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Mistletoe Angel
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0 posted 2004-09-14 04:06 PM

(Just a little preamble! This song doesn't suggest that the government is always wrong, just that when we believe in our hearts there is irresponsibility, like right now, then it is up to the people to try and figure it out and allow the government to take responsibility. This doesn't honor all whistleblowers, per se, as some indeed have fabrications of their own, but rather that I believe we all have a little of the whistleblower in us, that we are capable of taking responsibility and it's almost as though when we do so, we're governing the government, and both we and the government become better and more efficently productive. )

By: Noah Eaton

we're all inhaling the plutonium meatloaf,
spreading across our lungs to the lymph node,
knowing the harrowing disease doesn't require an bioassay kit.

no longer will we need Quaalude to count sheep,
custom-made war on assembly machines,
hope we can stand now with our necks free of tension...

Don't you want to be a whistleblower,
don't you want unauthorized disclosure,
Silkwood's gloves and Ellsberg's watch are on the line.
Are they arranging their own punishment in silence,
all we hear before we sleep is cyclamate defiance,
run the X-ray by one more time.

you mark my words as required to be irrefutable,
stare through my eyes and see the cancer probable,
behind you there's a silent movie genocide in progress...

Don't you want to be a whistleblower,
don't you want unauthorized disclosure,
Silkwood's gloves and Ellsberg's watch are on the line.
Are they arranging their own punishment in silence,
all we hear before we sleep is cyclamate defiance,
run the X-ray by one more time.

why would freedom hate a freedom fighter,
could we run away from this yellow card torture,
how would you like to make a stand against the paper mill?

Don't you want to be a whistleblower,
don't you want unauthorized disclosure,
Silkwood's gloves and Ellsberg's watch are on the line.
Are they arranging their own punishment in silence,
all we hear before we sleep is cyclamate defiance,
run the X-ray by one more time...
run it by me one more time...
run it by me one more time...
run it by me one more time...

"You'll find something that's enough to keep you
But if the bright lights don't receive you
You should turn yourself around and come back home" MB20

© Copyright 2004 Nadia Lockheart - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2004-09-14 04:08 PM

You're an excellent writer Noah...and you tackle the tough stuff...stuff we so often don't want to think about

Thanks for sharing Noah

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since 2003-12-21
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2 posted 2004-09-14 04:27 PM

The problem is reality an some people out there know it but if you told people they would never believe you.

How many people realise that every warship has a citadel.

When did we pass that information to a fishing fleet or when for profit did they build their ships with something like one.


Mistletoe Angel
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3 posted 2004-09-14 04:28 PM

Thanks, Copperbell! (angel friendship hugs)

It is such a tough thing to talk about, and I hate talking about politics more than any other thing. However, in times of crises, I feel it is my obligatory role to participate if my heart truly feels something is wrong.

Some of the language here is very rough. I feel I have to be honest about it, because if I use more of an euphemism, that may get others to feel otherwise and there would be in the atmosphere less of a concern. I truly believe this generation yearns for a more effective whistleblower, as many, like myself, truly feels Iraq is Vietnam #2 but we haven't yet seen someone who has given the major testament like Daniel Ellsberg did in Vietnam.

This is America, and I believe we are all destined for greatness, and we can inspire and change the world. This song has two takes; the more downbeat notion that while our corrupt government continues to mislead, there hasn't been an "irrefutable whistleblower", and the more upbeat notion that we are all whistleblowers inside and perhaps the next great hero is just around the corner.)

Thanks Dave! (angel friendship hugs)

That's just something I was thinking too. There are some people I personally find very inspiring that have done so much in recent times, like Michael Moore, but the problem is when he spliced the footage in Bowling for Columbine of Heston speaking, ever since many can't take him seriously anymore, as much as I found "Fahrenheit 911" overall believable, and now it'll be difficult for him to convince everyone of "the awful truth".

Others like Richard Clarke strike to many as just doing what he did for profit.

What we really need is someone with that kind of old soul but a fresh face I suppose, but what do I know? It may well be the opposite, the need of someone with that youthful spirit still radiating through the smile of a man of the world.

Noah Eaton

"You'll find something that's enough to keep you
But if the bright lights don't receive you
You should turn yourself around and come back home" MB20

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4 posted 2004-09-14 04:37 PM


The world is there and despite 1939 - 1945 it is still there.

No one country controls the world anyone who disagrees it not be be considered weak.

People fight all the time around the world from a queue that shouldn't happen to lying politicians and those living in sewers that dont work.

The world is not asleep and hopefully not under control freaks.

When did Russia or China get invaded - how many died in Poland as the US refused the UK to go in and Russia watched and prevented anything that mattered - 1/4 of a million people was the final estimate.


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since 2003-12-21
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5 posted 2004-09-14 04:38 PM


The world is there and despite 1939 - 1945 it is still there.

No one country controls the world anyone who disagrees it not be be considered weak.

People fight all the time around the world from a queue that shouldn't happen to lying politicians and those living in sewers that dont work.

The world is not asleep and hopefully not under control freaks.

When did Russia or China get invaded - how many died in Poland as the US refused the UK to go in and Russia watched and prevented anything that mattered - 1/4 of a million people was the final estimate.


Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
6 posted 2004-09-14 04:47 PM

Dearest Dave, I'm not here to discuss what began happening 65 years ago. I am just a frustrated anthropologist, and believe personally that it is the people who make history, not the events. Events just happen, but I feel we are the spiking horse that lets them occur.

I won't argue what happened then, that was tragic. But it isn't the point I was initially making. We can discuss matters like this in the Alley or elsewhere, for as much as I believe in freedom of speech and this is an Open forum and I believe political poetry is acceptable here, I also believe this is the wrong place for debate. This particular forum is more about the poems and our own editorial type of voices.

Thank you for your most gracious comments, dearest friend!

Noah Eaton

"You'll find something that's enough to keep you
But if the bright lights don't receive you
You should turn yourself around and come back home" MB20

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