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Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon

0 posted 2004-09-07 04:45 PM


By: Noah Eaton
Please don't measure your height,
because you too may feel petrified,
when you compare yourself to the sky.
Birds without wings we are indeed,
just trying to remember and perceive,
the way we used to let it be...
Raising the white flag above our heads
We're marching outside of single-file
Inside a world deprived of its beauty.
Forgetting how it is to love and care
Trimming its notion
When love is no kind of haircut...
Your mother said you were so headstrong.
But sometimes you can't make it on your own so long,
and you find yourself troubled and missing.
And everyone knows just who you are
But they're all just strangers amongst the stars,
that are incapable of feeling...
Raising the white flag above our heads
We're marching outside of single-file
Inside a world deprived of its beauty.
Forgetting how it is to love and care
Trimming its notion
When love is no kind of haircut...
Bright lights shine down the streets
But when you see the people cashing in their chips,
you wish someone would just put the city to sleep.
Urban cowboys and lone rangers
Becoming solicitors and chaffers,
when they see their legends wrapped in cerecloth...
Where college students have their dreams,
but obligations outnumber opportunities,
then wonder if that bachelor degree ever meant anything.
Where rodeo clowns and drag queens are just like me and you...
They just want someone...
. justify their worth and love...
Wouldn't it be beautiful,
if we could all walk barefoot,
and feel the water wash our feet
But until the boots come off,
the tire fire will rage on,
seems there's no use putting out the flame...
Raising the white flag above our heads
We're marching outside of single-file
Inside a world deprived of its beauty
Forgetting how it is to love and care
Trimming its notion
When love is no kind of haircut...
Raising the white flag above our heads
We're marching outside of single-file
Inside a world deprived of its beauty
Forgetting how it is to love and care
Trimming its notion
When love is no kind of haircut...
Raising the white flag above our heads
We're marching outside of single-file
Inside a world deprived of its beauty
Forgetting how it is to love and care
Trimming its notion
When love is no kind of haircut...
And when I see my sisters cry...
I realize...
...we've never known freedom...
...and when I hear the trumpets wail...
I realize...
...we've never known freedom...
...but still I speak to Jesus...
...there's still enough time to reconcile...

"You'll find something that's enough to keep you
But if the bright lights don't receive you
You should turn yourself around and come back home" MB20

© Copyright 2004 Nadia Lockheart - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2003-11-29
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Portland, OR
1 posted 2004-09-07 05:46 PM

There are always second chances, but sometimes, they are given to us in a way that we may not understand. There will be time for you.
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2 posted 2004-09-07 11:09 PM

very good   i love your visuals

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Member Patricius
since 2001-08-31
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just out of reach
3 posted 2004-09-07 11:17 PM

...but still I speak to Jesus...
...there's still enough time to reconcile...

Yes, Noah, let us all pray that there is still enough time. Enjoyed this interesting write. Hugs, Chris

since 2004-09-06
Posts 138
California, United States
4 posted 2004-09-08 02:17 AM


- Haze

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
5 posted 2004-09-08 02:23 AM

Amen, seconded.  Noah, I wonder, too, and I believe creativity is the answer to destruction.  *hugs to you Angel*
Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
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Realms of Light
6 posted 2004-09-08 09:59 AM

"Wouldn't it be beautiful,
if we could all walk barefoot,
and feel the water wash our feet"

~ Yes, symbolically it would. In actuality, I do!

"And when I see my sisters cry...
I realize...
...we've never known freedom..."

~ On several levels, this is sadly true.

Noah, may the White Light of God protect you always, my friend.

Love & Light,

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