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Senior Member
since 2000-03-03
Posts 796

0 posted 2000-03-18 12:57 PM

Dangerous Games

They always say it is innocent
nothing but simple wordplay
Tossed back and forth in fun
with whomever will join

Sly innuendoes fill the air
as thrills are quickly gathered
like priceless trinkets
Empty treasures
somehow savored

But in the background
a heart is filled with pain
brought about by the game
The wordplay became real

Now it cuts like a dull knife
every selfish comment
tossed around like confetti
is another twist of the blade
thrusting a little deeper

When one’s heart is open
words are never innocent
They can heal
or they can maim
And once the game starts
you’ve already lost

© 3/18/00
Gary Pence

 Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
-Edgar Allen Poe

© Copyright 2000 Gary - All Rights Reserved
Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

1 posted 2000-03-18 04:56 PM

But in the background
a heart is filled with pain
brought about by the game
The wordplay became real

Now it cuts like a dull knife
every selfish comment
tossed around like confetti
is another twist of the blade
thrusting a little deeper
ah yes...when our words become weapons...
words of wisdom, lessons to live by in this piece...
very good work Gary...
take care, jm

 Now for me some words come easy
But I know that they don't mean that much
Compared with the things that are said when lovers touch
You never knew what I loved in you
I don't know what you loved in me
Maybe the picture of somebody you were hoping I might be
jackson browne

Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296
Sunny Queensland
2 posted 2000-03-18 07:09 PM

Gary this was wonderful, somehow reminded me of a chat room romance?  I'm probably wrong there... but either way the hurt and the confusion still show.  Well done  

 May the world hug you today,
With it's warmth and love.
I pray it whispers a joyful tune in your heart,
That tell you there is a friend sitting in another corner of the world,
Wishing you well and
wishing you love......
(Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit)

Senior Member
since 2000-03-03
Posts 796
3 posted 2000-03-18 07:20 PM

Thank you JM and Isis. Just my opinion of careless and excessive flirtation. It often leads to heartache for someone.

 Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
-Edgar Allen Poe

Broken Wings
since 2000-03-18
Posts 157
Miami, FL.
4 posted 2000-03-18 07:55 PM

This is very nicely done. It also reminded me of chat rooms. It seems that many people don't understand, that on the other side of the screen there is a soul that can be scarred.
take care
Broken Wings  

 "As you learn and grow, you will realize the greater the pain, the greater the growth."

Senior Member
since 2000-03-03
Posts 796
5 posted 2000-03-18 10:13 PM

Thank you BW...this poem was inspired by message boards and forums, but it applies to chat rooms as well.  
Aiden Kelly
since 2000-02-14
Posts 148
Ft. Wayne, IN USA
6 posted 2000-03-18 11:08 PM

there are a couple of meanings to be taken from this poem...i like that!  maybe you are speaking of jokes, innuendos, flirtation but at times it seemed more like verbal assault/abuse.  something which can cut so deep....

i'm not a big fan of chat rooms, etc. but this is so common in everyday many people who don't take the time to listen and care about each much hurt, selfishness...words are deadly weaponry.

'Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will break my heart.' ~Robert Fulghum

Senior Member
since 2000-03-03
Posts 796
7 posted 2000-03-18 11:21 PM

Thanks Aiden! Primarily what I am talking about here is when one pledges their love to another, and then goes off to flirt with someone else. I've been a victim of that, as many others have. That's why I stopped visiting chat rooms along time ago.

 Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
-Edgar Allen Poe

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336
Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
8 posted 2000-03-19 12:30 PM

Nice writing Jonas...yes when someones heart is open or soft they can be gullible or easily hurt by someone with a hard or uncaring heart.   James
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