones holding me to dreams this morn

“Break fast my g’man” my companion called
“We’ll eat in the library if it pleases you”

‘Yes, of course” I replied and added
“I’ll be right down”

I heard her whisper

The moon is all love and murder,
judgment, the perennial raid
of conscience, a battery of light
opens like a snow-blossom
in the downward drift of death,

Once, you held me in your arms all night,
like a sled into the void
signed your name along my back,
lassoes of Indian ink wrapped
around knots of bone; secrets
written in magenta trawls
of nails over skin, blackberries
raised along their scarlet vines,
wherever I turn, burn
the golden cymbals of judgment,
summoning forth the torturers of light~

Falling into the words I remembered how I
Had not always been the best of hope
Or the fairest of demanding with my own ghosts
Haunting the center of my mind

Some images always came to what I could not write

The knock again…and I opened my eyes
To look in the mirror at the sweat that beaded
Upon my forehead

“Hurry m’friend, or it will all be cold”
he chuckled as I heard him gift me with
the sound of steps receding down the hall

I reached to the mirror and touched her face
Looking as it was at me with a sadness of eyes
And a resignation of rabbit holes and decks of cards
Of madness and of jokes of tea and of parties
Never held in an ever land of dreams

And for a moment once again
   I felt the joined vowels
The way some syllables and words could touch
Uniquely along the curves
And for moments and ampersands
Be inclusive

My lips whispered softly without thinking

Always~~~ &

© Copyright 2010 Cpat Hair - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2006-07-24
Posts 1631

1 posted 2010-06-28 10:00 AM

~adoring eyes~



Cpat Hair
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
Posts 11793

2 posted 2010-06-28 10:17 AM

Thanks ma'am... you've seen these all before..  but thank you for looking in....
Dark Stranger
Member Patricius
since 2001-03-19
Posts 13631
West Coast
3 posted 2010-06-28 01:05 PM

I enjoy how the hallway sucks the intrusive sounds that would break into this dream...I know you don't say that, but it is there is a moat of empty outside ..a pleasure to read
Cpat Hair
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
Posts 11793

4 posted 2010-06-28 01:14 PM

Thanks Sir... it was intended that there be a feeling of isolation, even as the intrusive sounds and the inevitable "knock"

truly appreciate your eyes, and a humble thanks

Member Ascendant
since 2000-12-22
Posts 6088
standing on a shadow's lace
5 posted 2010-06-29 08:35 PM

would you please publish?
i would buy 2 of everything
one to read
and one to keep

Cpat Hair
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
Posts 11793

6 posted 2010-06-30 08:03 AM

ah~~ well my thoughts on publishing haven't changed I am afraid...
1. I have never believed I was good enough to publish
2. Why have ot buy it when you can read it for free here
But you kindness..and the thought the words are enjoyed... is enough ma'am

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
7 posted 2010-06-30 03:46 PM

Some images always came to what I could not write


Came, and continue to come along...

It's always good, in your writings.

Got the email, but my reply to you bounced back...addy no good?

Senior Member
since 2006-07-24
Posts 1631

8 posted 2010-06-30 07:13 PM

**clears her throat**

~begging to differ re your thoughts about publishing~

i'll say no more



Cpat Hair
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
Posts 11793

9 posted 2010-07-01 08:42 AM

Thanks Ms Sun... glad you found something to enjoy...
try the message thing again. I updated an e-mail addy.

Cpat Hair
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
Posts 11793

10 posted 2010-07-01 08:43 AM

Ms Belle...
I know you and I disagree on the subject...  and I always appreciate your confidence.
Thank you little one

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