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Ontario, CANADA

0 posted 2002-12-19 11:37 PM

The Haunting

I still remember the stench of your gangrene gauze flesh
and how I had to watch you lying there, helpless, decaying, amputated hope,
and how the hospital gift shop didn’t sell red capes that day
so there was nothing that I could do to save you.
And sometimes, when you appear in dreams,
I can still hear the echo of your screams
as you cradle your severed leg like a stillborn baby in your arms.

And still, I can feel the intensity of how hard and long I prayed to God
to seep the pain from your wounds and sew it into my own skin
but, He never answered
and I had to see the tears fall from your weary old eyes,
pouring and sobbing with the rain in my heart
and haunting my every day with your memory…

So perhaps He did answer my prayer afterall.

By Melissa Long-Monette

For my Grandma Phyllis Long,
who passed away on June 15, 1996
from stomach cancer, and severe diabetes
with one leg amputated past the knee cap down

© Copyright 2002 Melissa P. Long-Monette - All Rights Reserved
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By the sea
1 posted 2002-12-20 12:02 PM

Melissa, dear friend, this spoke to me more than you could understand.  I saw my own father and mother while they were in the hospital and how I wished, like a child, that I could take their pain for them.  This is incredible writing, powerful.  

Hugs, a and Merry Christmas to you, sweetie

The stars will shine when I am gone,
the earth will turn on as before,
the gulls, still race along the shore,
the morning star, still kiss the dawn

since 2002-12-18
Posts 85
2 posted 2002-12-20 12:45 PM

this one hits home, I work at a Rehab and Nursing center, and I deal with the elderly on an everyday basis, as well as with their pains.  I bet your grandma prayed everyday that YOU would never have to feel that kind of pain.  Take care and God Bless!!


Member Patricius
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By the Seaside
3 posted 2002-12-20 12:54 PM

Dear Melissa~ I felt your pain as if it were my own.  My Dad was a diabetic all of his life.  He lost his eye sight and also had a leg amputated due to gangrene and was told he might never walk again with his seeing eye dog.  But he persevered and remained active in the blind community and the optimist club.  In looking back I have to believe his strong will and sense of humor played an enormous part in getting past the obstacles that confronted him.  Sadly, he passed away before his grand children were born, just about the time I was coming into womanhood if you will.  I have so many cherished memories of he and I, and like you I am haunted by them at times.  I draw on his strength, his love and his ability to accept what he could not change for that was to be my inheritance and my most treasured keepsake for all of my days.  

Bless you Melissa~    

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
4 posted 2002-12-20 01:09 AM

Intense and hard-hitting, Melissa. You painted a picture many of us have seen, unfortunately. I'm sorry you had to be one.  You depict it very realistically...
passing shadows
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5 posted 2002-12-20 03:23 AM

I have been there too, and I feel for you, sending prayers and hugs your way.
Mistletoe Angel
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6 posted 2002-12-20 03:27 AM

(big hugggssssssss) God Bless You, sweet friend, I'm so sorry to hear of this as I can't imagine how saddening and painful that can feel, but know she will always love you and now she is free and always guiding you with her light and love! (wipes tears) I send angel hugs of comfort your way and to your family, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Melissa, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"Underneath your clothes there's an endless story..."


Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
7 posted 2002-12-21 03:08 PM

This one touches deeply and hits very close to home.
My dad is a diabetic as well and has also had a leg
amputated just below the knee.
This brought back many memories of watching him
go through such pain and being helpless to do
anything about it.
Thank you for sharing this.

"...until you have read the verse on his heart,
you have not truly met the poet.

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
8 posted 2002-12-21 03:51 PM

Your writing ability transfixed me to the screen. And dignity is what we are all looking for. Excellent write.

Bill Charles
Member Patricius
since 2000-07-11
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highways, & byways, for now
9 posted 2002-12-21 04:13 PM

Honeybee - a haunting write it is. Sorry to hear about your loss...


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