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0 posted 2004-05-28 09:33 AM

I hate hate HATE those juicy fruit commercials where that poor guy is enjoying life and playing a happy tune on his guitar, but some ruffians come and smash his guitar and say "sweet" and then enjoy a piece of juicy fruit between themselves.

Who is Juicy Fruit trying to market to?  Aggressive thugs?

It really gets on my nerves.

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Kit McCallum
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1 posted 2004-05-28 10:23 AM

All I had to do was read the title Brian, and I see you feel the same way as me, lol.

No, I don't like those commercials at all for the same reason.

Among several others, I also can't stand the new McDonald's salad commercials.  Are they selling women with T-shirt slogans or salad? I'm not "lovin' it".  

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
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2 posted 2004-05-28 10:33 AM

I have not had the pleasure of seeing these commercials...

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3 posted 2004-05-28 12:21 PM

There are like, two, good Juicy Fruit commercials..

One takes place at a birthday party, where the little girl's pinata let's out the gum, and the pinata jumps down and chases her around wanting the gum back.

Another one is older, but it's a spoof of a children's television show.. A woman and a guy in a whale suit come out singing, "Sharing is Caring".. The whale notices Juicy Fruit in her pocket and steals it, then starts running away..She runs after him and pummels him, then his spout just shoots out water. Hahahaha!

I don't know, I always thought those two were pure hilarity. I haven't seen the one you're talking about.. I'd probably hate it, too.

Member Rara Avis
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4 posted 2004-05-28 02:53 PM

and people wonder why i don't watch television...
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5 posted 2004-05-28 04:36 PM

Gum comercials don't make much sense to begin with,,,,,,the commercials I hate,,,are those Mentos ones!! Holy maccaroni BatMan,,,,they crawl right up my nose!


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Member Rara Avis
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6 posted 2004-05-28 05:00 PM

I agree Bri, I hate the commercial for the same reason. What a lovely demographic to sel to.
There are only two commercials I can stand to sit through when I do watch tv, the two Dairy queen commercials, the one with the baby and the one with the fiery hot sandwich

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7 posted 2004-05-29 02:24 PM

Hey at least they've pulled that comercial with the guy and the dog that starts making out with him. I hate that one.
I agree about the Juicy Fruit ones though. They just don't make sense to me @_@

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8 posted 2004-05-29 05:11 PM

not seen the ads...=really confused!

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9 posted 2004-05-29 11:48 PM

Yea...the only juicy fruit commercial i like is the one with the pinata.

Who has ever seem the recent commercials for Quiznos Sub? Uhhh....

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