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0 posted 2006-07-08 01:54 AM

long link to cartoon

I'm all for free speech; however, this recent cartoon from the Arizona Republic newspaper (which sells heavily on military bases in central and western Arizona) goes to the extreme. It's not just that it is a Marine Emblem being used, rather ANY emblem for ANY service should be protected from being used in such a manner.

"... the rest is silence"
from the song The Flesh Failures

[Edited to fix long link - Ron]

[This message has been edited by Ron (07-08-2006 12:12 PM).]

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Member Patricius
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1 posted 2006-07-08 02:23 AM

Ringo, I agree this was done in very, very bad is demoralizing.  Despite the deplorable rendition...freedom of speech/expression is something I do not want to see changed.  People should take it upon themselves to boycott the vendor and write letters to the editor condeming the cartoon.  My first husband was a Marine and my brother-in-law was one, too.  This would have made both of them fighting mad but I don't believe either of them would have said people don't have the right to express their dissent, even if it is something like this; that was a right those guys signed up and sworn to protect.  But, I totally agree that this is very disrepectful and dishonors our service men and women.    
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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2 posted 2006-07-08 08:27 AM

I lived in Arizona for a long time and Benson's political cartoons have always been very harsh. I think he's trying to get a reaction out of people by this - and it seems to be working.

Freedom of speech is our right under the Constitution. It's also the right for those who's viewpoints differ from ours. He has the right to do this - to use the emblem. But WE have the right to complain to the newspapers editors if it offends us.

It's interesting to look at political cartoons of the past - even 200 years ago they were doing some of the same things!

Member Rara Avis
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3 posted 2006-07-08 12:10 PM

In a word, yes.
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4 posted 2006-07-09 05:13 PM

As much as I dislike what was done with the Marine emblem, YES, it should be allowed.

Marge Tindal
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5 posted 2006-07-09 08:18 PM

Yes, it should be allowed~

This is America ... we don't have to like it, and most of us won't ... but the freedoms we know include the freedom of expression, whether we agree with it or not~

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6 posted 2006-07-09 08:52 PM

And I agree that while we all have freedom of speech,

it is still OUR own freedom of speech that we have the right to display, not just the politicos, nor the pundit writers, nor the wordsmith of the day.

If we believe such an exhibition of our Countrymen is wrong, then say so.  Write to the editor...for Goodness Sake, our own local editor recently "dismissed" Ann Coulter for her displays.

Right or wrong; our Freedoms must be preserved!  It is up to the reader to determine right, from wrong.

Member Patricius
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7 posted 2006-07-11 09:36 AM

agreeing with everyone else...freedom of speech is the foundation of our take one away is to open a can of worms to other things...who decides which and what?  Could Prove Very dangerous...although unfortunately, there are the extremists who always take things to the next level, sensationalists....abusing the nature of our emotional side, to gain attention....with some very bad stuff...

Mistletoe Angel
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8 posted 2006-07-11 01:19 PM

It's like what Kyle said on a recent two-part South Park episode titled "Cartoon Wars", satiricizing the whole Danish cartoon fiasco, where he rushes to Fox Studios to stop an episode of "Family Guy" featuring Mohammad to be aired, and argues for freedom of speech and goes after the hypocrisy of political correctness:


"Yes, people can get hurt. That's how terrorism works. But if you give in to that, Doug, you're allowing terrorism to work."

"Either it's all OK, or none of it is. Do the right thing."


Did I mention, by the way, that Mohammed DID indeed appear in a previous South Park episode titled "Super Best Friends"?

Regarding both this and this marine emblem controversy, I think it is quite disrespectful what both the Danish cartoonists in the former and what Benson has done in the latter and don't agree with what they do, but nonetheless believe they have the right to say what they want.

It's like what I say in the Cindy Sheehan thread. Some of the recent things she's said are very troubling just like what Ann Coulter, Ward Churchill and Pat Robertson says, but they have the right to say as they wish, while we have the right not to listen as well.

Noah Eaton

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9 posted 2006-07-11 08:18 PM

The only thing that it should be allowed is a place in a garbage dump.
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